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UK | Covid has Brits sleepwalking into a totalitarian state

Writer: LCN ✅LCN ✅

Updated: Mar 13, 2021

Former Supreme Court Judge: Jonathan Sumption has warned of creeping totalitarianism in the British government’s actions dealing with the coronavirus "pandemic", which he says threaten the constitutional system and its freedoms.

(Cc) Facebook

It seems quite disturbing that a majority Brits are willing to surrender their civil rights at a whim whenever #Boris demands them to. The lockdown restrictions break international law because all individuals have the right to 'freedom of movement' as stated in article 13 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

According to Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person, Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state, Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

The government have without a doubt broken national UK law, international law whilst imposing the void "restrictions". A high majority of the fines imposed on individuals were not relevant in any shape or form in relation to saving lives because there is very little risk if any at all walking your dog up a country footpath with very few people present for example, even where the fines are issued where there is a greater risk of infecting others, these are still illegal and can have the police who issued you with the fine sued under civil rights laws.

If Brits continue to follow the "restrictions" whenever Boris slams them down, this may have them sleepwalking their way into a totalitarian government state which they will likely regret in the foreseeable future.

It is vital that people stand up to the government and refuse to pay their void fines, people should also refuse to follow police's void order(s) to "leave the area and go home" or to "keep a 2m social distance" or to tell them what exempts you from wearing a face covering. Police have no right to ask you why you are not wearing a face covering because this is a hate crime, they may not ask you for your exemption, proof of exemption either. You have the 'right to remain silent', police cannot use your silence as a way to reasonably suspect that you have committed a criminal offense.

It is never a symptom of a healthy democracy when the government demands that citizens stay confined in their homes and parliament rubber-stamps it into law, then disbands for weeks. But as the government say to attempt to justify themselves "these are not normal times". The extreme measures used to illegally contain the spread of coronavirus suspends many liberties of a free society, including the right to move around the country and assemble. The political shift looks wildly authoritarian.

I have commented the following on Sussex Police's Facebook Post.

"@Sussex Police I am appalled by Sarah's death, I also understand that not every police officer is a murderer/criminal, in fact only one officer out of every 7 major forces at very worst, it is a very rare occurrence. I just have one worry so I am going to explain and hope that my views will be heard and appreciated. I get very anxious when I think about the way that the virus is being handled by govt, I also have #ASD which makes me quite angry when I hear that people are being fined, and whilst I understand and appreciate that this is not the police's fault entirely, I do however believe that the police need to be more mindful and aware when issuing FPN's. I do not believe that fines save lives, I believe that they are a way of making revenue for the Tories (govt). I believe that the police need to be more aware on the laws that limit their powers for example the United Nations: Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the UK laws that govern the public's human rights. Fines should only be issued when absolutely necessary for example spitting, or intentionally endangering others for example leaving your home with symptoms, which is utterly disgraceful and highly selfish. I am not putting the blame on the police, in fact I get worried that the government's failings and unlawful orders will have the blame unfairly pinpointed on the police. The police or anyone else MUST not ask "WHY", when asking if you are required to wear a mask, they can however ask "would you like to wear a mask sir/madam/mx?", or "are you willing to wear a mask ...?", after this their part is done, no further action should be taken. The equality act 2010 defines discrimination on disabilities, I have seen clips on YouTube of police breaking the law by forcing entry without warrants, following people around, breaking civil law, asking WHY in relation to masks, illegally detaining people, this worries me a lot, because this is wrong and illegal. The police cannot lawfully stop a peaceful protest. Please take this on board Sussex Police. I would really like for your officers to be made more aware on the use of fines/enforcement, not just for our benefit but for your reputation as well. Thank You for taking the time to consider and acknowledge my thoughts. Yours Sincerely: Dwayne Hards."

Stay Out, Know Your Rights, Save Rights.

Dwayne Hards


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