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  • What is British Airways' shortest bookable flight?

    The shortest trip by air you are currently able to book with British Airways is a 161 mile flight from Heathrow Airport to Jersey Airport. The flight from Heathrow Airport, London, to Jersey lasts for just over an hour with many flights scheduled most days. This flight is mainly used for UK citizens' holidays and business/work meetings. To purchase tickets or view the prices of flights to Jersey from London, please click here.

  • Person passes away in West Sussex

    An anonymous victim has sadly passed away after being struck by a Southern train near Chichester, say the company. Emergency services — including paramedics, firefighters, and police officers — responded to an incident where a victim was struck by a train on March 17. However, paramedics sadly declared the victim dead on scene. On 17 March, all lines between Chichester and Barnham were temporarily halted until the emergency services and rail staff finished their job. As a temporary measure, passengers were allowed to use their train tickets on Brighton & Hove's buses between Shoreham-by-Sea and Brighton, according to an article published by The Argus.

  • Russia bans British airlines

    Russia have banned all British aircrafts from entering its airspace as a revengeful reaction to the UK Government banning Russia's leading airline - Aeroflot - on 25 February 2022. British airlines are now having to avoid flying through Russia's airspace amid their ban of all aircrafts coming from the UK. This is making flights last longer as airlines are having to fly around Russia's airspace. Ukraine have banned any flights carrying foreign citizens from entering its airspace because passengers would be unsafe and at risk of being attacked by Russian soldiers, according to an article published by The Independent. If UK airlines fly over Russia's airspace and ignore the ban, aircrafts risk being shot down, posing a serious threat to passengers' safety. It's a risk airlines are not willing to take. Russia have condemned the sanctions imposed on their country by the UK Government, calling them "unfriendly" despite Vladimir Putin's war crimes against hundreds of innocent Ukrainians. British Airways have vowed to issue refunds to their customers amid flight delays and cancellations caused by Russia's ban of UK aircrafts.

  • Warning issued after syringes spotted in Littlehampton

    Suspected druggie needles have been spotted on East Beach a few days ago. The suspected drug needles were sighted by myself and my tutor about three days ago. I warned a young mum on the beach with her toddler about the suspected drug needles, and she said they always stay away from drug needles, sharps, and weapons. The two syringes were originally made for insulin use; however, these needles are often used to inject heroin. One of the syringes appeared to contain a clear liquid. Red stains were seen on the damaged syringes, meaning they have almost certainly been used. If you are intending on visiting the seafront anytime soon, please keep yourself and your family/friends safe by keeping a lookout for any sharp objects or used syringes. If you do happen to come across a needle or anything sharp, leave it alone and report it to Arun District Council so they can arrange a clean-up, removing any sharps from the area.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    More sunny weather is expected today with no rain or showers, according to the Met Office. There is a fifty-fifty chance of strong winds later today. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 18°C, meaning the weather should be warm. Tonight is expected to be dry with no rain or showers; however, tonight's minimum temperature is 1°C with a high chance of frosts, meaning gardeners should protect their plants. No strong winds are expected tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • What really happens to wastewater on an aeroplane?

    When passengers flush the toilet on an aeroplane, their wastewater is sucked into a sewage tank until the plane lands somewhere where it can empty its container. Airlines are not lawfully allowed to dump sewage during a flight, according to an article published by The Guardian. However, on the odd occasion, aeroplanes will leak small amounts of wastewater if their tanks are not looked after or maintained correctly, but this does not happen often and is extremely rare. There have only been a few recorded incidents where aeroplanes have accidentally dumped sewage during their flights. When aeroplanes touch down on the ground, their wastewater tanks are emptied. If an aeroplane's wastewater tank was full and the pilots wanted to dump some of the excessive sewage, they could not possibly do this because it's not possible as the only way to access the container is from the outside of the plane; therefor, pilots cannot possibly dump sewage during a flight unless they can somehow reach the outside of the plane. Even if there was a leak in an aeroplane's sewage tank and wastewater did manage to escape from the plane, it would probably go unnoticed because the waste should evaporate miles before it gets anywhere near the ground. The only people likely to notice the leak are the staff emptying the plane's wastewater tank at the airport.

