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1576 items found for ""

  • Sussex Police officer receives last written warning for breaching 'professional behaviour standards'

    #Sussex #Police officer, Steven Green, 35, has been found to be in multiple breaches of 'professional behaviour standards'. PC Steven Green had faced a misconduct hearing at Sussex's Police HQ in #Lewes from #Monday, #May, 17th, to #Wednesday, May, 19th, 2021. Detective Superintendent Rachel Carr, head of the force’s Professional Standards Department, said: “Sussex Police expects the highest personal, and professional standards of anyone who works for us, and any allegations of behaviour that do not meet those standards are rigorously investigated. This officer’s behaviour towards his colleagues fell far short of the standards we expect at Sussex Police. They have let the public, and their colleagues down. The police service has a national code of ethics that we expect officers and staff to abide by, including showing respect, and courtesy. Officers, and staff can be forgiven for making genuine mistakes, but this officer’s behaviour fell far below what was is expected, and caused unnecessary distress to those he worked alongside.” PC Steven Green had breached professional behaviour standards in respect of authority, respect, and courtesy. #PCStevenGreen #SussexPolice #UK #PoliceMisconduct #BadPolicing

  • Worthing man referred to Crown Court after admitting to sexual abuse against family dogs, and kids

    A #Worthing man has pleaded guilty to sexually abusing his family dogs, and making hundreds of indecent images of children. David Worcester, chairman of the bench, said: “We’ve heard that there are seven quite serious charges that you have pleaded guilty to. The offences are so serious that they need greater punishment than we in the magistrates’ court can give. Both the Crown Prosecution Service, and your defence lawyer see the seriousness as being an issue for this court. We are of the view that the crown court is the most suitable location for these charges to be sentenced. McClelland was released on unconditional bail and ordered to appear at Lewes Crown Court on Wednesday, June 16 for sentencing." Evan was found in possession of 198 illegal sexually explicit photos of children, as well as 349 utmost sexually explicit images including a person, and a live animal. On #January, 1st, 2021, Evan was successfully prosecuted for two counts of sexual abuse against his two dogs, both DeeDee, and Digit. Worthing Magistrates Court did not have the legal powers to sentence Evan amid the seriousness of the crimes in which Evan has been found guilty of. Evan was released on unconditional bail, and was ordered to appear at Lewes Crown #Court on Wednesday, June, 16th, 2021 for sentencing. Evan had pleaded guilty to making hundreds of sexually indecent images of both children, and animals. #EvanMcClelland Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder) commented on this incident, he said: "I am absolutely appalled, and disgusted regarding this incident, it is sickening, evil, illegal, cruel, and highly disturbing. This sick-minded individual needs life-imprisonment, and to be beaten by the inmates."

  • Sussex | URGENT: 10 Year-old girl goes missing (name: Yasmin), call 999 immediately if you see her

    #Sussex #Police are frantically searching Sussex's streets in a desperate attempt to find Yasmin, aged 10. Yasmin went missing in #WestSussex at 8:45 AM today (#Wednesday, 19, #May, 2021), after leaving her home in #Hassocks, Sussex Police have confirmed. Yasmin is described as five foot 6, with long black hair (perchance tied back), wearing black leggings, black school shoes, and was last seen wearing glasses, and was wearing a cream-hooded top, Sussex police said. Yasmin has links to #Brighton, and #Hove, police said. If you happen to see #MissingYasmin, please dial 999 IMMEDIATELY, citing serial 268 of 19/05. Dwayne Hards (#LCN's Founder) said: "I wish Sussex Police all of my luck in finding Yasmin ASAP because a 10 year old adolescent going missing is without a doubt highly disturbing, and does not spell good news. I am hopeful that Yasmin will be found (hopefully soon, today), and I am incredibly grateful for Sussex Police's great efforts/hard work, thank you Sussex police! I do ask that if you see Yasmin, or know anything about her disappearance, I urge you to dial 999 straight away, thank you." #SussexPolice #FindYasmin #UK #URGENT #FIND #MISSING #Dial999

  • New Community Wardens put on Littlehampton's streets by ADC, and LTC

    Three new #Community Wardens have taken to #Littlehampton's street's in an attempt to help reduce nuisance behaviour, and to offer crime prevention advice. Mick Kendall is the primary warden, aided by JJ Mootealoo, and Jamie Riggs, they were all granted their roles in #April. The wardens are funded by both Littlehampton #Town #Council, and the Safer #Arun Partnership. Councillor Dr James Walsh, said: “Your community wardens are here to help. They will provide support to help identify, and reduce place-based nuisance behaviour, offer crime prevention, and safety advice, and maintain strong working links with community groups, and local agencies to promote the interests, and concerns of local people. They are keen to engage with residents, visitors, and businesses alike so if you see them out and about in your community, please say hello. Working together, we can bring about positive changes to our town.”

  • Woman suffers from head injuries after being assaulted in Sainsbury's

    #Police were called to attend #Sainsburys in Longwater, #Costessey at 10:58, #Monday (today) to reports of an assault. "Emergency services were in attendance, and a man was arrested at the scene," a police spokesperson has said. A man, in his 40s, was arrested by police under suspicion of assault, police have confirmed. In Sainsbury's, a woman was assaulted by a man whom threw a glass jar at her head for no apparent reason. The East of #England #Ambulance Service (#EEAST) said: We sent an ambulance, and a rapid response vehicle. One patient was transported to #Norfolk & #Norwich #University #Hospital for further care." Some have taken to social media saying that a gun may had have been used, however, no firearm was used/involved. The noise allegedly came from the man throwing glass jars at the victim, which had also hit a Perspex screen, and was what had made the loud noise. The mess left on the scene led to customers feeling concerned, and believing that a firearm was also used, no #firearm was used. The victim had suffered a head injury from the glass jars thrown at her in the unprovoked attack. Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder/#Leader) commented on the incident, he said: "I have heard that a woman was assaulted in an unprovoked attack, this has had me angry, sad, shocked, and appalled. This attack was both sickening, and totally unacceptable, and justice must be served for the victim. I wish the victim a full recovery, and good justice." #DwayneHards

  • Two Littlehampton men arrested after fight breaks out in a flat

    #Sussex #Police officers were called to attend a flat in #Littlehampton after two men got into a fight. Officers had attended Clifton Road, Littlehampton after reports were made of two men fighting in a flat. One man, 31, was arrested on suspicion of assault, and was granted bail awaiting further notice. Another man, 41, was arrested on suspicion of affray (#February, 18th, 2021). Serious injuries were not reported, police reports show. Anyone with information about the incident can report online, or call 101, quoting 830 of 16/02.

