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Aug 30, 20211 min read
Bognor Regis man 'desperate for Hormone Therapy to become a happy woman'
A #Bognor Regis man is 'desperate for Hormone Therapy to become a happy woman'. Stefanie Nancy "is struggling to live in a man's body"....

Aug 30, 20211 min read
Littlehampton | Lost Property: Keys found on East Beach
Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, has found a set of what appears to be lost keys whilst he was metal detecting on East Beach,...

Aug 29, 20211 min read
Dwayne Hards calls Stagecoach's bus services "stunning"
Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, has praised #Stagecoach's Bus Services, calling them "amazing, stunning, and incredible". Dwayne said:...

Aug 29, 20211 min read
Confusions rise in Littlehampton drivers amid 'poor signage' at a High Street Junction
Confusions are rising in many #Littlehampton drivers amid 'poor signage', many drivers have called the junction "confusing, and poorly...

Aug 27, 20211 min read
Youngsters shot in West Sussex for no reason
Two boys, 11, and 12, were shot by an air gun whilst they were playing #football, said #Sussex #Police. One of the two boys was shot in...

Aug 26, 20211 min read
Facebook users are attempting to deprive other members of free speech - here's why
On #Facebook, many people post their opinions onto the site, but are users free-speech friendly, or not? There are some Facebook users...

Aug 26, 20211 min read
Children of Littlehampton take to East Beach to participate in a 'sandcastle competition'
Many children of #Littlehampton have taken to East Beach to participate in a 'sandcastle competition', the event was led by Littlehampton...

Aug 26, 20211 min read
Former US President, Donald Trump, praises Boris Johnson
The former President of the United States of #America has praised prime minister, Boris Johnson, for "superb leadership". Donald Trump...

Aug 26, 20211 min read
Laurence Fox's Reclaim Party now has a deputy leader, Martin Daubney
Laurence Fox's Reclaim Party now has a deputy leader, Martin Daubney. The new deputy leader has been a journalist for twenty-six years,...

Aug 25, 20211 min read
UK | Equality: Here's why the wearing face coverings is, and was, a personal choice
Face coverings were worn by many #British people, but, did they were them out of their own free will, or by government coercion, and...

Aug 21, 20211 min read
Worthing man admits to making over a thousand false 999 calls
A #Worthing man has admitted to making over 1, 200 false 999 emergency calls to emergency dispatchers. These calls were made for "the...

Aug 19, 20211 min read
Layla Moran, Liberal Democrat MP, calls for Dominic Raab to 'resign, or be sacked'
Layla Moran, a Liberal Democrat MP, has called for Boris Johnson to sack Dominic Raab, or for him to resign for being asleep behind the...

Aug 19, 20211 min read
Labour calls for Dominic Raab to either 'resign, or be sacked'
The #Labour Party have been consistently tweeting that Dominic Raab either 'resign, or be sacked' amid his 'refusal to help save people's...

Aug 11, 20211 min read
'Memory': Looking back on former Stephenson Academy student, Dwayne Hards's, homeless project
Former Stephenson Academy student, Dwayne Hards, created a homeless project to help end homelessness back in February, 2020. This is when...

Aug 10, 20211 min read
UK Demonstrators protest against the "Covid measures", and the mainstream media's 'propaganda'
Protesters in #Cardiff have demanded that Matt Hancock, and Boris Johnson be arrested, and the mainstream media to stop their 'biased,...

Aug 10, 20211 min read
Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder: 'How we can reduce the level of plastic'
#Green #Environment #DwayneHards #Litter #StopPlasticPollution #GoGreen

Aug 9, 20210 min read

Aug 8, 20211 min read
Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder: "What I did on my birthday (yesterday)"
#DwayneHards #DwaynesBirthday #LCN #Littlehampton

Aug 5, 20211 min read
Gypsies flock to Linden Park, Littlehampton, UK
Gypsies have flocked to Linden Park, #Littlehampton, #UK, to set up a camp. The gypsies were reported to #Sussex #Police yesterday at...

Aug 5, 20211 min read
Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder, explains "why you should shop at the Littlehampton Sainsbury's"
#Sainsburys #Littlehampton #DwayneHards
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