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1576 items found for ""

  • Many Littlehampton dog walkers ignore beach's "dog ban"

    Dozens of #Littlehampton dog walkers have, and are ignoring the the "no dogs on the beach" 'rule'. The by-law is in force from #May 1st, to #September 30th. Many residents have criticised the 'rule', and have said, "it doesn't make sense because people make more mess than dogs ever do, so, why don't we just ban people from the coast as well".

  • Arun District Council have mowed Norfolk Gardens's grass patches

    Arun District #Council have been mowing #Norfolk Gardens's grass patches in #Littlehampton. Many Littlehampton residents appreciate the council's work, whereas others are disappointed.

  • Littlehampton's tide was out late this morning

    #Littlehampton's tide was out quite away this morning. The tide gradually made it's way back in, this afternoon.

  • Littlehampton beachgoers warned 'to swim between the flags'

    #Littlehampton beachgoers have been warned 'to swim between the flags' amid strong currents. The warning is clear, it is encouraged by signage, reminders, and flags. Swimmers are also warned not to swim, or bathe in the #ocean.

  • Fire engine in attendance to Littlehampton, near The Oyster Pond

    A fire engine was parked, with it's blue emergency lights on, in an attendance to an unknown emergency. The fire engine left at exactly 11:30, this morning.

  • Arun District Council officers patrol Littlehampton's coast in a green car

    Arun District #Council officers are patrolling #Littlehampton's coast, and beach for any illegal activities, and as a deterrent for disorderly behaviour. The Council officers will enforce crime by issuing advice/warnings to offenders, calling the #police on law-breakers, and by engaging with the public, as well as other enforcement tactics.

  • Beachgoers warned of strong currents in Littlehampton today

    #Littlehampton beachgoers are warned not to swim, or bathe in the ocean today amid strong currents. The warning is clearly signed in prohibited areas, and is in place amid health, and safety concerns.

  • 1900's Three pence coin found metal detecting in Littlehampton

    A three pence coin has been found upon in The Oyster Pond, #Littlehampton, #UK. The old 1960's coin was found by Dwayne Hards, both #LCN's founder, and a keen metal detectorist.

  • Littlehampton road still currently remains closed

    A road in #Littlehampton, near The Oyster Pond, still remains shut off to both cyclists, and motorists. Many Littlehampton residents support the road closure amid health, and safety concerns for pedestrians.

  • Littlehampton's miniature coastal train is less populated today

    The #Littlehampton's miniature coastal train is less populated today, and there is practically no younger passengers this afternoon. The train's popularity varies day by day. The weather is often poorer, therefor, the train would most likely be less populated.

  • What is the brightest planet in our solar system?

    Planet #Venus is the solar system's brightest planet because the planet reflects light from our #Sun's rays. When this planet can be seen from #Earth, it is the most brightest planet in our skies. #Space

  • Dwayne explains how much he misses his passed fish

    Dwayne Hards is feeling devastated at the loss of his pet fish, Dwayne has looked after his fish well, and cannot understand "why it happened to me". Dwayne said: "I am very upset at my fish's death, and cannot understand why it happened to me." "This has made me feel incredibly sad, and has made me sadder about life in general." "I hope my passed fish has the best life as is possible in heaven, and I will see you again in the future." Dwayne has: #Autism, and #ADHD, and is thirteen years old. If anyone has an experience with losing a pet, please email: And please include how you felt, how you dealt with it, and some advice, because we must all support each other through one's tough times. Alternatively, you can message our #Facebook, or #Twitter page instead with your story. Dwayne's fish passed away today, #Monday, 28 #June, 2021.

  • Chichester poppy field draws hundreds of fascinated visitors

    A #Chichester poppy field, full of red poppies, draws hundreds of fascinated visitors to view the plants. The poppy field is said to be one of the most amazing highlights in the county of #Sussex. The pair of car parks were soon crowded with many cars, as well as the confined road near to the car parks, on Town Lane. Sightseers are warned not to trespass onto any private property.