  • Man arrested at Brighton Train Station after claiming to have an explosive weapon

    On #Sunday, 16th, #May, 2021, #Brighton #Train Station was temporarily closed to the public due to a man claiming to have had an explosive device, whilst making threats. A man aged 27 years old was detained "swiftly" by #Sussex #Police. Sussex Police had done a deep-search of the area, it turned out that the man was unarmed. The man was taken in for questioning. Superintendent Justin Burtenshaw said: "This is being treated as an isolated incident, and there is not thought to be any threat to public at this time. The cordon has now been lifted, and train services have resumed from Brighton #Railway Station. Officers remain at the scene working with British Transport Police to carry out further enquiries. We are thankful to the public for their patience, and understanding while we carried out our work.”

  • Worthing rider disqualified after being convicted for pulling wheelies, and speeding

    A #Worthing rider has been found guilty of dangerous driving at #Crawley #Magistrates #Court (he pleaded guilty). The rider had received a 12-month #community order, 150 hours of unpaid work, court costs of £180, and a 15 month disqualification. Information about the driver: Name: Oliver Summers, 26. The rider was caught pulling a high speed wheelie on the #A24, northbound by an unmarked #police car. The rider was also riding on one wheel, and dodging potholes. PC Darren Balkham had recorded the evidence as a passenger in the front passengers seat, he said: "As a road user, the manner of riding I witnessed fell way below what I’d expect of a safe, and competent motorcyclist. Had the rider come off his bike, he could have caused serious injury, or worse to himself, or someone else. Summers received a notice of intended prosecution, and claimed responsibility for his riding, conceding it was unacceptable." PC Balkham added: “This is a main road we’re talking about – not a race track, and there is no place for this sort of behaviour on our roads. A momentary act of stupidity could cause a lifetime of heartache for a lot of people. Dangerous driving, or riding has serious ramifications, not least a criminal record which will affect this rider for years to come. In my role as Dedicated Football Officer for #Surrey, and #Sussex Police, I know that the overwhelming majority of football fans are responsible, and law abiding, but there’s always a small minority who let themselves down, and give others a bad name. The same can be said of motorists, and it’s the small number who misuse our roads, and risk the lives of themselves, and others – who we will continue to take action against.” Chief Inspector Michael Hodder, for Surrey, and Sussex Roads Policing Unit, said: “This case demonstrates how officers from different divisions work together with to achieve our three force priorities: to protect communities, catch criminals, and deliver an outstanding service. It also shows that we may not be everywhere all the time, but we could be anywhere at any time.”

  • UK: Is parking on the pavement illegal?

    #Parking on the #pavement is one of the most common #community nuisances in Great #Britain, however, is parking on the kerb against the law in #England, #Scotland, #Wales, and Northern #Ireland? The answer is yes, because the Rule 145 in the highway code states "You MUST NOT drive on or over a pavement, footpath, or bridleway except to gain lawful access to property, or in the case of an emergency." The words MUST NOT, and SHOULD NOT have a key difference, should not is advisory, whereas must not is law/mandatory, and is therefor enforceable in law. A common misunderstanding is that parking on the pavement is not illegal unless there are double yellow lines, however, this is not true because driving onto the pavement is illegal as stated in Rule 145 of the highway code, and parking on the pavement means driving on the pavement which is a criminal offense in all four parts of the United Kingdom. #UK Parking on the pavement is a common community disturbance, and crime. Parking on the kerb can seriously inconvenience disabled pedestrians because some pedestrians may be blind, and therefor would be endangered when crossing the road, or they may even knock into your car, pavement parking also inconveniences wheelchair users, parents, and pram users. Parking on the kerb also endangers other pedestrians because they will likely have to walk around your badly-parked car, and will therefor will potentially be endangered by oncoming traffic.

  • Sheep attacked by dog in a farm near Lancing

    A #farm in #Coombes has had their sheep attacked by an 'out of control dog' near #Lancing, West #Sussex. #WestSussex #UK A lamb at Applesham Farm, Coombes Road had been attacked by a dog, being just 2 weeks old. #AppleshamFarm There had been no sign of the 'irresponsible' dog owner, or dog. Hugh Passmore, who manages the farm with his uncle, Christopher, said: “I was turning out the ewes and lambs again and they were all on one side of the field so I knew something was wrong. I found the lamb which was in a lot of shock and had blood on it. We called the vet out and it had to have seven stitches and was put on a lot of antibiotics. Fortunately it has recovered, but it went through quite a lot of trauma." Hugh, a campaigner supporting calls for stricter dog management laws said: "Unfortunately, the message about keeping dogs on leads was still not getting across. It is frustrating. It wastes our time, and an animal is injured. It has got to that stage where I think, what can we do? It is probably a minority of people but they need to realise that they can’t just let their dog off the lead and not pay any attention to it.” Jenny Flake (formerly Passmore) runs Church Farm in the same road, and has also fallen victim to sheep worrying said: "We have had so much – it is a nightmare. Last year was particularly bad. We had dogs swimming across the river, and attacking the sheep. Fortunately, we haven’t had any killed this year.” She said she had put up signs warning dog walkers to put their animals on leads, and often cautions people on #Facebook. The rural police team are doing a good job, and I think the majority of people are fine, but there’s a minority of people – particularly paid dog walkers – who are still not listening.”

  • Littlehampton miniature railway train resumes its service

    The miniature #Littlehampton railway #train has been resuming transporting families around Littlehampton. Families have resumed using the miniature train service because the service has continued after the "#lockdown rules" had ended. Families are enjoying nice days out, and picnics on the Littlehampton #coast, and in fields/green areas.

  • Video shows kite being flown in Littlehampton (today)

    This video shows someone flying a kite around Norfolk Gardens, #Littlehampton today. #Kites have taken to the skies since the weather has became nicer in Littlehampton, West #Sussex. Video Credits: Dwayne Hards. #DwayneHards #LCN #UK #WestSussex #Arun

  • British Red Cross advertises sign that says: 'You may feel alone, but you are not alone.'