  • "Rude" bus driver allegedly orders young passengers off his bus

    A Stagecoach bus driver has allegedly ordered a teenager with ADHD and his young carer off the bus at around 3pm this afternoon in Littlehampton. The alleged incident happened at St James Church in Littlehampton, West Sussex. The 14-year-old boy and his carer were allegedly "bullied" by the bus driver after the teenager didn't scan his free travel pass when the bus they were on started a new route from Selwyn Avenue in Wick, West Sussex, to Old Steine in Brighton, East Sussex, as they were not aware of the Stagecoach policy requiring them to do so. The bus driver should have calmly explained the confusing rules instead of "being rude", say the boy and his carer. The young passengers stayed on the 700 Brighton bus for one stop from St James Church, where the incident happened, to Anchor Springs. The two passengers then left the bus, and the boy's carer asked the bus driver for his name; he said his name was "B". The teenage boy doesn't get in cars and said he is also unlikely to use buses again in the future as he has been put off using buses because of "the way he was treated". The teenager has also binned his bus pass amid his "bad experience". A complaint has been made to Stagecoach by the boy's carer. If Stagecoach respond, we will upload their statement in the last paragraph (down below). Stagecoach said: "". After the difficult past couple of years we have all endured, please respect yourself and others, and be a loyal person.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Warm sunny weather is expected to last for the rest of today with no rain or showers, according to the Met Office. Today is expected to be a warm and sunny day with hardly any clouds. No strong winds are expected today. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 19°C, meaning beachgoers should wear suncream and the necessary protection to avoid heatstroke or burns. The skies are expected to remain clear tonight with hardly any clouds or rain. However, tonight is expected to be freezing cold with possible frosts, meaning gardeners should protect their plants. The lowest expected temperature tonight is 1°C. Today seems like a great opportunity to visit the seaside, especially if you have children or dogs, or mental health difficulties. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • What is the world's shortest flight?

    The world's shortest trip you can take by air is a flight which lasts between 47 and 60 seconds from Westray Airport to Papa Westray Airport. If the wind is not too strong, the flight may last as little as 47 seconds. However, if there are strong winds, then the flight may take up to 60 seconds. Passengers will be transported on a small aeroplane, the size of an average minibus, on the short 1.7 mile flight from one side of the Orkney Islands, Scotland, to another. These flights are operated by Loganair. As an alternative to flying across the water, tourists may take a rough boat ride which lasts for around 20 minutes. Most of the flight's passengers are students with their teachers as they enjoy learning about the Orkney Islands' archaeological sites. Tourists and photographers also use this flight because they enjoy the Orkney Islands' scenery and history.

  • Should you feed seagulls?

    Most animal protection charities - including the RSPCA and RSPB - are advising Britain's beachgoers and citizens not to feed the seagulls because the birds tend to become more aggressive when they are continuously fed. Feeding seagulls can result in them becoming a nuisance to the area where they are being fed. Seagulls may also become aggressive if they are fed too often. However, if you still want to feed the birds, you should not feed them bread under any circumstances because the food may get stuck in their throats, causing them to choke. Seagulls should not be fed in neighbourhoods, gardens, or residential areas because they can become a nuisance to the area where they are being fed, meaning you may have some unhappy residents when the birds are causing problems outside of their homes. In most UK counties, it is not a specific offence to feed the seagulls; however, if excessive amounts of food waste pile up or serious environmental issues are caused by people feeding the birds, then offenders can be fined or prosecuted under several environmental protection and antisocial behaviour laws, including littering. Arun District Council are asking the residents of Littlehampton, Bognor Regis, and Arundel not to feed the seagulls amid the risk of them causing a nuisance. The council are asking residents to calmly talk to their neighbours who feed the seagulls, explaining the risks of doing so and how they feel about the issue. It is a criminal offence to remove or disturb any wild birds' nests without a licence as the animals are protected under the UK's Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Criminal sanctions for breaking this law may result in six months imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Bright sunny skies are expected to last for the whole of today with hardly any clouds or winds, according to the Met Office. No rain is expected this morning or afternoon. The highest temperature Littlehampton may reach today is 19°C, meaning this will be the year's hottest day so far. No rain is expected tonight; however, there is a fifty-fifty chance of frosts. The lowest temperature Littlehampton may drop to tonight is 1°C, meaning gardeners' plants should be protected from the frosts and cold weather. Today seems like the best opportunity to visit the seafront, especially if you have dogs or children, or mental health issues. Remember to wear suncream and a hat if you are visiting the seafront today. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Bright sunny skies are expected to remain for the rest of today with light winds and a slim chance of rain this afternoon, according to the Met Office. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 18°C. There is a fifty-fifty chance of rain and showers tonight with the lowest expected temperature being 0°C. Frost is expected tonight, meaning local gardeners should protect their plants. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the seafront, especially if you have kids or dogs, or mental health difficulties. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Bright sunny skies are expected to remain for the rest of today with mostly warm weather and no showers, according to the Met Office. No strong winds are expected today. The highest temperature the town is expected to reach today is 16°C. There is a fifty-fifty chance of rain tonight. Frosts are expected tonight with the lowest expected temperature being 4°C. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to head on down to the seaside, especially if you have dogs or kids, or mental health issues. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Comment & Analysis: Politicisation of a pandemic is wrong

