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Dwayne Hards✅
Nov 7, 20211 min read
Hundreds of daily drivers flout Norfolk Road's double yellow lines
Hundreds of drivers flout the double yellow lines outside of #Londis on #Norfolk Road most days and there is barely a traffic warden in...

Oct 2, 20211 min read
How bad is bullying, and how can we help prevent it?
Bullying has affected almost everyone, s we need to stand up to bullies so that they don't take the absolute piss out of us. Bullying has...

Jul 3, 20212 min read
The face mask "rule" is totalitarian, unlawful, and does not work. Here's why. #MasksOff
The #UK's #government has unlawfully coerced people to wear a face covering, this has been done through the threat of law, enforcement,...

Jun 10, 20211 min read
Thousands of Littlehampton drivers run/ignore Norfolk Gardens Stop Sign
Tons of #Littlehampton drivers have failed to come to a complete stop before proceeding past the stop sign's white line. Many drivers...

May 30, 20211 min read
Boris Johnson admits to breaking international law
Boris Johnson called his law-breaking "absolutely vital to prevent the 'break up' of our country". Mr McAllister said: "The British bill...

May 25, 20211 min read
UK: Can a minor legally view a 12, 15, or 18 rated movie?
In the United Kingdom (#UK), there is no specific #law that states that "it is illegal to 'view' a movie underage", cinemas however under...

Apr 29, 20213 min read
Littlehampton school pupil left 'fuming' after Zoom taxi driver uses his mobile phone
A school student currently attending 'Releasing Potential School' has been left raging after his taxi driver had used his mobile phone....

Dec 19, 20202 min read
Littlehampton Community News's Covid-19 Leaders Statement
Coronavirus Guidance Happy Holidays to all in West #Sussex and in any other part of the world, my name is Dwayne Hards and I am proudly...

Dec 14, 20201 min read
Where does your litter really go when you drop it?
#littering #litterbug #enforce #law #YouTube #Science #Campaign Today you will learn where this 7up bottlecap would go in reality if it...
Aug 21, 20201 min read
What is the International Law on Corporal Punishment?
Firstly no #child should have to suffer being beaten this should have never been allowed all because of peoples religion and culture...
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