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Jun 7, 20211 min read
Does anyone 'own' the Moon?
No, because there are international treaties in place which would make trying to claim the #Moon unlawful. There is no way anyone/nations...

Jun 5, 20211 min read
Sussex Police promise a crackdown on anti-social driving
#Sussex #Police have registered almost 500 road traffic offenses since they began the 'Bank Holiday Road Safety operation'. Sussex Police...

Jun 3, 20213 min read
Releasing Potential School teacher 'Harry Stansfield' uses phone whilst driving, and fails to signal
Disclaimer: All mentioned in this article is 100% true, when speech marks are used, these are indicating that a statement is an opinion...

May 30, 20211 min read
Boris Johnson admits to breaking international law
Boris Johnson called his law-breaking "absolutely vital to prevent the 'break up' of our country". Mr McAllister said: "The British bill...

May 29, 20212 min read
Hundreds of Littlehampton drivers illegally park on grass-verges whilst destroying them #ParkSmart
Hundreds of #Littlehampon drivers have illegally driven onto grass verges despite the action being a criminal offense in all four #UK...

May 28, 20213 min read
Dwayne Hards: 'How to get revenge on a school bully'
#Bullying comes in many different forms, these may include, but are not limited to: physical/mental, or emotional abuse, or suffering,...

May 27, 20211 min read
Worthing man assaults police officers after refusing to stop drinking alcohol in a no-alcohol zone
Paul Hickey had refused to hand-over his alcohol when instructed to do so by enforcement agents, under the 'Public Spaces Protection...

May 26, 20211 min read
Investigation proceeds after Littlehampton man injured
An investigation is being carried out by #Sussex #Police after a man had been airlifted to hospital on #May, 23rd, 2021, in the...

May 25, 20211 min read
Dwayne Hards calls Derbyshire Police totalitarian, thieves, and petty after 7 e-scooters 'stolen'
#Derbyshire #Police have been criticised by Dwayne Hards after "stealing" 7 e-scooters off of #Derby's streets. Dwayne Hards said: "Derby...

May 25, 20211 min read
UK: Can a minor legally view a 12, 15, or 18 rated movie?
In the United Kingdom (#UK), there is no specific #law that states that "it is illegal to 'view' a movie underage", cinemas however under...

May 23, 20212 min read
What to do if a parent hits you
A form of punishment used by a few parents is "corporal punishment". What is corporal punishment? Corporal punishment is when someone...

May 21, 20211 min read
A27 lane shut after lorry breaks down
One lane on the #A27 has been temporarily closed by #Sussex #Police after a lorry had broken down. Sussex Police had attended the...

May 19, 20211 min read
Sussex Police officer receives last written warning for breaching 'professional behaviour standards'
#Sussex #Police officer, Steven Green, 35, has been found to be in multiple breaches of 'professional behaviour standards'. PC Steven...

May 19, 20211 min read
Worthing man referred to Crown Court after admitting to sexual abuse against family dogs, and kids
A #Worthing man has pleaded guilty to sexually abusing his family dogs, and making hundreds of indecent images of children. David...

May 19, 20211 min read
Sussex | URGENT: 10 Year-old girl goes missing (name: Yasmin), call 999 immediately if you see her
#Sussex #Police are frantically searching Sussex's streets in a desperate attempt to find Yasmin, aged 10. Yasmin went missing in...

May 17, 20211 min read
New Community Wardens put on Littlehampton's streets by ADC, and LTC
Three new #Community Wardens have taken to #Littlehampton's street's in an attempt to help reduce nuisance behaviour, and to offer crime...

May 17, 20211 min read
Woman suffers from head injuries after being assaulted in Sainsbury's
#Police were called to attend #Sainsburys in Longwater, #Costessey at 10:58, #Monday (today) to reports of an assault. "Emergency...

May 16, 20211 min read
Two Littlehampton men arrested after fight breaks out in a flat
#Sussex #Police officers were called to attend a flat in #Littlehampton after two men got into a fight. Officers had attended Clifton...

May 16, 20212 min read
Worthing rider disqualified after being convicted for pulling wheelies, and speeding
A #Worthing rider has been found guilty of dangerous driving at #Crawley #Magistrates #Court (he pleaded guilty). The rider had received...

May 14, 20211 min read
UK: Is parking on the pavement illegal?
#Parking on the #pavement is one of the most common #community nuisances in Great #Britain, however, is parking on the kerb against the...
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