    #British #Red Cross has advertised a sign in #English #train stations that reads: 'You may feel alone, but you are not alone.' #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealth #BritishRedCross

  • Littlehampton: Hundreds ignore "No Dogs on the beach rule"

    According to an #Arun District #Council post, #dogs are banned from the #River Arun, to the #beach huts from #May 1st, to the 30th #September. Hundreds have ignored this "rule" by taking their dogs out for a nice day out on the #Littlehampton #coast. Dogs are allowed on West Beach, Littlehampton all year round from September-May. However, on the opposite side of West Beach, dogs are not allowed on the opposite side of the River Arun, to the beach huts from May-September. According to Anyone who commits an offence under any of the provisions of the Public Space Protection Orders may be liable, on conviction in the Magistrates Court, to a fine of up to £1,000. The Council may issue £100 Fixed Penalty Notices for such offences, reduced to £75 if paid within 14 days, and anyone who fails to pay a Fixed Penalty Notice may be prosecuted. Full version of public orders.pdf [pdf] 42KB. As of 20 October 2017, the Dog Control Orders changed to a PSPO, but penalties remain the same.

  • Littlehampton: Norfolk Gardens tree trimmed by Arun District Council

    A #tree in Norfolk Gardens has been cut after it had became overgrown. The image clearly shows that the tree has been cut/trimmed due to it's height. Dwayne Hards said: "I am pleased that this tree has been trimmed by #Arun District #Council, and I am also glad that our council takes good care of our trees, environment, and public safety. Well Done Arun District Council!" According to If you have any concerns about a tree at one of our parks, or open spaces please Tel: 01903 737951, or email If you have a query about a tree on a verge (between the road, and the pavement) it is probably owned by West Sussex County Council, who can be contacted on Tel:01243 777100.

  • Fire service respond after fire arises in Ferring, West Sussex

    Fire crews tackled a blaze in #Ferring, West #Sussex in a hedge. #Fire crews were alerted to the incident at 12.12 PM, today. A West Sussex Fire & #Rescue Service spokesman said: “We sent two fire engines from Worthing. They used one hose reel, and two high pressure hose reels to tackle the fire.” Fire crews left the incident at 12.50pm, the spokesman added.

  • Positive: Hundreds flock to Littlehampton seafront for a day out

    The #Littlehampton Coastal #Train has resumed around last week. Hundreds of people, especially families with children have flocked to the Littlehampton Coast for a day out to enjoy the pleasant weather. Hundreds of families fancied taking their children out to the Littlehampton #coast for a nice day trip. Many people whom have visited Littlehampton, West #Sussex have queued at the Littlehampton stools to order some food, and drinks/candy. Dwayne Hards said: "Today was quite a nice, and busy day in Littlehampton. I found today nice because I had a slush (mixed), went #litterpicking, and I also snapped some photos for my #news (#LCN)." #WestSussex #LittlehamptonCoast #UK

  • The reasons people MUST stop littering now!

    A scientific/environmental study lead by the prestigious magazine, has found that; more than 8 million tons of plastic bottles end up in the sea each year, it is also estimated that in year 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. Littering is a global-crisis because all over the world in most (if not all) countries there are people, and organisations whom irresponsibly dispose of plastics, rubber, and other non-biodegradable items. When litter is dropped it ends up either in the ocean, or it ends up in fields, nature reserves (parks), and in our streets/roads. Once litter is dropped the consequences it has on the environment are catastrophic because litter can cause: animals to choke/get tangled in plastic/litter, fires, global warming, contaminating water sources/natural materials, community discomfort, an unpleasant mess, and litter may cause animals (including domesticated pets) to become seriously ill from litter, & potentially die from the litter either from either choking, or contamination. Littering is a selfish, and lazy move because the people whom choose to deposit their litter irresponsibly are often doing so without thinking how it will effect the environment later on, no-one forces someone to litter, people make the choice, which is why littering is selfish. If we do not stop littering now, then clearing the oceans from plastic will be near impossible because if there is more plastic than fish in the ocean then filtering the ocean from plastic will cost billions of pounds which governments will likely not be able to afford, if it is even doable. The damage is done, we cannot change the past, but we can however change the future by: carrying litter until you get near a safe disposal zone, or until you reach your destination where there is a bin present clearing the oceans from plastics, and non-biodegradable materials inventing new tactics to rid the planet from as much rubbish as possible aiding poorer countries to dispose of rubbish safely going litter-picking organising clean-ups in the local community by encouraging others to dispose of their waste responsibly educating children from an early age on the environmental effects of littering enforcing littering with strict measures including community service, or/and a prison term if the offender refuses to carry out his community service (clearing our community from plastics) recycling By doing all of these things we can all help to control/reduce the spread of litter across our planet. According to Litter is dirty, and spoils our environment. Turtles, seals, birds, and dolphins often mistake plastic waste for food. ... After animals eat plastic, their intestines get blocked, and their normal food can't be digested properly. If they eat too much plastic, their stomachs always feel full, so they don't eat anything else.

  • Worthing Morrisons: Children of Worthing take part in Jo Easey's 'seeds of hope' campaign

    Jo Easey has visited Downsbrook Primary School’s Forest School to give the children of #Worthing the opportunity to take part in the #Morrisons 'seeds of hope' campaign. Worthing Morrisons '#community champion', Jo Easey, has been dropping by at Worthing schools, and nurseries to deliver #sunflower seeds, and many other gifts. #JoEasey Jo was nicknamed 'sunflower' after turning up at a school dressed up as a sunflower. Jo has dropped in at Sticky Fingers Childcare in Victoria Road, Worthing to deliver some surprises. Jo Easey has aided the children to plant the sunflower seeds as part of the 'seeds of hope' campaign. #WorthingMorrisons #SeedsOfHope #SeedsOfHopeCampaign #LCN #UK #Community #UK #LCN #CummunityChampion #WorthingMorrisons

  • Two friends left upset due to plastic, and litter scattered across Mewsbrook Park, Littlehampton

    Two friends walking in Mewsbrook Park, Littlehampton, West #Sussex have expressed their sadness, and disappointment because Mewsbrook Park has been scattered with litter. Carole Minto, and Kim Brown have been left feeling emotional after Mewsbrook Park has been scattered with plastics, and #litter. Carole, and Kim are daily walkers, but said: "They were particularly saddened to see crisp packets, Easter egg boxes, and other litter surrounding a mother coot, and her nest. The lake, and surrounding area is so beautiful, and well managed, but us as individuals need to take more responsibility for where our litter ends up. This is not meant as a criticism of the park in any way, but as we noticed this on International Earth Day on April 22, it was particularly poignant for us both.” Carole said: “This beautiful park has brought so much pleasure to so many,” said the 64-year-old. “But seeing all that plastic in this mother coot’s nest was so sad.” In response, a spokesman for #Arun District #Council said: “It is always so upsetting to see the effects of pollution on our environment, and disappointing that we still need to share reminders about disposing of rubbish properly. Our parks, and greenspaces team, along with the Friends of Mewsbrook Park volunteers, work hard to ensure the park is as clear from rubbish, and pollution as possible.” #Littlehampton