    The COVID-19 outbreak has been wrongfully politicised by many political activists and governments across the world, and politics should have no part in managing the pandemic. Many governments are trying to pass laws which are intended to pressure their countries' law enforcement organisations into enforcing political decisions with the threat of punishment, and politicising a pandemic is dangerous because people are less likely to follow the most important safety measures — including self-isolating, testing, track and trace, handwashing, getting vaccinated, shielding, and trusting experts — if they're politicised. People will also lose trust in the police if they enforce unnecessary mandates or political opinions. While some of the most important safety measures — including showing proof of a negative test or quarantining when travelling abroad, spitting at people, compliance with border restrictions, and business hygiene standards — do need to be enforced to protect people and prevent the virus travelling between countries, including the UK, governments also need to respect liberties; for example, governments should not unnecessarily introduce laws. If the pandemic isn't politicised, people are generally more happy to follow the necessary advice. Governments' politicisation of the pandemic has allowed political extremists — including anti-vaccination groups, far-right and far-left activists, conspiracy theorists, and other types of extremists — to spread misinformation which people, especially youngsters, believe. Extremists are politically grooming young people by trying to get them to think how they do. The political grooming starts with ideas that seem to make sense to start with, then the extremists slowly deliver more misinformation on other subjects, including vaccinations and medical treatment. People who call out misinformation — including the World Health Organisation and NHS, experts, most scientists and healthcare professionals, social media users, and citizens — are facing intense hatred by some people amid many governments' politicisation and management of the pandemic which has allowed misinformation to be delivered and pumped out by extremists. Countries' borders should have been shut at the start of the pandemic, and the very first people who had the virus should have been quarantined early on; however, many governments, including the UK's Tory government, have just sat back and let people die, introducing catastrophic lockdowns which harm our economy and citizens' liberties, health, rights and freedoms, fitness, mental health, and relationships, according to most of society and a majority of experts. We need to balance out the right to life and liberty. Politicising the pandemic is also making the experts' job to protect citizens' health and the economy almost impossible because people don't know who to listen to, according to an article published by the British Medical Journal. All of these reasons are why I feel that the pandemic should not be politicised; instead, citizens' personal choice should be respected, except in certain cases where there is a serious threat to other people's lives; for example, trying to enter a care home without taking a COVID test or refusing to quarantine when travelling abroad. There should be no need to criminalise people who break these rules because it shouldn't be allowed to happen in the first place. Remember, the pandemic is no-one's fault, so please respect each other's personal choice and preferences, and treat yourself and others with respect. Make the decisions that you feel are right for you and your family.

  • Littlehampton seafront jammed this morning

    The return of the warm summer weather saw hundreds of beachgoers flock to the seafront to enjoy a nice walk along the promenade or a day out on East Beach. People appeared to enjoy their morning visit to our amazing seafront. Many families decided to visit the seafront to enjoy a relaxing day out. Children and their families appeared to enjoy their morning visit to the seafront. Dog owners decided to bring their dogs down to the seafront to enjoy a nice and relaxing walk. Dog walkers and their dogs appeared to enjoy their morning walk. Hardly any cyclists were cycling along the seafront this morning; however, the few cyclists who were cycling along the promenade appeared to enjoy their morning bike ride. Many people stopped for refreshments from some of our independent restaurants, businesses, and cafés. Tourists appeared to enjoy their morning visit to Littlehampton, West Sussex. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the seafront, especially if you have children, dogs, or mental health difficulties.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Bright sunny skies are expected to last for the whole of today with no rain or showers, according to the Met Office. No strong winds are expected today. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 11°C with a fifty-fifty chance of chilly weather, meaning beachgoers should bring warm clothing and a coat with them. No rain is expected in Littlehampton and the surrounding areas tonight; however, there is a high chance of frosts hitting the town tonight, meaning residents should protect their plants. The lowest temperature expected tonight is -1°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Bright sunny skies are expected to remain for the rest of today with no rain and hardly any clouds, according to the Met Office. The highest temperature the town is expected to reach today is 15°C. West Sussex coastal areas may be windy today. No rain is expected tonight; however, tonight is expected to be chilly with the lowest expected temperature being -1°C. Frosts are also expected tonight. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to head on down to the seaside amid the warm summer weather. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Tempers rise after Putin bombs a disabled care home

