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Littlehampton school pupil left 'fuming' after Zoom taxi driver uses his mobile phone

Updated: May 30, 2021

A school student currently attending 'Releasing Potential School' has been left raging after his taxi driver had used his mobile phone.

Student Dwayne Hards was travelling with his taxi driver on his way home from his "school". When he heard the taxi driver's phone ringing on the passenger front seat, then the taxi driver picked up his mobile phone, and answered it.

Dwayne Hards has been left fuming at his "school", and the taxi firm 'Zoom' because Dwayne is very strict when it comes to safety, especially road safety, and Dwayne knows that using a mobile phone behind the wheel is against the law, and highly dangerous/irresponsible, un-professional.

Dwayne H has said: "It is highly disturbing that in two of the many taxis in which I have travelled, both of them have used their phones. The taxi driver needs a minimum sanction of 6 points, and a £200 fine (at least), as well as being struck off from his job for endangering other road users, and his passengers, he should also lose his job for gross-misconduct.
I never thought I would enter a car with a driver whom would use their hand-held mobile phone, however, I have been very unlucky to have been in a car with two dangerous drivers, it is disgusting quite frankly. He needs the sack.
Drivers think driving whilst on their phones is #safe because they are selfish, and feel in control, however, the fact is, accidents can, and do happen, and they kill, especially whilst they are distracted."

Zoom has currently taken no action against the taxi driver, and is still transporting children to, and from school. Zoom has failed to take the necessary steps to keep their passengers, and other road users safe, as well as failing to serve justice for his criminal actions. Zoom in Dwayne's experience is "a bad #taxi company".

Releasing Potential has a duty to ensure that their students are safe travelling to, and from school. Releasing Potential, and #Zoom have failed to take the necessary steps to ensure that the students in school-funded transport were with a new, and safe taxi driver because the driver ILLEGALY used his mobile phone, even worse with school pupils on board.

Dwayne has Autism, ADHD, and Aggression and Mood Fluctuation Disorder which was on the taxi company's records, and the driver knew #Dwayne had a previous taxi driver in Milton Keynes whom used his phone, and is anxious which makes the situation even worse because the taxi used his phone regardless of Dwayne's worries, road safety, #school children's safety/passengers, and the #law/decent moral decency. He needs, points, a fine, and being struck-off from his position as a "safe taxi driver".

Dwayne Hards is advising all residents of West Sussex, and any other areas in which Zoom runs taxis to not use Zoom as their taxi company because they are unsafe, dangerous, and irresponsible, as well being unwilling to punish wrongdoing from their drivers.

Statement from: Dwayne's Parent

Zoom is not an #Autism friendly taxi company at all, as well as being unsafe. dangerous, and ignorant because they were aware of Dwayne's worries, and the risk to his passengers from an SEN school, and other road users, ignorance is bliss. Do not choose Zoom, instead, choose another taxi company.

If you have any issues in your area, especially community news like this (for example a taxi driver using their phone) then please email, and we will get in touch with you to discuss, and hopefully publish your news report, ideally we would prefer proof, however, this is not a standard LCN requirement, it is instead is an advisory preferred guideline.

#Zoom taxi driver's name: Phil.

UPDATE: As far as we know, West Sussex County Council have not been notified about this incident.


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