  • Video shows (LCN Founder) Dwayne Hards rushing to collect litter in Littlehampton, Norfolk Gardens

    A video has been captured in Norfolk Gardens, #Littlehampton, by Dwayne Hards. The video shows Dwayne rushing to pick up two pieces of #litter, and put them in the #bin. Dwayne Hards said: "I saw the two pieces of litter as I was on a Littlehampton walk, in Norfolk Gardens, I saw that they were plastic, and were blowing around the street, so I picked them up, and put them where they belong. I am very caring for the #environment, so I did the Littlehampton environment, and community a favour, to save lives. I did this to: Keep Littlehampton greener, save animals lives, and to help the community." Dwayne Hards added: "I am aware of plastic pollution in our beloved environment, so I am not willing to allow Littlehampton #animals to die from the #plastic items, not on my watch anyway. When I have a chance to save the environment, and animal's lives I will always take the chance. That is why I go #litterpicking regularly, to save both the environment, and animals lives." Dwayne Hards has confirmed that the video was captured today (Friday, 7 May, 2021). #DwayneHards Dwayne said: "Our planet is in need, and I vow I will do my upmost to ensure that I play my part in order to help keep Littlehampton as green as possible. Those whom litter are selfish, thoughtless, and careless criminals who need community service (litter-picking)." #LCN #DH #UK

  • Shoreham Lifeguards rescue distressed woman near Rottingdean

    Last night in #Shoreham, lifeguards reacted after a report came in of a 'distressed woman' in the #water. A spokesman for Shoreham RNLI said: "Its inshore lifeboat was called to a report of a ‘woman in distress in the water’. The woman was rescued, and was taken care of by #Sussex #Police." #Rottingdean

  • Man dies in Worthing Town

    This morning, a man in #Worthing has sadly passed away. A man has died in the Worthing #Town #Centre today in Montague Place, Worthing. Many ambulances, and #police cars had attended the incident, traffic was also redirected in the area where the man had sadly passed away. South East Coast #Ambulance confirmed paramedics had attended the scene, ‘where a man was sadly pronounced dead’. #Sussex #Police said: "Officers, and ambulance crews were called to concerns for the welfare of a man in Montague Place, at 6.50am. When they arrived, it was sadly confirmed the man had died." A Sussex Police spokesman said: "His death is not believed to be suspicious, and the coroner’s officer has been informed."

  • Golf ball hits 7-year old in face after being thrown from car in Wales

    Local PC Christian Freeth, of South Wales Police, said: “This was an act of stupidity which could have resulted in a serious, even life-changing injury had it hit the young boy’s eye or another part of his head. Anybody who witnessed what occurred or who thinks they know who was responsible should contact us." South #Wales #Police have called the incident an act of 'stupidity'.

  • Gypsies trash Goring with litter leaving behind costs of £1, 300

    #Gypsies have plonked around a dozen caravans at the #Goring Gap on #Thursday, #April, 22nd, 2021 leaving behind estimated costs of £1, 300. After the group of gypsies were issued eviction notices by West #Sussex #County #Council, the flock left voluntarily. Clean-up teams from #Worthing Borough Council arrived soon after the flock had left the trash scene, and it took 20 members of staff 2 hours to clear the area from debris, said a council spokesman. Six lorryloads of litter was removed from the area, the trash included rubble, green waste, gas bottles, and other waste. A sweeper had to be dispatched on the grass, a favoured area for families, to rid all the broken glass, and cigarettes. The estimated total cost of the clear up is £1, 300, said a council spokesman. All Gypsies, and #Travellers have rights under the Human Rights Act, 1998. Romany Gypsies, and #Irish Travellers also have anti-discrimination rights under the Equality Act, 2010. in 2014, Amnesty International approximated there were 200,000-300,000 #Gypsy, and Irish Travellers in the whole of the United Kingdom. #UK #HereComeTheGypsies #Caravans The gypsies managed to avoid legal action for fly-tipping, and littering the Goring Gap.

  • Email | Rustington Pupil's Article: 'I like Littlehampton because of the sea'

    An article has been emailed to #Littlehampton #Community #News by --- --- (anonymous), their content is down below. I like Littlehampton because of the relaxing beach, and sea. When I go for a walk from #Rustington, to Littlehampton, I feel happy. I feel happy walking down Littlehampton Seafront because I forget all of the bad things in my life, and just let the sea air kick in, I sometimes build sand castles, swim in the #ocean (with a life jacket), and I also enjoy eating seafoods like: cockles, and lobsters. I attend a Littlehampton #Secondary School (unnamed), and I quite enjoy the school that I am in. My favourite drinks are diet coke, and lemon juice. I think that Littlehampton is an exceptional place because there are lots of adventures to explore, including the #Harbour, Amusements, and promenade. When I grow up I would like to become either an astronaut, or a famous scientist, as well as a potential freelancer. Littlehampton seafront is an incredibly wonderful place to visit because their is plenty to do, especially in the #summer season. I am 12 years of age, and a Rustington, #Sussex boy! I do not get into to much mischief, at least I try not to anyway. I have emailed Littlehampton Community News because I have discovered their #Facebook post asking for young writers to send in their content, and I was excited to be on the news site! Although I was not allowed to put my name, I was however still privileged to have my content uploaded on the #LCN webpage. Anonymous Writer. LCN

  • Littlehampton Academy students sent home after Year 11 student tests positive for Covid-19