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has bombed a Kharkiv care home in Ukraine which was full of disabled people. The care home was bombed at around 8am on 1 March 2022. World leaders have expressed their anger against the Russian President, condemning his attack on the care home which was full of around 330 disabled adults and children. No-one was killed in the bombing because the disabled people and their carers managed to flee the scene in time, and Putin shockingly attempted justifying the bombing by saying "but no-one died"; however, world leaders angrily slammed Putin's justification, condemning his discriminatory and heartless attack on innocent disabled children and adults. Governments have been heavily criticised for allowing Putin to do exactly as he likes and invade a country with no fear of accountability; however, the downside of countries fighting back is the possibility of a world war which would kill millions of innocent people.

  • Comment & Analysis: The UK Government needs to do more to stop Putin

    The Ukrainians are going through one of the worst times in their history and the UK government are just sitting back and doing nothing to help them out of this horrible war, said an elderly lady - a Littlehampton resident - in an interview with LCN. Millions of people in other countries and the UK are terrified of the possibility of a world war amid Putin's invasion, and our government have just sat back and let the Russian Government take over Ukraine with no reaction whatsoever, allowing Putin to do as much harm as he likes with hardly any consequences. Our government should be fighting the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, showing him and other countries that we will not just sit back and allow this tyranny against hundreds of innocent Ukrainians to continue. But they have clearly failed to do this. Putin is a war criminal, and countries must work together to stop Russia's invasion. He has performed similar acts to Adolf Hitler, including bombing a care home full of disabled people in Ukraine. If governments don't act now, then we might be facing a world war soon. I would like to thank the Littlehampton resident who gave me her views on the war between Russia and Ukraine. Her views allowed me to write this piece of comment and analysis. This article was written with the views of the lady and her point of view only.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Bright sunny skies are expected to last for the rest of this morning with a fifty-fifty chance of grey clouds and possible rain appearing this afternoon, according to the Met Office. Fog and frosts from last night have now cleared. There is a fifty-fifty chance of strong winds near the coastal areas in West Sussex this afternoon. The maximum temperature the town is expected to reach today is 16°C, meaning the weather should be warm. There is a high chance of strong winds hitting the coastal areas of West Sussex tonight, meaning outdoor plants should be protected from tonight's windy weather, especially in areas near the seaside. The lowest temperature the town is expected to reach tonight is 3°C. This morning is a great opportunity to visit the seafront. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Flags go up in support of Ukraine

    West Sussex's local councils and residents have displayed dozens of flags around the county to show their support to the people of Ukraine amid Putin's invasion. Residents and local councils are showing their support to the Ukrainians by displaying many flags around the whole of West Sussex, not just in Littlehampton. Council leaders — including Arun District Council Leader Shaun Gunner — have said them and their councillors fully support the Ukrainians and are completely against Putin's war crimes. Over 700 Ukrainians have been killed in the war with 1,174 serious injuries, according to a CNBC news report. Millions of people in the UK are worried about the possibility of WW3 happening despite the fact there would likely be "no Russia left" if they attacked a NATO country, according to many experts. This is because most of the world would fight back; however, there is no clear answer given by most experts regarding China's views on the war and if they would fight back if Russia attacked a country in NATO. Journalists, hundreds of Ukrainian citizens, and soldiers fighting for Ukraine have sadly been killed by Russian soldiers. Shockingly, a small minority of people justify Putin's war crimes as "acceptable" and "fighting corruption in the west" despite him being one of the most corrupt world leaders himself and there being no justification to start a war which has and is killing and injuring hundreds of innocent people. The justifiers of Putin are usually fascist conspiracy theorists, according to most social media users.

