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1576 items found for ""

  • Temporary Christmas stalls come to High Street

    Temporary Christmas stalls set up ready for the Christmas Lights Switch On & Late Night Shopping to bring the festive feeling to Littlehampton High Street. The High Street prepared for the Christmas Lights Switch On & Late Night Shopping with the temporary stalls situated throughout the town centre ready for the festive event this evening. The lights will be switched on by Littlehampton's Town Mayor, Michelle Molloy, between 5 and 8pm. Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder, said he is 'feeling excited' and "cannot wait for Christmas to come".

  • 'Sail to Santa' event scheduled in West Sussex

    An 'unforgettable' event is scheduled in Arundel on December 11th which allows any attending families to sail through Arundel Wetland Centre's reeds to Father Christmas's Grotto. Families who attend the event can hop on an 'elf powered boat' to sail to Santa's Grotto. Not only will you meet Santa if you attend, you can also hand feed the ducks and geese, play in the play areas, participate in the 'Naughty or Nice tester', receive a "quality WWT gift", send a letter to Santa, and enjoy a full day at Arundel Wetland Centre. The event also allows families to 'enjoy a treat' at their Water Edge Café before leaving. The café sells: many hot and cold drinks, snacks, and some other 'warming treats'. Currently, all available tickets are sold for this event amidst the high demand of customer bookings according to

  • LCN to introduce new and strict anti-theft policy for it's members

    LCN is due to introduce a new and strict anti-theft policy for it's reporters, journalists, or any other position within our news service. Our policy is: if any of our members are caught stealing from any private or public place they will be banned from reporting on our news sites or profiles and will be refereed to Sussex Police. This policy also includes any anti-social behaviour or public order offenses. LCN will not tolerate any form of anti-social behaviour or stealing incidents. Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder, said: "Our news service will not stand for or tolerate any anti-social behaviour or stealing from our members, that's why I have introduced this new policy."

  • Christmas comes to High Street

    Tree and lights go up to bring festive cheer to Littlehampton High Street. The High Street got ready today for Christmas with the tree installed at the top of the High Street. Lights are also up along the length of the pedestrian area in readiness for the festive season. The illuminations will be formally switched on by Littlehampton's Town Mayor, Michelle Molloy, on Friday 19th November between 5 and 8pm. After a difficult time, please support your local shops and businesses.

  • Tons of dead marine life washes up on Littlehampton beach amidst pollution

    Tons of marine life has washed up on #Littlehampton beach amidst the English government allowing water companies to pour masses of sewage into our oceans. Hundreds upon thousands of dead sea animals have washed up on the coast of Littlehampton, including crabs, fish, jellyfish, lobsters, sea snails, oysters, and many other species of marine life amidst the government allowing sewage companies to pollute our oceans full of raw, untreated sewage. The problem began after the #government voted to allow wastewater treatment companies to dump billions of gallons of raw, untreated sewage into our oceans amidst a shortage of lorry drivers to transport the chemicals needed to clean the 'dodgy' wastewater due to #Brexit. Dumping raw sewage into our oceans poses an incredibly high risk of pollution to marine life, swimmers and bathers, the environment, and potential seafood. Many people have signed petitions which are urging water companies to stop dumping sewage into our rivers, oceans, and canals, as well as our other water streams. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, said: "It's really depressing to see our sea life suffering like this so I will investigate this myself by using my microscope and identifying the problem causing bacteria, then I will write an article for LCN's readers to inform them what is causing the surge of dead animals washing up on our beaches."

  • Littlehampton litter heroes clear The Oyster Pond from rubbish

    Litter heroes have cleared The Oyster Pond from rubbish last #Friday. The family had collected one full bag of litter from The Oyster Pond in Littlehampton, West #Sussex, #UK. This family went litter picking on Friday, 9th #July, 2021. The dad said on #Facebook that they headed out on Friday because the weather was due to rain the next day. 'Smith & Marsh Plumbing And Hardware' had supplied the litter pickers to the family, said the dad of two, William Knight. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's Founder, said: "I am incredibly impressed with these litter-heroes hard work. I would like to say a huge well done to both the dad and the children for helping to protect the environment, community, and the wildlife. Thank you!"

  • Hundreds of daily drivers flout Norfolk Road's double yellow lines

    Hundreds of drivers flout the double yellow lines outside of #Londis on #Norfolk Road most days and there is barely a traffic warden in sight to enforce the parking offenses. Multiple drivers are parking on Norfolk Road's double yellow lines despite most cars displaying no blue badge or other legal exemption to this law. Many drivers are not only parking on the double yellow lines but also parking on the pavement outside of Londis despite driving on a public footpath being illegal under section 72 of The Highway Act 1835. Some residents of Littlehampton have complained about the parking on both the pavement and double yellow lines, requesting that a traffic warden is sent out to enforce the law. Parking on the pavement is specifically a crime in #London, but not elsewhere, however, the #law does prohibit driving on the pavement and this is a national criminal offense, so wherever you are in the #UK, it's illegal to park on a public footpath except to gain lawful access to property or attend to an emergency. Blue badge holders are permitted to park on double yellow lines for up to three hours providing there badge is displayed correctly and it is safe to do so.

