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UK: Can a minor legally view a 12, 15, or 18 rated movie?

In the United Kingdom (#UK), there is no specific #law that states that "it is illegal to 'view' a movie underage", cinemas however under civil contracts/licencing laws CANNOT allow a minor to view a movie underage.

In a private setting (e.g. any home) movie ratings are 'advisory', however, some believe that allowing a minor to view an 'underage movie' in some circumstances could be seen as "unfit, or irresponsible parenting".

In a cinema, a minor, or the parents are in no breach of the law viewing a movie 'underage'. It is the cinema whom would be in breach of licensing laws, and civil contacts, and as a result, they may get sued. At most, this would be a civil case, not a criminal prosecution against the cinema.

Organisations could sanction a cinema for showing minors 'underage films', providing that the sanctions were legal, and met international/domestic law/legislation.

Personal discretion should be used.

Morality is different from the law.

If you are unsure about a certain situation, please contact a solicitor, as #LCN are not legal advisors. This is a guide only, as laws change all the time.


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