  • Beachgoers flock to Littlehampton

    Hundreds of residents and visitors - mostly elderly - had flocked to the seafront earlier this afternoon to enjoy a nice walk or day out amid the warm summer weather. Dog walkers brought their dogs along with them for a nice walk along the seafront. Dogs and their owners appeared to enjoy their afternoon walk. Many cyclists, mostly elderly, were enjoying an afternoon bike ride along the promenade; however, there appeared to be no cooler types of children or teenagers on their bikes, especially not performing stunts. Many beachgoers stopped for a bite to eat at some of our independent restaurants and cafés. Our residents and visitors appeared to enjoy their afternoon out on the seafront.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Bright sunny skies are expected to last for the rest of the morning with a fifty-fifty chance of clouds later this afternoon, according to the Met Office. No strong winds are expected today. The maximum temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 15°C. No rain is expected in Littlehampton tonight; however, frost may form overnight. The lowest temperature the town is expected to reach tonight is 1°C. No strong wind is expected tonight. Today is the perfect opportunity to enjoy a morning or afternoon walk down the seafront. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Dark cloudy skies are expected to remain for the rest of today with a high chance of frequent showers, according to the Met Office. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 13°C with a fifty-fifty chance of strong winds. Rain is expected to head towards the East of England later tonight, leaving West Sussex. Tonight's minimum temperature is expected to be no lower than 1°C. There is a high chance of frost and fog tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me to write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Bright sunny skies are expected to last for the rest of this morning with a high chance of clouds and showers later this afternoon, according to the Met Office. The highest temperature the town is expected to reach today is 14°C, meaning the weather should be warm. No strong wind is expected today. The lowest temperature the town is expected to reach tonight is 1°C. Showers are expected to come to a halt tonight. This morning is the best time to head down to the seafront to enjoy a walk. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Online debate grows over what a bread roll should be called

    Opinionated social media users are debating as to whether a bread roll should be called a barm, bun, cob, butty, or even muffin with some people even going as far as bullying others or losing their friends over the name of a bread roll despite the packaging saying bread rolls. Most people, even the most opinionated, are having a sensible and calm discussion about what they think bread rolls should be called; however, some social media users are facing harassment, cyberbullying, and serious threats over the name of a bread roll. The bullying has been criticised by even the most opinionated arguers as "childish". People's opinions on what bread rolls should be called vary depending on which part of the country you live in; for example, northerners tend to prefer the term "cobs", while Londoners tend to prefer the term bread rolls, according to the Coulton's Bread Limited website. Regardless of social media users' opinions, bread rolls are officially called bread rolls, and many people don't understand why people argue and fight over the name of a bread roll. If you have any views on what you think a bread roll should be called, please get in touch with us by emailing LCN.

  • The world's furthest non-stop flight

    A 10,324 mile flight from New York to Singapore - lasting for around 18 hours - is currently the world's longest non-stop flight that airline passengers can board, according to Singapore Airlines. Passengers will need to board the Airbus A350-900ULR at Newark Liberty International Airport, New York, to get to Changi International Airport, Singapore, via the world's longest 18-hour non-stop flight. Singapore Airlines launched their first ever non-stop flight to New York from Singapore back in 2018, and the flight's first customers were treated to entertainment, an "unforgettable" experience, food and drink, gifts, and "amazing" customer service. The flight lasted for 17 hours and 52 minutes. The cheapest way to purchase tickets for the flight is by ordering directly through Singapore Airlines, according to Google Flights. Singapore Airlines' ticket prices cost between £1,114 and £2,990; however, ticket prices depend what tickets customers wish to buy; for example, if customers purchase premium tickets, then they will have to pay extra.

  • Beach prepares for summer

    Ongoing works are set to finish soon, according to the Littlehampton Harbour Master. Diggers will soon finish their twice-yearly job of clearing stones from the mouth of the River Arun. These stones will be returned to Climping from where they came. This is a process that is repeated every six months. Other improvements⁠ — such as a new roof for the toilet and shower, and repainting the shops and kiosks⁠ — should be finished by the end of March, according to a decorator.

  • Customers flock to Littlehampton restaurant

    Dozens of people flocked to East Beach Café earlier this morning to enjoy a bite to eat and/or a drink amid the warm summer weather. Customers appeared to have enjoyed their food and drinks in the café with some even praising the "amazing" customer service. East Beach Café has 831 reviews with a 4.1 star rating, according to Google Maps.

  • Beachgoers flock to the seaside amid the warm summer weather

    Residents of Littlehampton and the surrounding areas - many being elderly - flocked to the seafront earlier this morning to enjoy a walk along the promenade or a day on the beach. Many beachgoers stopped at some our independent cafés for a bite to eat or something to drink. Many dog owners decided to bring their excited dogs on their morning walk along the promenade. The dogs and their owners appeared to enjoy their morning walk. Many cyclists were enjoying a bike ride along the promenade this morning; however, there appeared to be no cooler teenagers performing tricks. Most residents, including dog walkers and their dogs, appeared to enjoy their walk along the seafront this morning. It is a nice and warm day to head on down to the seafront.