    Mr. Morgan Thomas (#TLA principle) has ordered all Year 11 students to self-isolate after Year 11 pupil tests positive for Covid-19. Mr. Thomas instructed all #Littlehampton #Academy students to return home, and self-isolate on #October, 13th, 2020, until further notice, whilst the school investigates whom had been in close contact with the teenage boy. Mr. Morgan Thomas has said: “Once we are certain that all close contacts have been identified, we will be able to make an informed decision on next steps. This will be one of two outcomes: Close contacts can be identified, and instructed to self-isolate for 14 days. The remainder of Year 11 will be able to return to the academy. There are too many close contacts, or too much uncertainty about contacts within the Year 11 bubble, and the whole of Year 11 will be instructed to self-isolate for 14 days.” Mr. Thomas added: “Although a majority of the year group were not identified as ‘close contacts’, the decision was taken as a precautionary step to ensure the safety, and wellbeing of our students, staff, and families. TLA staff are now working hard to ensure continuity of learning for the Year 11 students in this critical year of their education. We have invested in technology, and training to ensure that we are able to plan, and deliver high quality online resources, and these plans are now being activated.” The Littlehampton Academy is the largest secondary #school in Littlehampton, according to #Ofsted. Littlehampton locals have admired the school for how it has responded to this situation. On Facebook, Jessica Edwards said: “I don’t think the schools management of it can be faulted, they flagged it with parents as soon as they knew themselves, the students are in bubbles to limit any sort of spread, and so far one case in a school this large I think is good going. Hope the student has a quick recovery.” Parent Corinna Jones praised the academy’s handling of social distancing. She said: “I think the school have handled this challenging time extremely well. They have been as honest with us as they can be the whole duration, communication has been brilliant, and they even held a virtual progress day for parents with tutors which allowed parents to address any concerns. I wish all the best to the family, staff, and students that have been impacted.” Mr Thomas went on to say: “As always, our community has responded well to this event. The students and staff of TLA are resilient people, and always come together in times of need. My colleagues have worked tirelessly to ensure the safety, and wellbeing of students; our young people have taken things in their stride as they always do; and we have received many messages of support from our parents, which are much appreciated. On behalf of the staff, and students of TLA, I would like to send my very best wishes to our unwell student; we wish them, and their family a speedy recovery.” In the 2020's letter to parents, Mr Thomas said: “I do understand that this will cause some anxiety, and upset. I would like to assure you that all possible steps are being taken to ensure that the correct procedures are now followed to maintain public safety, whilst at the same time, attempting to minimise disruption to students’ education, and family life.” #LittlehamptonAcademy #TheLittlehamptonAcademy #WestSussex #Sussex #Arun #ArunDistrictCouncil #ArunDistrict #LittlehamptonTownCouncil #LTC

  • Carcroft Primary School allegedly vandalised on 29, April, 2021

    Carcroft Primary School have taken to social media after having been allegedly vandalised by "three people". Carcroft Community Primary School have said: "During the early hours of the morning 3 people entered our school grounds, and caused damage to our property, and premises. They were on the premises between the hours of 11.45, and 00.45. They’ve ripped up trees planted by our pupils. Within little oaks they emptied the shed, scattering items all over the garden, they ripped down bird boxes, and they climbed onto the roof. This is the second incident in only a few weeks, before half term 6 individuals were on our school premises during the early evening running riot, and ripping down signs. This has caused upset, and distress amongst our pupils, and staff. The incident has been reported to the police. Therefore, we ask that if you hear anything in the community about these 3 individuals, or know any information. Please contact Mrs Lythe in the office." Carcroft School have said that the alleged incident has caused "upset, and distress" within the school community, and to staff, and pupils. Carcroft School have also confirmed on their website that the #Police have been informed, and that the incident had been reported to South #Yorkshire Police. #Carcroft School are appealing for information about the individuals in an attempt to bring those responsible to justice for the alleged damage, and upset that this has caused to their staff, and pupils. You can contact 'Carcroft Primary #School' by emailing: Photos of the alleged damage: About Carcroft School: 'At Carcroft we believe that all adults and children who enter our school have equal worth. Education is a partnership between all staff, governors, parents, and pupils, and that it is at its most effective when there is close co-operation between home, and school. As co-educators with you, we aim to develop the whole child in a caring, stimulating, well-ordered environment. We encourage our pupils to achieve success by aiming high, realising their talents, and releasing their capabilities in a climate where achievements are recognised, and contributions valued and shared. We hope that you will work with us to achieve these aims. It is only through working together that we will be able to give your child the security, and confidence so essential to their learning. There will be many things you wish to know about the school, and in a short prospectus of this nature we cannot hope to cover all of these, therefore, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.' Dwayne Hards (LCN Founder) has said: "This incident is likely true. It is disgusting how people think that it is acceptable to thrash a primary school, and cause upset within the school community, as well as thinking it is ok to break the law. As well as upsetting both pupils, and staff. I hope that those responsible are caught, and sent to #jail for a very very long time." Any further input/updates will appear down below. #CarcroftSchool #CarcroftPrimarySchool #CCPS #CHARGE #UK #PrimarySchool #School

  • Is failing to insert a comma before 'and' the most common mistake made by journalists?

    When you are writing a sentence, or paragraph, you should always use a comma when you intend to separate certain fraises, for example, I like onions, cheese, and watermelon, as well as most fruits. However, a fault you will often find when looking through an article, website, and even mainstream news is failing to insert a comma before: and, &, or. Improper use of commas is a common fault in newspapers, articles, and websites. Dwayne Hards has said: "A common fault I often find when reading an article is publishers failing to insert a comma before and, or, and if, and many other words, however, and, and or is the most common. I personally feel that journalists believe that a comma is not needed before and, and or because they believe that and/or indicates the changing of a fraise. You are still supposed to insert a comma, however, I understand that grammar, and English can be quite tricky to learn. Everyone makes mistakes." Here are some examples when you should use a comma: I like food, drink, and art. I can either eat some crisps, or drink some water, which do you believe would be a healthier option? I can write essays, but I will find them incredibly stressful. I eat lettuce, however, I eat many other foods as well as lettuce. I can eat, sleep, and breathe, as well as climb trees. Here is one example when you should not use a #comma: I would go for a walk in the forest tonight. You should only use a comma when separating a verb, for example, I like food, and drinks. Not when using the same verb/phrase.

  • Worthing Fire Department responds after reports of broken tree branches

    Worthing Fire Department responds after reports were made of broken tree branches at Offington Lane, Worthing, 3.26: PM, #Wednesday, May 5th, 2021 West #Sussex #Fire and #Rescue Team have confirmed that fire crews had been notified about the tree, and had issued an emergency response. #WSFR have said: “Joint Fire Control mobilised one crew from Worthing Fire Station along with the Aerial Ladder Platform. Once on scene, firefighters used the Aerial Ladder Platform, and were able to cut the broken branch down, and make the scene safe. They booked away from the incident at 5.04pm."