  • BREAKING NEWS: Matt Hancock steps down as health secretary

    Matt Hancock, former health secretary, has resigned yesterday evening amid his 'hypocritical' breach of his own lockdown "restrictions". Matt Hancock had cheated on his wife, Martha Hancock, to have a relationship with his government assistant, Gina Coladangelo. And in doing so, he broke his own social distancing guidance by kissing his adviser. Matt Hancock said: "We owe it to people who have sacrificed so much in this pandemic to be honest when we have let them down, as I have done by breaching the guidance." Laurence Fox, leader of the Reclaim Party, said: "The government don't even obey their own rules. Matt Hancock fondled some young lassie while you're not allowed to hug your mum, and dad." Labour has demanded Matt Hancock be fired, however, Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, refused to sack the former health secretary. Instead, Matt Hancock resigned from his position as health secretary. The new health secretary is: Sajid Javid. #MattHancock #Labour #ReclaimParty #LaurenceFox #Politics #Conservatives #ToryCorruption #GinaColadangelo #UK

  • World's first ever disabled astronaut to be hired for the European Space Agency

    #European #Space Agency Chief, Josef Aschbacher, would like to hire the world's first disabled astronaut, and would like to hire many more female astronauts as well. The European Space Agency is appealing for anyone with any physical impairments to request to join the agency, as well as being part of their goal to visit #Mars, or the #Moon. The Space Agency would like to give people with disabilities the chance to fulfil their dreams to become an astronaut, and to prove that having a disability does make you any less important, or capable.

  • Scientific evidence found of a historic Coronavirus epidemic 20,000 years ago in East Asia

    Scientific evidence has been found proving a #Coronavirus epidemic took place 20,000 years ago in East #Asia. This ancient epidemic was quite similar to the global #Covid-19 outbreak in relation to breathing, and many other effects. Scientists are unsure as to how people lived their lives during the epidemic in East Asia.

  • Marilyn Manson faces charges for assaulting a cameraman

    Marilyn Manson, an #American singer, is due to hand himself in to face criminal charges for assaulting a cameraman taking videos in Los Angeles, #USA. Marilyn Manson has been suspected of going for a cameraman at one of his concerts, New Hampshire, 18th #August, 2019. Marilyn Manson is set to surrender to a warrant in Los Angeles at Laconia District Court. The case will go ahead when the singer surrenders himself. This court case may take until late August.

  • Safety: Littlehampton waste, and recycling centre closes amid probable Covid-19 infection

    The #Littlehampton waste, and recycling centre has closed for safety reasons amid a probable #Covid-19 infection. The closure of the Littlehampton waste centre was done as a 'precaution', said West #Sussex County #Council. Residents are asked to visit the #Chichester waste centre instead amid health, and safety. West Sussex County Council have said 'sorry' for any troubles caused. The closure will last for this weekend, said West Sussex County Council.

  • Drink driver leaves car, and beer can behind after their vehicle crashed upside down

    A drink driver is currently on the run from the police after they left their upside down vehicle, and beer can behind. #Sussex #Police officer, Tom Van Der Wee, has said the car was overturned, and abandoned in #Worthing. A police spokesperson said: "One crew from Worthing attended to assist with the incident. No persons were trapped, and we left the scene at 1.47am."

  • Matt Hancock confesses to breaching his own 'social distancing' "rules" to have a 'date'

    Health secretary, Matt Hancock, has confessed to breaching his own 'social distancing' "rules" to have a 'date'. Back in #May, both Matt Hancock, and Gina Coladangelo, were kissing at Hancock's Whitehall Office. Matt Hancock has confessed to flouting his own 'social distancing' guidelines, and has refused to resign after #Labour advised.

  • Can speed cameras, or police officers hide with a speed camera/gun?