  • Littlehampton restaurant prepares for a special Sunday

    East Beach Café are giving the children and adults of Littlehampton the opportunity to treat their mums to an afternoon tea from 2pm to 5pm this Mothers' Day. The café's kiosk will be open for the entire day, serving takeaway food and drink; however, booking is required to sit inside the café amid the high demand of Mothers' Day bookings. You do not need to book to order food and drink from the kiosk. On Mothers' Day, the café will be offering special wines and cocktails with their usual breakfast. lunch, and dinner menus. They will also be offering cream tea and scones in the afternoon from 2pm to 5pm. When booking a table on Mothers' Day, you will need to pay £25 per person, according to the café's newsletter. All tables have now been reserved, meaning no-one else can book a table, according to the café's booking website. Dogs are not welcome in the café. Hopefully, everyone will enjoy spending time with their mums this Mothers' Day.

  • Policeman catches COVID-19

    Sussex Police Officer PC Tom Van Der Wee has tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this afternoon. PC Tom tested twice to be sure that he has caught COVID-19, and both of his test results came back positive. The Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, wished PC Tom a speedy recovery and her best wishes. Many other Twitter users also wished PC Tom a speedy recovery. PC Tom caught COVID at a bad time as he also has tonsillitis, meaning it may affect him more. People who test positive for COVID-19 are advised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to isolate for 14 days, according to the WHO website. Hopefully, PC Tom will make a speedy recovery.

  • Dinner service to begin at Littlehampton restaurant

    A dinner service - May Fish & Fizz - will be running weekly from 6pm to 8pm between Thursday and Saturday at East Beach Café until the end of May. The dinner service will begin in May. The café will be offering supper, fish and chips, prosecco, and the usual menu at their weekly dinner service with fish heads only costing £13.50 each. It is unclear as to whether booking is required for the dinner service. To find out more, please contact East Beach Café by calling 01903 213628. After the difficult time we have all endured, please support your local businesses.

  • Local business does their bit to support Ukraine — and so can you

    One of Littlehampton's most visited cafés - Edge By The Sea - is helping the Ukrainian people by donating profits from online sales and coffee beans in store. The owner of the café is giving 20% of their online sales and 20% of their tasty coffee beans to Choose Love, a charity helping the people of Ukraine. Please show some support by visiting the café and buying some coffee to help the people of Ukraine. You can buy online products from the Edge Tea & Coffee website. A member of staff at Edge said: "Given everything that the Ukrainians are going through, it's important that we do our bit to help."

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Bright clear skies are expected to last until 5pm this evening with mostly sunny weather and a slim chance of occasional showers, according to the Met Office. The maximum temperature the town is expected to reach today is 11°C, meaning the weather should be warm. There is a fifty-fifty chance of strong winds. Cloudy skies are expected tonight with a strong chance of rain. The lowest temperature the town is expected to hit tonight is 5°C. Today seems like a nice day to head on town to the seafront to enjoy a day out, especially if you have children or dogs. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • COVID: Mandates are unethical and unlawful

    The British government and it's assemblies have introduced many immoral and unlawful restrictions for almost two years now and a majority of people are now refusing to comply with Boris Johnson's "measures". The British government have introduced some of the most authoritarian measures yet, including the compulsory wearing of PPE for private citizens, essential workers, and medical staff; compulsory COVID-19 vaccine passports or proof of exemption in care homes, certain venues and events, and clubs and bars; stay at home orders; state intrusion; social distancing; limits on social contact; and many other "measures". However, the government have justified the "measures" as "a matter of life and death". The government has encouraged discrimination against people who oppose state control by urging businesses to enforce the mandates with the threat of fines, closures, and/or the losing of their licenses despite enforcement being unjust and illegal. However, the government said "enforcement is needed to ensure people comply with the measures, but common sense and fairness should be used". The government have also failed to respect citizens' right to personal choice, life and liberty, and freedom of movement despite this being a breach of UK, European, and international law; it is also in breach of international treaties and both UK and European court rulings. However, the government has said "the restrictions are essential to protect public health amid the pandemic's threat to life". Many people are concerned with the mainstream media's approach to the situation amid the scaremongering and one-sided, biased news reporting. For example, the media have shamed people for protesting, not complying with the restrictions, refusing the COVID vaccine, and getting on with their lives. However, on the other side, some justify the media's approach as "encouraging people to keep themselves and others safe". Stereotypically speaking, a majority of the people who oppose the "measures" are usually either politically centred or right-wingers while the progressives tend to be happier to follow the restrictions, according to many polls and surveys around the world. The extreme left are often against the restrictions for other reasons.

