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Dwayne Hards✅
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Motorbike rider drives on bridge (again)
A motorbike rider has driven along a pedestrianised footbridge - Pedestrian Footbridge - in Littlehampton earlier today, according to...

Dec 29, 20211 min read
Drains overflow in Littlehampton car park
Drains in East Green Car Park have overflowed earlier this morning with huge puddles of rainwater formed around them due to the rain....

Dwayne Hards✅
Dec 28, 20211 min read
Dwayne Hards: Discrimination against disabled people is wrong - here's why
Treating people differently because of their disability is not just illegal but also morally disgusting because everyone should be...

Dec 28, 20211 min read
Littlehampton drivers ignore stop signs
Many drivers in Norfolk Gardens are rolling past stop signs without stopping behind the marked line despite this being a road traffic...

Dec 26, 20211 min read
Pumping station causing a stink
Sea Road's pumping station was causing a stink to the Wave car park earlier this morning. Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder, was on a walk at...

Dec 22, 20211 min read
Driver caught on phone
A driver has been filmed using his handheld mobile device whilst behind the wheel in Rustington earlier today. The driver appeared to be...

Dwayne Hards✅
Dec 19, 20211 min read
Don't buy animals as Christmas gifts
Animals should not be given as a Christmas or birthday gift - especially not as a surprise - because would be owners will likely not be...

Dec 17, 20211 min read
Shocking video shows van driver distracted by phone
A video has emerged of a van driver using his mobile phone in a build up of traffic and when moving in Arundel on December 16th at around...

Dwayne Hards✅
Dec 13, 20211 min read
Council driver spotted on phone
Operation Crackdown - to clamp down on bad driving in Sussex - needs revisiting. Operation Crackdown was introduced in 2002 and expanded...

Dec 12, 20212 min read
Ambulance driver spotted on mobile phone
A patient transport ambulance driver has been videoed using his handheld and hands free mobile devices whilst waiting at a level crossing...

Dwayne Hards✅
Dec 1, 20212 min read
Tesco discriminates against autistic teenager
A Littlehampton Tesco security guard has discriminated against an autistic teenager after he walked in to the store and refused to "put a...

Nov 15, 20211 min read
Tons of dead marine life washes up on Littlehampton beach amidst pollution
Tons of marine life has washed up on #Littlehampton beach amidst the English government allowing water companies to pour masses of sewage...

Dwayne Hards✅
Nov 7, 20211 min read
Hundreds of daily drivers flout Norfolk Road's double yellow lines
Hundreds of drivers flout the double yellow lines outside of #Londis on #Norfolk Road most days and there is barely a traffic warden in...

Dwayne Hards✅
Nov 4, 20212 min read
"Here's why I think buses and larger vehicles should have right of way over cars..."
I feel buses and larger vehicles should have full right of way when pulling out or turning into a road/roundabout for the safety of other...

Dwayne Hards✅
Oct 28, 20211 min read
Littlehampton's mayor and Cllr Billy 'feeling sad' amidst the damage caused by floods
#Littlehampton's town mayor and councillor Billy Blanchard Cooper are 'feeling sad' amidst the flooding damage caused to our 'amazing'...

Dwayne Hards✅
Oct 25, 20211 min read
Littlehampton road users at risk of a collision amidst temporary red light runners
#Littlehampton road users are at risk of a collision or crash amidst 'reckless' drivers and riders running Sea Road's temporary red light...

Oct 23, 20213 min read
(Updated article) Zoom taxi driver allegedly uses a mobile phone with SEN pupils in car
A #Zoom taxi driver has been accused of using a hand-held mobile phone to answer a phone call whilst he was driving with #SEN students in...

Dwayne Hards✅
Oct 22, 20211 min read
Statistics show an alarming percentage of adults who have experienced sexual assault
The statistics in relation to the percentage of adults aged 16 to 74 who have fallen victim to both sexual assault and attempts has...

Oct 22, 20211 min read
Car parked in Littlehampton bus stop for over a week
A blue BMW and a black Range Rover have been parked in a #Littlehampton bus stop during the day for over one week. The two cars have been...

Oct 17, 20211 min read
Awareness: Here's why you should think twice before you carry a knife
Carrying a knife or bladed article is a criminal offense across the whole of the United Kingdom and the consequences can be very serious...
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