    Can speed cameras, or police officers hide with a speed camera? The answer is, yes. Speed cameras, or police staff have the legal/moral right to catch speeding drivers, whether there are signs, or not. It also doesn't matter whether they hide, for example, if a police officer wants to hide in a bush with a speed camera, then this would be fine. Am I allowed a ten-percent leeway by law? No, speeding by any amount/percentage is still a crime, and going one mile over the legal speed limit can, and should have you dealt with (fined, and points added to your license). However, some #police forces have a two/three mile per hour tolerance guideline, this is not law, and is only advice. Forces can still fine you for driving by any percentage over the posted speed limit. According to "If you get caught driving at 31mph, to 40mph in a 30mph zone, you'll probably get a fine of 50% of your weekly income. You'll also probably get three points on your licence."

  • 77 Year-old man robbed in Littlehampton

    An elderly man, 77, has been robbed in #Littlehampton. The elderly man had his watch robbed from him. Detective Constable, Jamie Carruthers, said: "We have received several reports of thefts, and attempted thefts of high value watches in the West #Sussex area recently." "We believe that various individuals are responsible for these thefts." "We are urging residents to be vigilant if approached by a stranger, and urge anyone who witnesses any suspicious behaviour to come forwards."

  • Littlehampton practically empty this afternoon

    #Littlehampton is empty in many areas, especially the coast, this afternoon. The coast is especially less populated than usual this afternoon amid the not so nice summer weather.

  • Littlehampton's coastal car park is almost empty today

    The #Littlehampton coast's car park is almost empty this afternoon. The Littlehampton town is also less populated in general this afternoon.

  • Man convinced he saw a shark in Sussex's ocean

    A man is convinced that he has seen a shark in the ocean, in Bexhill, East #Sussex. Tom Hunt claims that he had seen the shark at around 07.30: AM/07.45: AM. Tom saw the shark slowly swimming towards #Hastings for around thirty minutes. Tom said that he saw a couple down at the beach at the same time.

  • West Sussex Fire Service respond to a store on fire

    Yesterday evening, West Sussex Fire Service were in attendance to a supermarket in West #Sussex that was on fire. The fire service were in attendance to the fire incident at 8.37:PM, in Chapel Road, #Worthing, #UK. West Sussex Fire, and Rescue Service believe that the fire was caused by accident, and was not intentional.

  • Littlehampton's seaside car park busier amid the scorching summer weather

    The #Littlehampton seafront's car park is busier today amid the scorching summer weather. The coast's car park is practically empty during the miserable, and cold weather, however, because the weather is hotter now, the beach has become more popular as families have a nice day out on the beach, therefor the car park is busier.

  • Littlehampton road near The Oyster Pond shut off to motorists, and cyclists

    The road right next to The Oyster Pond in #Littlehampton has been shut off to both cyclists, and motorists. Traffic has also been diverted to the right. The reason traffic has been diverted is currently not known by Littlehampton #Community #News, however, if #LCN receives any more information, this will be published on our news website. #OysterPond

  • West Sussex Fire Service are visiting homes to offer safety advice

    West #Sussex Fire, and Rescue Service are carrying out visits to multiple homes across the county because there have been many fire related incidents in West Sussex. The firepersons whom visit your home will offer you free safety guidance/advice, install/set up your smoke alarm (if necessary), and they will do many other free health, and safety checks to ensure that your home is as safe as possible. If the fire service need to check your home for faulty alarms/safety hazards, the sessions typically are around 45 minutes long. One of the main pieces of advice that they give is in relation to smoking, and safety. West Sussex Fire Service visited Dwayne's home today, asking if the smoke alarms were checked regularly, the fire alarms were safe, and the fire service did not feel the need to go any further with safety because the home was safe, and sound.

  • Littlehampton: 'Edge By The Sea Café' customers return amid today's 'nice' summer weather

    The 'Edge By The Sea Café' customers have returned amid today's 'nice' summer weather. The café may not be the busiest of times today, however, it is busier during the nicer months/days because during the hot weather, the customers enjoy to have a 'nice' relax, and a drink.