  • People seen risking their lives on train tracks in Sussex

    Pedestrians were seen walking across train tracks near Roundstone Level Crossing in East Preston - West Sussex - at around 11:30am this morning, according to witnesses travelling on the 700 bus from Brighton to Wick. The pedestrians crossing the tracks did so just before a huge cargo train belted down the railroad. If the pedestrians had of been crossing just a few seconds earlier, the train may have run them over and killed them. The lights at the Ferring Street level crossing nearest to where the incident occurred, about a 5 minute walk down the tracks, were red when the pedestrians cut across the railroad, according to witnesses. This made the act even more dangerous. It is already a criminal offence to trespass on the railway in the UK, punishable with a £1,000 fine. Concerns have been raised for years about the issue, calling for stricter sanctions against those who illegally and recklessly trespass on the railway. However, in this case, the pedestrians were not technically trespassing as there was a public footpath which they was using, but most people wouldn't cross there out of common sense. Calls have been made for the dangerous footpath to be closed off amid the danger it poses to citizens' lives. 253 suicide related deaths were recorded on the railway in the UK during years 2020 and 2021, according to Statista. If you feel the urge to show off or cut across the train tracks, please think twice before doing so as you are risking your life and the train driver's lifelong mental health. In other words, just don't do it because it's not worth the risks. If someone gets struck by a train, it's not just them and their family which will be affected, the train driver will most likely suffer from lifelong mental health issues, including PTSD, after watching the person (or people) get run down. Network Rail, a national railway company in the UK, have spread public awareness regarding the issue and the dangers posed by trespassing on the train tracks; however, some people either don't seem to get the message or they believe it won't happen to them despite the shocking number of citizens' lives taken amid their dangerous, risky, and deadly choice.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Dark cloudy skies are expected to last for the rest of today with the occasional sunny glimpse and a fifty-fifty chance of showers, according to the Met Office. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 8°C. The temperature will likely remain lower than 8°C. It is advised that residents who go out wear warm clothing and bring a coat with them as the town is expected to be cold for the rest of today, especially down the seafront. Cloudy skies are expected tonight with a slim chance of rain. The lowest temperature the town is expected to reach tonight is 0°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Cloudy skies are expected to continue for the rest of today with the high possibility of rain and showers, according to the Met Office. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach this afternoon is 10°C. Constant showers are expected for the rest of today with grey cloudy skies expected to continue for the rest of the afternoon. Rain is expected to continue right through the night too. It is unadvisable to head down to the seafront this afternoon to "enjoy" a day out unless you wish to get soaked and cold. Thank you to the Met Office for your information which allowed me to accurately write this article.

  • Residents enjoy their weekly market

    Littlehampton shoppers flocked to the High Street this morning to have a look at what their Friday market has to offer. Friendly locals, mostly elderly, appeared to enjoy their morning visit to the market with some purchasing products from the temporary stalls. The market is on until 4pm, so there is still time to head on down to the High Street and take a look at what the stalls have to offer. Please play your part and support local businesses, especially after the damaging and difficult time we have all endured.

  • A driving mistake which can see you in huge trouble

    The seemingly "innocent" driving habit of using a handheld electronic device at a drive-thru with drivers' engines running is actually a punishable road traffic offence which can be dealt with by all UK police forces under new rules. Stricter new rules have recently been introduced across the UK which explicitly ban drivers from using their handheld electronic devices for any purpose while their engines are running, meaning paying at a drive-thru is an offence unless the engine is switched off. Drivers who break the new rules may receive six penalty points and a £200 fine or prosecution. If a new driver who passed their test within two years receives six penalty points, they will automatically lose their driving licence, according to GOV.UK. Drivers can also be prosecuted for using a handsfree electronic device if police feel they are distracted, which they clearly are if they're tapping away at their gadgets as the driver's attention would have been taken off of the road, causing a serious risk of an accident. Drivers are exempt from this rule if they are calling the emergency services when it is unsafe and/or almost impossible to stop.

  • Severe disruption expected on London trains

    London Underground train services are expected to be cancelled tomorrow with the high possibility of all lines being temporarily halted amid strike action against TfL. Customers have been strongly advised to wait until at least midmorning to travel on the Underground, according to TfL. Customers travelling tomorrow morning or afternoon should check their trains are running before setting off. Disruption to the Underground's train services may continue after Thursday. The London Victoria train service from Brighton Railway Station will not be running tomorrow, according to Google Maps. Anyone travelling to or through London from Sussex or elsewhere tomorrow should double-check their journey and train before heading off to ensure the service will be running to their desired location. TfL have urged citizens to "avoid travelling tomorrow unless their journeys are essential".