  • Warning issued by WSCC, and Littlehampton coastguards over dangers of tombstoning in the River Arun

    Warnings have been issued over the dangers of #Tombstoning in the #River #Arun. Statements down below. Philippa Dart, director of services at Arun District Council, said: “We have joined forces with other agencies to really push home the importance of this safety message. Tombstoning is an extremely dangerous activity that could ruin your life so it’s worth thinking twice before taking such a risk. Swimming in the River #Arun at Littlehampton is highly dangerous too and is also against the rules. If you are a parent or guardian of somebody who engages in these activities, please speak with them and emphasise the dangers before it’s too late.” Littlehampton Harbour Master Harry Gregory said: “Whilst leaping into our beautiful river may initially seem appealing in warm weather or an exciting way to blow off some steam, there are many serious hazards that are not always immediately obvious. Those tempted should also be aware that the harbour’s safety regulations (which are enforceable in court if necessary) prohibit jumping or diving from the river wall as well as any jetty, pier, pontoon, bridge, or boat without permission. The same applies to swimming in the ‘fairway’ (the main river channel where water remains at low tide) because boats navigating the swift river flow can find it very difficult to see and avoid swimmers. Unauthorised access to the river via pontoons and slipways is both trespass and unsafe due to the frequent and unpredictable use of these areas by boats. Swimmers are encouraged to stick to the designated bathing areas on the local beaches where buoyed areas protect them from boats, and they also remain under the watchful eye of RNLI beach lifeguards when they are present during the peak summer season.” Doug Tapp, Station Officer of the #Littlehampton Coastguard Rescue Team, said: “We’ll always respond when someone calls 999 and asks for the Coastguard but help us to help you by not making choices which could put yourself, friends, family and frontline emergency service responders at risk. We want people to have fun but stay safe when out enjoying our beautiful beaches and coastlines. As ever, our message is, ‘Keep safe, but, if you see anybody in trouble or if you get into difficulty, call 999, and ask for the Coastguard’. Take extra care at the coast for the remainder of this summer as we don’t want you to remember your days out and trips to the beach for all the wrong reasons.” In the unfortunate scenario of an #emergency, or accident, call 999 ASAP, and ask for the #coastguard.

  • Majority of Worthing instructs crackdown on youth crime after Alan Wilson assaulted

    Alan Wilson was badly injured after trying to protect his 11-year old son from being bullied by the gang of teenage boys. Over 4,600 people have signed a petition commanding a crackdown on #Worthing youth #crime after Alan was brutally assaulted in a Worthing park. Alan Wilson remains in #Brighton's #Royal #Sussex #County #Hospital in a critical condition after being badly assaulted in the attack. #AlanWilson #Justice4Alan #Justice #WestSussex The unprovoked assault has angered, and shook Worthing. A petition demanding that #Sussex #Police do more to stop youth crime has reached over 4, 000 signatures. “This petition is being run in the hope that we, the people of Worthing and Sussex can make a change." “Enough is enough. The intimidation, the humiliation, the physical and mental pain from such violence will remain.” Responding to the petition, Worthing’s district commander, Chief Inspector Sarah Leadbetter, said: "police were aware of concerns around youth crime in the area and were committed to tackling the issue. Over the past couple of years we have made a number of arrests to disrupt criminal and anti-social behaviour involving a small group of young people in the area. These arrests have often resulted in successful convictions. We have also worked closely with partner agencies in an effort to engage with those responsible, and when they are under 18, their parents or carers. We will continue to respond to these issues, and encourage people to report incidents to us. Reports of crime can be made to police online or by calling 101 – always dial 999 in an emergency. Officers regularly carry out patrols in the area as part of their day-to-day activity, and these have been increased following the assault in Longcroft Park on Sunday, April 4. CCTV in public places such as parks is a joint venture with local partner agencies, including the local council, and is a multi-agency decision. In August last year, police convicted a gang of seven teenagers from Worthing and Lancing for 32 offences over the previous 14 months." People can donate for the fundraiser created for Alan Wilson by clicking this link The petition created can be accessed by clicking here

  • Worthing: Three boys arrested again suspected of attempted murder

    A father was seriously assaulted in a #Worthing park by a gang of teenagers. Three boys have been re-arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. Alan Wilson had suffered major injuries in a Worthing park after hurrying to protect his son from the gang of teenagers. #Sussex #Police have confirmed that Alan Wilson remains in hospital in a critical condition. #AlanWilson Five teenage boys had been previously arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm, and attempted murder, however, they were released on strict bail terms. Police confirmed three of the boys were rearrested as part of the proceeding investigation. Sussex Police said: “After extensive enquiries, two of the boys were released with no further action. The three other boys were rearrested on Wednesday, April 28, to allow police to re-interview them in relation to the ongoing investigation. They have since been released on conditional bail while the Crown #Prosecution Service considers all the evidence. Police continue to appeal for any witnesses to the assault to come forward, including anyone who saw any suspicious behaviour in the area around that time or who may have seen people running from the scene. Anyone with information is asked to contact police online or by calling 101 quoting Operation Swallowtail. Information can also be passed to police anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers online or by calling 0800 555 111." A petition has been created demanding a crackdown on youth #crime in Worthing, and has received over 4, 600 signers.

  • Littlehampton father with mental illness fears losing home, and his dog

    #Littlehampton dad, David Jones, fears that he will lose both his home, and his dog due to an increase in social care bills. David Jones currently lives in a flat in the #Littlehampton #Town Centre, and has a mental illness (bipolar disorder). David Jones said that he is facing an increase in social care charges to West #Sussex #County #Council from £40, to £151 a month. David Jones said: “It’s difficult to budget already and would be impossible if I had to pay these charges, but the main impact on me is on my mental health,” said the 60-year-old, who has bipolar disorder. I can’t make ends meet at the moment, so for them to ask me to pay this huge extra amount is insane and grotesque,” said David, adding his dog, Daisy, would also have to go. I have done this twice but they have completely ignored me." A spokesman has said: “For many years people of working age in West Sussex were able to pay less for their social care services, because we allowed them to keep more of their income for day-to-day living. This is because we did not apply the minimum statutory rate, as advised by the Department of Health and Social Care, of the Minimum Income Guarantee. This specifies the level of income someone must be left with after their social care contribution has been deducted. However, because of decreased funding from central government this now isn’t possible, and we have had to bring our charges in line with the statutory minimum as other councils have done. Our charging arrangements follow national guidance and are based on an individual assessment of a person’s financial circumstances. We continue to be there to support customers. We have asked people to contact us if they will find it difficult to pay so we can work with them on an individual basis. We continue to work with providers who have themselves raised the national funding issues and the impact that has on local services.” In response, the county council said it wanted to support people like #David, adding it encouraged anyone who had concerns or worries to get in touch so they could be worked with on an individual basis. #DavidJones #WSCC #Sussex #WestSussex #WestSussexCountyCouncil

  • Worthing pub becomes suddenly swarmed after Harry Styles was spotted filming there