  • Littlehampton: The ocean is looking 'stunning' amid the light blue water, and warm summer weather

    The #Littlehampton ocean is looking 'stunning' amid the sea's light blue water, and the warm summer weather. The Littlehampton seafront is gradually becoming busier, and busier amid the hot summer weather. Today in Littlehampton, the weather is eighteen degrees Celsius. The weather is also partially clouded.

  • How many planets are there in our universe?

    Throughout our entire universe, there are exactly thirteen planets, that we know about. #Space #Mars #Earth

  • Horsham assault results in five males being arrested

    A man was attacked in his own car because five males got into the driver's car thinking it was a taxi. #Sussex #Police officers were in attendance to the scene amid reports of an assault. A Sussex Police spokes lady said: “The group left the area in two separate vehicles. Police carried out a number of fast-time enquiries, and swiftly arrested five men on suspicion of affray in the Causeway, in #Horsham." “The men, aged between 24, and 32, and all from areas outside of Sussex, remain in custody at this time." “Police continue to carry out high-visibility patrols in Southwater to identify, and deter any criminal, and anti-social behaviour.” Members of the public are urged to continue reporting information to police, so officers can respond effectively." “Information can be reported online, or by calling 101, or anonymously via the independent charity, #Crimestoppers, on 0800 555 111.”

  • Littlehampton's usually busy coastal car park empty amid today's wet weather

    The usually busy #Littlehampton coast car park is empty today amid the rainy, and wet weather. This car park is generally/often very busy during the summer months, however, because of today's wet weather, the car park is practically empty.

  • Littlehampton's ocean is dark blue, and the tide is heading out (today)

    #Littlehampton's ocean is dark blue, and the tide is currently heading out (today, 22 #June, 2021). The ocean also has a touch of the colour green, as well as being mainly dark blue, the tide is currently also heading out today in Littlehampton.

  • 7 Year-old Littlehampton artist raises money for a local children's hospice

    A seven-year old #Littlehampton artist is raising money for 'Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice'. Connor is hopeful for those children in the hospice to be able to enjoy art, and have the fun that he does. Connor's mum said: “Connor is very arty, and wants to use the money to order lots of arts, and crafts materials to make sure all the children get to experience the things he loves, arts, crafts, and messy play." “Connor has a long list of what he is hoping to get with the money he raises, so children of all ages get to have something to look forward to.” If you wish to support the cause, click here: Caroline Roberts-Quigley, fundraiser at Chestnut Tree House, said: “From everyone at Chestnut Tree House, I want to wish Connor good luck, and say a big thank you for being such an inspiration to us all." “Play, and creative arts therapy offers children, and young people with life-shortening conditions the chance to express, and explore difficult feelings through play. So, Connor’s kind donation will make a big difference to local children who need hospice care.” Connor designed this all by himself, so that he could give other potential young-artists the chance to have fun like he has.

  • UK: Parents may be criminally, or civilly prosecuted for tapping into their kid's phones

    Whether parents believe they are 'right, or justified' to tap into their teen's phone, they are still in actual fact breaking the law, so therefor could face civil, or criminal charges. The behaviour is controlling, unlawful, and is more likely to cause a teenager to try to hide any "bad" behaviour because they will know that you are snooping, and looking for it. Looking through your teenager's phone can have you put behind bars for up to six months, and can have you fined £5, 000. If you intend to commit any other crime whilst logged in, ie, reading text messages, then you may be jailed for up to five years, and may receive an unlimited fine. According to the Computer Misuse Act (1990). Snooping through your teenager's phone/device may also get you sued for breaching 'privacy rights', and may also have you criminally prosecuted for a variety of hacking offenses, under both international, and domestic, as well as #European laws. Hacking ANYONE, your child, or not, is still a crime, and is a civil tort, and may have you sentenced, or sued. Your teen would be within their legal jurisdiction/rights to sue, or prosecute you for hacking, and phone-tapping.

