UK: Parents may be criminally, or civilly prosecuted for tapping into their kid's phones
"Indian Variant" is a racist term, here's why
The UK is in a police state, here's why
Antisocial driver pulled over by Sussex Police
EU threatens to penalise Lebanon for economic damages
Sussex Police officer fired after breaching final warning
Flood demolishes Sussex family's home, and 'wrecks their lives'
Lancing Driver in custody for drink driving, and no insurance
Dwayne's Guidance | Littlehampton residents: Think before you call 999/112, is it an 'emergency'?
Littlehampton | LCN Newspaper (13th June, 2021)
Arun District Council issues official warning not to swim, or tombstone in the River Arun
Littlehampton fox needed rescuing after he got his head lodged in a coil reel
Former British Soldier is heart-broken because his army medals were stolen
Littlehampton: Arun District Council issues speech after wall vandalised with illegal graffiti
Dwayne Hards threatens civil legal action against Morrisons for face mask discrimination
Thousands of Littlehampton drivers run/ignore Norfolk Gardens Stop Sign
Sussex: Teenagers captured dangerously lying on 85mph train track close to Horsham
Releasing Potential School teacher 'Harry Stansfield' uses phone whilst driving, and fails to signal
Boris Johnson admits to breaking international law
Hundreds of Littlehampton drivers illegally park on grass-verges whilst destroying them #ParkSmart