    Harry Styles fans swarmed the outside of The Vine #Pub in #Worthing in a desperate attempt to try to catch a glimpse of the star whom turned out to be filming for his show, My #Policeman. #MyPoliceman #HarryStyles Harry Styles, 27, was captured kissing his co-star Emma Corrin outside of The Vine Pub. Crew members, and security guards were guarding the area nearby to ensure that the #Celebrities were safe. #EmmaCorrin #TheVinePub Gary Harrison, owner of The Vine, said he was contacted by the production company a couple of months ago who asked if they could use the pub as a film set, but he said he had no idea Harry Styles would feature in the period drama, directed by Michael Grandage, and based on the novel of the same name by Bethan Roberts. #BethanRoberts #MichaelGrandage “Obviously there were quite a lot of people outside as the word had got around,” he said. “We have had a lot of calls and bookings since, so hopefully all this attention will bring customers in.” Gary Harrison said film crews were at the pub from 9pm on #Monday until 1am on #Tuesday. He added: “Tarring High Street is an old high street and still has old lanterns and still looks like the 1950s.” The Vine Pub will re-open on #Thursday, on #May, 6th, 2021. Garry said that he was looking forward to welcoming people back again. Gary Harrison also joked: “Harry didn’t have a drink on the night because of the weather but he said he might be back on Thursday at 3pm.” #GaryHarrison #WestSussex #Sussex #Celebs #Actors #MyPoliceman #Videography #Film

  • Worthing establishment honoured with Queen's Award

    A #Worthing establishment is proud to receive the #Queen's Award. The letting partnership was set up in 2006. Jenny Markham, managing director and founder, said: “Being honoured with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise is the proudest moment in the ‘life’ of The Letting Partnership. Receiving this award recognises and endorses the achievement of building, from concept to reality, a company that delivers ‘second-to-none’ services to letting agents, their landlords and tenants. But just as importantly, it will raise standards and hopefully have a positive impact on the public’s perception of the lettings industry as a whole.” The Letting Partnership works with independent owner/managed agencies across the United Kingdom.

  • Police car stuck in sand at beach!

    The video shows what appears to be a police car stuck in the sand at a beach in the #UK.

  • Lancing man robbed at knifepoint by masked gang

    A man in #Lancing has been robbed at knifepoint by a gang (group of masked men), #Sussex #Police have said. The masked gang commanded that the man handed over any money, and/or valuables, and one of the suspects allegedly pulled a knife on the man, police have said. The victim suffered a small wound to his hand, and had his wallet taken from him. Sussex Police have said all four of the suspects were in a sliver car, of a similar shape to an old style Ford Fiesta. And that they had driven away in the direction of The #Railway #Pub. Police have described the men as being white, in their 20s/30s. One of the gang members was wearing a black North Face jacket with their hood up, and a blue surgical face mask. Another gang member was wearing a purple jumper, and grey tracksuit bottoms, and a blue surgical face mask. According to Anyone who witnessed the robbery or saw four men travelling in a similar vehicle in the area around that time is asked to contact police online or by calling 101 quoting serial 1063 of 16/04. Alternatively, information can be passed to police anonymously via the independent charity #Crimestoppers online or by calling 0800 555 111.

  • PCSO (Julia James) brutally murdered in Kent

    PCSO Julia James has been brutally murdered in Kent, and has died from serious head injuries. PCSO James's body has been found in Akholt Wood, #Snowdown, only a few hundred yards from her house. #PCSO Julia James was taking her dog on a walk a few hundred yards from her house only to be found dead with her dog by her side (unharmed). PCSO Julia James (aged 53) had joined #Kent #Police in 2008, she had been working with #domestic #abuse #victims whilst being based in #Cantenbury. James's death had concerned the local community because her #murder took place in less than three miles from the village of #Chillenden where a mother, and her 6-year old daughter Megan were murdered whilst walking their dogs back in 1996. According to At a press conference on Friday, Assistant Chief Constable Tom Richards declined to rule out Ms James may have been killed by a stranger, someone she came across during her work, someone trying to steal her dog, or as part of a sexual assault. Police in most areas have tweeted that people are advised to vigilant until a full reason is provided for James's death. PCSO James's uncle has said his niece had always seen the good in people. Julia's uncle is in a desperate plea to find her killer. Julia's uncle has said Julia's killer is a "monster". #Littlehampton #Community #News's Leader Dwayne Hards has commented on the incident: "I have heard all throughout the press in what has happened to PCSO Julia James. I am deeply disgusted, sad, shocked, and angered by this. No one has the right to assault (let alone murder) anyone. I hope the vile, and sick-headed thugs are found, and beaten in #jail for what they have done to Julia. This was a totally disgusting, and cruel incident." #RIPPCSOJuliaJames #RIP #JuliaJames #JusticeisrequiredASAP #Justice4Julia

  • A27 blocked in Lancing after two cars collide

    The A27 had been partly blocked after a two-car collision in #Lancing. The incident had caused delays on the #A27 between the Lancing Major Roundabout (Grinstead Lane), and the #Shoreham flyover. Two cars were reported to have been involved in a collision, and as a result, one lane had been temporarily closed. AA Traffic said the road is partially blocked, and there is slow traffic in the area as a result.

  • London-bound trains paused after tent blows onto a Haywards Heath train track

    The train line towards #London has been blocked after a tent blew onto a Haywards Heath train track. Southern said the obstruction caused delays to services heading towards London. A spokesman said the tent was removed shortly before 4pm. Network Rail are working to get the power back, Southern said. Unfortunately, due to the incident #Gatwick, and London-bound #train services had been delayed in the Haywards Heath area.

  • Sussex teens arrested after police officer assaulted

    Four Teenagers have been arrested after a #Sussex #Police officer was assaulted. On Saturday May, 1st, 2021, just before 10.30 PM, officers had responded to reports of criminal damaged being caused in a block of flats in Sussex Road, Haywards Heath, police have said. Before the officers had arrived, the group had tried dispersing from the area, however, fortunately officers were able to locate four of the teens. A spokeswoman said: “Officers engaged in communication with the group before they allegedly became both verbally and physically aggressive towards the offices on scene. One of the women is alleged to have punched an officer in the back of the head before biting the same officer’s hand.” Faith Filmer-Sankewy, 18, Leylands Road, of Burgess Hill was arrested by police, and was later charged with causing actual bodily harm, and the assault for beating up an emergency worker, she will appear at Crawley Magistrates Court on 17, May, 2021. The spokeswoman added: “A 13, 14 and 17-year-old girl from Haywards Heath were arrested on suspicion of obstructing or resisting a constable in execution of duty. The 13 and 14-year-old were also arrested on suspicion of assault by beating of an emergency worker. They have all been released under investigation while enquiries are ongoing.” Chief Superintendent Nick May added: “Working for the police can be a dangerous and unpredictable job and every day our brave officers and staff work hard, often in difficult and challenging circumstances, to keep people safe. It is unacceptable when an officer is assaulted when carrying out their duties and must never be seen as part of the job. The impact of an assault on an officer while on duty can be both physically and psychologically significant. It not only affects that individual, but also their team and their family.” Assaults on emergency workers are rising, and are totally unacceptable.