  • Crime: New animal welfare law means abusers will soon face 5 years instead of the current 6 months

    In two nations of the #UK, both #England, and #Wales, animal abusers may now receive five-years imprisonment instead of the current 6-months. This law will come in to force on #June 29th, 2021. The #RSPCA have petitioned in a desperate attempt to bring those to firmer justice whom abuse animals. Those convicted under the Animal Welfare Act of 2006 may soon face up to five-years imprisonment.

  • The UK is in a police state, here's why

    Since the global #Covid-19 outbreak began, the #British police have been enforcing totalitarian #Coronavirus "laws". The #UK's police have been assaulting protestors, breaching people's international human rights, and domestic human rights, as well as enforcing draconian "laws". In a police state, the #police hog, and restrict people's liberties when told to do so by the government. This is why the UK is in a police state, because the police are enforcing unlawful orders, commands, and laws when the British government say so. The police are assaulting protestors for no reason. Police are arresting people for protesting, despite the fact that protesting is a fundamental human right because people have the right to 'Freedom of assembly, and association'. The police are also unlawfully asking shoppers, and travellers why they aren't wearing a mask. This is discriminatory because the asking of someone's state of health, or disability is against the law. The only power people/retailers have, is to offer someone a face mask, they cannot ask whether you are exempt, or not. The reason offering a face mask is not discriminatory is because retailers, and citizens, as well as police may offer you a mask, however, this must be the same as offering someone a bar of soap, and must not be deemed to be challenging, or discriminatory. The police are enforcing social distancing. The police have no right to tell people where to walk, where to stand, or what to do. The police are controlling who people 'can', and 'cannot' mix with. The police have no right to control who people can, and cannot see see, as this is totalitarianism. Having a new virus does not excuse law-breaking. The police are enforcing the totalitarian Coronavirus "laws". The police are issuing Covid-19 fines of up to ten-thousand pounds, as well as arresting people for "not complying". These fines are issued for "breaches" of the "Coronavirus laws". The reason Britain is in a police state is because, according to "A police state is a country in which the government controls people's freedom by means of the police, especially secret police." The police are also unlawfully testing people for the virus, this is totalitarian because 'policing by consent' means the police MUST have the public's consent before proceeding with a job, and if people do not consent to be swabbed, that is their right. Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder/#Leader) is 'disgusted, appalled, and ashamed' of the UK's police. Dwayne called the UK a "Nazi, authoritarian, draconian, and totalitarian state".

  • "Indian Variant" is a racist term, here's why

    As new strains of the #Coronavirus emerge, they are being named in a racist, and wrongful way. The government has named the latest strain of #Covid-19 the "Indian Variant". Naming these new strains of the Coronavirus is bound to cause discrimination, and racism because people will fear certain people because of their ethnic origin, and even their skin colour, or religion. Attacks can even happen against people because of their ethnicity because people have previously been coughed on, spat at, abused, and racially attacked because of the way the government had broadcasted the Coronavirus strain, racially attacking the Chinese. For example, former #US president, Donald #Trump, called the first Covid-19 strain "the Chinese virus", and "Kung-Flu", which is racist, and discriminatory, as well as being unfair. The way the strains are being named by many governments is likely to cause unprovoked hatred against certain ethnic groups, and may also incite racial assaults. The names also increase the chances of certain ethnic groups being discriminated against, or worse.

  • Driver receives suspended sentence for driving whilst disqualified, and failing to stop for police

    A #BMW driver has received a suspended 24-month jail term for driving whilst disqualified, and failing to stop for police. This happened in #Bognor Regis. Police noticed the white BMW speeding, when they attempted to pull the driver over, he failed to stop. The driver, Oliver Houlihan, 36, drove over roundabouts, running red lights, and other traffic signs. The police canine, Isla, had to bite the criminal to stop him from escaping, or resisting arrest. Oliver received: 17 months behind bars, suspended for 24 months, and a three-year driving ban. Investigating officer, PC Trevor Pritchard, said: “This case demonstrates that we will continue to proactively patrol our roads in #Sussex in search of drivers who put themselves, and other motorists at risk." “Dangerous, and antisocial driving is completely unacceptable, and it all too often leads to collisions which result in serious injuries, and in some tragic cases, death." “Our aim is to engage with our communities to provide education about the risks associated with such behaviour, and to deal robustly with offenders. We may not be everywhere all the time, but we could be anywhere.”

