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"Indian Variant" is a racist term, here's why

As new strains of the #Coronavirus emerge, they are being named in a racist, and wrongful way. The government has named the latest strain of #Covid-19 the "Indian Variant".

Naming these new strains of the Coronavirus is bound to cause discrimination, and racism because people will fear certain people because of their ethnic origin, and even their skin colour, or religion.

Attacks can even happen against people because of their ethnicity because people have previously been coughed on, spat at, abused, and racially attacked because of the way the government had broadcasted the Coronavirus strain, racially attacking the Chinese.

For example, former #US president, Donald #Trump, called the first Covid-19 strain "the Chinese virus", and "Kung-Flu", which is racist, and discriminatory, as well as being unfair.

The way the strains are being named by many governments is likely to cause unprovoked hatred against certain ethnic groups, and may also incite racial assaults. The names also increase the chances of certain ethnic groups being discriminated against, or worse.


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