  • Driver in hospital after crashing their car into a block of flats in Crawley

    Emergency Services were called to attend Goddard Close, #Maidenbower, #Crawley, West #Sussex after a #car has crashed into a block of flats. The incident took place at around 12.45: PM on Sunday, April 25th. Emergency services had attended the scene after reports of a car having crashed into a block of flats. Flats were evacuated as a precaution to keep everyone in the area safe whilst the safety of the building was being assessed. The driver of the car had been taken to hospital by ambulance. Turners Hill Fire Station said: "The driver was cut from vehicle using 'hydraulic cutting equipment'." Anyone whom has witnessed the incident is advised to contact police online, or by phoning 101 quoting serial 626 of 25/04.

  • Car dumped on a Worthing Beach

    A Worthing witness was shocked to find a car dumped on #Worthing #beach. #Sussex #Police have been asked for more information regarding the car dumped on a beach in Worthing, West Sussex.

  • Parenting: What is corporal punishment, and is it reasonable?

    'Corporal Punishment' is when a parent, or anyone uses ANY physical force against a child, person, or animal in response to their behaviour. Corporal punishment is not only used against children but is also used on adults for the same purpose, for example, domestic abuse incidents. You should NOT use physical/corporal punishment against ANYONE under ANY circumstances because it is NEVER acceptable to inflict pain upon a child, partner, or person/animal because of their behaviour. Corporal punishment is also used against animals in response to their behaviour. Corporal punishment is illegal, wrong, and cruel against anyone/any animal. Corporal punishment is illegal under international human rights laws because the use of corporal punishment against another is a violation of the right to freedom from cruel, inhumane, freedom from physical violence, and degrading treatment, or punishment. In schools, corporal punishment would be an impingement of a right to a fair education. Corporal punishment may also be illegal under your own country's law(s). Most importantly, corporal punishment is morally wrong. Corporal punishment is physical, and mental abuse because according to Specialty. Psychiatry. Psychological abuse, often called emotional abuse, is a form of abuse, characterized by a person subjecting, or exposing another person to behaviour that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

  • Sussex Boy ATTACKED in Hove Park before having his bike stolen during a street robbery

    #Sussex #Police are appealing for witnesses after a boy has been attacked, and robbed before having his bike stolen during a street robbery in #Hove. At around 4.30 PM, Wednesday, April 7th 2021, a 16 year old boy has been attacked, and robbed in Hove Park. The 16 year old boy was walking with a group of friends in Hove before the victim was pulled from his bike, punched, and attacked by a group of thugs. The bike is an orange, and black Scott Scale mountain bike. The bike is now stolen. Sussex Police have said: That the suspects are described as males wearing dark clothing, and hooded jumpers, they have been described as 16-18 years old. If anyone has witnessed the robbery, and saw suspicious behaviour, or has seen the stolen bike, it is advised that you get in touch with Crimestoppers by phoning 0800 555 111, calling the police on the non emergency number 101 quoting serial 872 of 07/04. You can call #Crimestoppers anonymously. #CHARGE

  • People injured in a Worthing car accident

    Two cars have collided with each other in #Worthing, and there has sadly been reported injuries. After the car accident took place emergency services were called to attend the scene before 8AM, on Saturday, May 1 after multiple reports of a collision between two cars in Tarring Road, Sussex Police has said. A spokesman added: “The occupants of both vehicles were treated for minor injuries at the scene.” Reports the Worthing Herald. LCN

  • Surrey, Godalming: Video shows car parked on the pavement, and a cyclist on their phone

    A video captured by Dwayne Hards shows a car parked on the pavement, and a cyclist on their phone. The car can be seen illegally, and dangerously blocking more than half of the pavement in #Surrey, #Godalming in the image below. Parking on the pavement is an obstruction, inconvenience, community issue, and is against the law. Parking on the kerb is a criminal offense because driving on the pavement is against the law, except when lawfully gaining access to property, or to attend to an emergency. For example, you may park on the pavement if you are attending an emergency (example: a car accident), and have no other choice, you may also drive on the pavement to enter your driveway, however, you MUST not be causing an obstruction, and the driving onto the kerb must be deemed as legal, and reasonable. A cyclist at the same time was captured using his handheld mobile phone whilst illegally cycling along one of Godalming's pavements, image down below. Whilst there may not be a specific law that prohibits the use of a handheld mobile phone, or other handheld device, the cyclist must however be deemed to be cycling with care. This cyclist committed an offense of careless cycling, and illegally riding a bicycle on a pavement. Cycling whilst using a mobile phone (handheld, or not) is both dangerous, and incredibly irresponsible because cycling whilst distracted puts both the cyclist, other road users, and pedestrians at risk, and may cause an accident. According to Using a hand held mobile phone whilst cycling is not illegal.... However, you could commit an offence of careless cycling. It is also not advisable for the obvious safety reasons. For those people using electrically assisted pedal cycles it depends on the cycle itself as to whether it is illegal or not. Cycling on the pavement is illegal because bicycles are considered 'vehicles' under English law, it is illegal to ride a bike on any pavement in the #UK unless it has been designated as a cycle lane/way, you must while cycling keep to the designated cycling area on the pavement at all times. The maximum penalty is a £500 fine, however, in most cases cyclists are instead issued with a £50 fixed penalty notice. This law is not always enforced by the #police. No action has been taken against neither the driver, nor cyclist as far as Littlehampton Community News knows. Did you know that it is an offense for cyclists to run stop signs, and red lights, in fact, cyclists must obey most rules of the road just like the rest of the general traffic. LCN

  • Sea: How to make your OWN sea salt

    The ocean's salt percentage is 3.5%. Did you know that you can make your own sea salt? here's how! To make your own sea salt you will need to: collect some seawater (from as far out as possible), next you will need to boil the seawater, now you will need to leave the water to boil/evaporate. Now, you should be left with pure sea-salt. Note: There may be sand in the water, so please ensure that you filter out any sand from the salt-water in order to remain safe, and healthy. This experiment works through a very simple method of evaporation because salt is a solid, and when you boil the seawater the water heats, and the salt is then separated as the water boils off which results in sea salt being left in the pan.

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