  • Littlehampton: Young passengers board the Littlehampton miniature coastal train amid summer weather

    The #Littlehampton miniature coastal train has had quite a few young passengers today amid the peaceful summer weather. Young passengers, and their families have flocked to Littlehampton's seaside, and have taken their little ones on a ride.

  • Two males in custody for starting a disruption at a supermarket

    #Sussex #Police officers were in attendance to a supermarket in Eastbourne after receiving reports of a disruption. Security were notified to a disruption before police officers could attend. Two males, aged 18, were arrested for disorderly conduct, and were released on bail after being interviewed. A gun was also discovered, and seized. Sussex Police are appealing for anyone who saw, or who has any information about the incident to contact them. This can be done by phoning 101, or by visiting, using reference 536, of 18/06. #Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously by calling 0800 555 111.

  • Tran Quan, 15, missing from Worthing

    Tran Quan, 15, from #Worthing, West #Sussex, has been missing since #Wednesday, #June 16th, 2021. Tran Quan was in the Worthing #Town Centre, however, Tran had not returned to his family home on the time agreed. Tran Quan is 5' 3, has a short haircut, and was seen last wearing a blue fleece, had white #Nike sneakers, and was wearing a black man bag. Tran is Vietnamese. Should anyone happen to come across this missing teenager, they are urged to call 999 immediately, quoting reference 1606, of 16/06.

  • Antisocial driver pulled over by Sussex Police

    A driver on the #A29 was pulled over by #Sussex #Police, and was issued with a warning for antisocial driving, and speeding on #June 15th, 2021. The driver was exceeding the permitted speed, overhauling other road users, and generally driving in an antisocial manner.

  • Britney Spears is considering not ever taking to the stages again

    Britney Spears is currently considering not ever taking to the stages again. #BritneySpears has not taken to the stage since the year of 2018, saying she doesn't feel 'able, or ready' to go back on stage. Britney's last time on stage was back in 2018 at the Formula One Grand Prix in Austin, #Texas, #USA.

  • EU threatens to penalise Lebanon for economic damages

    The #European Union have threatened to penalise #Lebanon for economic damages. The #EU have called Lebanon's economical disaster a 'domestic disaster'. The European Union have also called Lebanon's economic damages 'self-inflicted'. Lebanon's money is worth less by ninety-percent. The European Union said Lebanon's economic disaster is not from any other nation, or territory, it is from the fault of their own wrongdoing. An estimated forty-five percent of Lebanon's people are living in poverty, and an estimated twenty-two percent of Lebanon's people are living in the worst level of poverty, according to World Bank. The European Union have ordered Lebanon to elect a better administration, as part of a deal. If Lebanon wish to receive money, and support from the EU, then Lebanon must co-operate, and accept this deal. #Paris are refusing to allow certain Lebanese government officials access to the capital of #France. Though, Paris have not mentioned anyone in specific.

  • How many children live with Autism, ASD, globally?

    Many children have #Autism, #ASD, but, how many children actually live with #Autistic Spectrum Disorder? Internationally all across the globe, around one in every one hundred, and sixty children are diagnosed with Autism. However, there are many more children with the condition whom haven't been diagnosed, and are living "normal" lives.

  • Haywards Heath food establishment robbed of £200 cooking oil

    A Haywards Heath food establishment has been robbed of £200 worth of cooking oil, according to #Sussex #Police. Residents with any useful information regarding the theft are advised to contact Sussex Police by telephoning 101, or by making a report by visiting, using reference CAD 0752.

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