  • Local business robbed in Littlehampton

    Thugs have vandalised Edge By The Sea cafe's ice cream hut in Norfolk Gardens. While most of us were inside staying safe from Storm Eunice, cowardly thieves used the opportunity to steal from one of the town's most popular cafés. £8,000 of goods and equipment were taken, including wine, cash machines, slushie machines, and a sound system. The despicable vandals damaged the window to such a degree that it's going to need checking for structural damage. If anyone has any information regarding the incident, please contact Sussex Police on 101. Let's support our local businesses, especially after the tough couple of years we have all endured.

  • Garage hammered by Storm Eunice

    A Littlehampton garage has been severely damaged by Storm Eunice's strong 90mph gusts of wind yesterday afternoon. The garage came crashing down yesterday afternoon during Storm Eunice amid the strong gusts of wind. The garage has had it's roof, door, and bricks completely destroyed. The garage will need expensive repairs. The severely damaged garage is unsafe amid the shocking level of damage caused by the storm. There are huge holes in the brick wall and the roof has almost fallen down completely with the door hanging off. Fences around the area have also collapsed.

  • Storm Eunice batters garden

    A Littlehampton family's garden has been hammered by Storm Eunice's strong gusts of wind yesterday afternoon. Debris was flying around the garden. Greenhouses, plant pots, and garden furniture had been knocked down by the strong gusts of wind, making a huge mess. The garden is maintained by myself, Dwayne Hards, an autistic teenager, 14, and it is incredibly frustrating and stressful for me when my hard work is ruined by the weather, especially storms. The grass will be mowed when the weather improves and plants will be planted in the right seasons.

  • Residents enjoy morning walk in Littlehampton

    Runners and walkers - mostly elderly - enjoyed a walk or jog along the seafront this morning. Residents were keeping fit and healthy by walking along the seafront. Walking is good for your physical and mental health, according to the NHS. Hardly anyone was out on the seafront yesterday amid Storm Eunice. It was nice to see residents enjoying the fresh air again. Storm Eunice appears to have come to an end now.

  • Life-threatening storm expected in Sussex

    A rare Red Warning has been issued by the Met Office amid Storm Eunice's threat to life for the whole of today. 90mph gusts of wind are expected to batter Sussex with life-threatening risks, including flying debris, expected to threaten the lives of residents who go out during Storm Eunice, according to the Met Office. The Met Office has urged Sussex residents to only leave the house for essential journeys during Storm Eunice. The most recent Red Warning issued by the Met Office was in November 2021 during Storm Arwen. Red Warnings are hardly ever issued by the Met Office. Disruptions to public transportation and non-essential businesses can be expected during Storm Eunice. Residents have been warned to secure gardening tools, bins, and plants; avoid leaving their cars parked too close to trees; and stay alert. Storm Eunice's rain and gusts of wind are expected to continue over the weekend and the start of next week, according to the Met Office. If anyone has been affected in any way by Storm Eunice, please email us. For more information, please click here.

  • Lull in the storms brings half-term crowds to Littlehampton

    The blue skies between the storms have brought families to the seaside. Children on the half-term break in the neighbouring authorities of Brighton & Hove and Surrey have been enjoying a nice day out in mild temperatures on Thursday between Storms Dudley and Eunice. Cafés and shops along the seafront in Littlehampton welcomed visitors who enjoyed a bite to eat or drink. Many children enjoyed playing by the choppy sea. The wind picked up in the afternoon as Storm Eunice approached. Let's hope for pleasant weather next week when the West Sussex children have their half-term. East Beach Café was busy this afternoon with many people stopping by to enjoy some refreshments.

  • Man detained in Littlehampton

    A man - appearing to have been aggressive - was detained by a police community support officer at around 11:10am this morning in the town centre. The detained male was mouthing off at the officer and walking away from the scene as the PCSO followed him and radioed for backup. As PCSOs' powers don't include making arrests, all the officer can do is follow the man until police constables arrive. The PCSO could, however, make a citizen's arrest if the man committed an indictable (serious) offence, using only reasonable force. Any person can legally arrest someone who commits an indictable offence, including a librarian. The PCSO was reading the man his legal rights, as he is required to do.

  • Seafront almost empty

    The Littlehampton seafront was mildly populated this morning amid the cold weather. Around a dozen people, mainly elderly, were enjoying their morning walk along the promenade; however, most residents avoided visiting the seafront amid the cold weather. When the weather is warm and sunny, the seafront is usually packed. When the weather is cold and miserable, the seafront is usually mildly populated.

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