  • Mewsbrook Park Cafe's customers return amidst the reasonable weather

    Mewsbrook Park Cafe's customers have flocked back today amidst the reasonable #weather. Mewsbrook Park Cafe's customers returned for a drink and/or a bite to eat because the weather was reasonable, sunny, and warm. Since winter's weather began, customers slowly stopped visiting the café, but now the weather has improved this morning they have returned in a large group, using all of the cafe's available outdoor seats and tables.. The café stopped selling their slushes "because of the time of year".

  • Temporary funfairs driven off of East Beach in multiple lorries

    Bonfire Night's temporary funfairs have been driven off of East Beach in multiple lorries for the next event which needs them. The temporary funfairs removal took an estimated two to three days after Bonfire Night according to Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder. The temporary funfairs were deconstructed so that they could be loaded into the lorries and taken to the next event which needs them.

  • Intense gusts of wind blow bonfire debris all around Littlehampton

    Intense gusts of wind have blown debris from the bonfire all around #Littlehampton. Debris from Bonfire Night has found it's way around our 'amazing' town, Littlehampton. Fireworks, general litter, tent pegs, charcoal, ashes, and all sorts of other debris has been blown from the bonfire and firework sites to all over the rest of Littlehampton. When the Littlehampton Bonfire Society were attempting to remove rubbish, they said it blew away before they could even get to it'

  • Queues begin to form on Littlehampton seafront for the funfairs

    Queues are beginning to form along the coast of #Littlehampton amidst the temporary funfairs for Bonfire Night. (Cc) Dwayne Hards. Both residents and visitors are forming queues which are getting bigger as time goes on. People are walking up and down the coast discussing the bonfire, funfairs, and things to do for tonight. Families, residents, visitors, and individuals are forming queues and waiting patiently for the funfairs, stalls, and activities to open up. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, said: "I`m sure by three o'clock this afternoon the coast will be jammed full of visitors and it will only get busier as time goes on."

  • Bonfire Society's volunteers caravans 'hammered' by the rough weather

    The observational caravans used by the #Littlehampton Bonfire Society's volunteers were 'battered' by the rough #weather so they had to use their own personal cars to keep an eye out on the event. The weather ruined the society's caravans and made it incredibly difficult for the volunteers to keep their eyes on the event to ensure it is going safely, they had to use their own personal cars for safety observations.

  • Fire officer in attendance at East Green Car Park to declare bonfire site 'safe'

    A fire officer from West #Sussex Fire & Rescue Service was in attendance yesterday at around two o'clock to declare #Littlehampton's bonfire site 'safe' before cleaning the remains and fully reopening the area to the public. After the fire officer declared the site as 'safe' yesterday afternoon, the society began the cleaning of the area and started safely reopening East Green Car Park to the public. The fire officer is said to have attended in a 'blue car', not a fire engine according to Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder.

  • "Zero-X Drone" almost had Littlehampton's Bonfire Night 'cancelled'

    A "Zero-X Drone" almost caused #Littlehampton's fireworks for Bonfire Night to be 'cancelled' amidst health & safety concerns according to the secretary of the Littlehampton Bonfire Society. Littlehampton Bonfire Night's fireworks were 'nearly cancelled' because of a drone which was flying above the bonfire that the society originally thought was a "mini aircraft". The society said "they didn't know how high the object was flying at the time and nearly had the event cancelled". A "Zero-X Drone" was the suspected flying object according to the secretary of the Littlehampton Bonfire Society. "Drones and aircrafts are prohibited from flying above the bonfire at any point," according to the Bonfire Society's secretary. Secretary of the Littlehampton Bonfire Society said: "If our society haven't agreed or said yes to a request in relation to activities around our fire, then please assume the answer is no for obvious safety reasons." The drone's flyer contacted the society with a video which they recorded flying above the fire, but they refused to upload it on their website according to the society's secretary. "It would have been a real shame to have had to cancel the event again over a drone because we already had to cancel Bonfire Night twice because of the Covid-19 pandemic," said the society's secretary.

  • Double rainbow appears in Littlehampton

    A double #rainbow has appeared in #Littlehampton at around three o'clock earlier this afternoon. The rainbow was captured on camera at around three o'clock earlier this afternoon after it was raining and sunny both at the same time. The rainbow had 3 colours, these included: orange, blue, and yellow. The rainbow could be seen mostly from all over our seaside town, however, it was filmed in Mewsbrook Park. A rainbow is an optical illusion and that's why you can never reach the end because however far you get, the rainbow will always be the same distance from you.

  • Littlehampton bonfire completely burnt out

    Last night's bonfire in #Littlehampton has completely burnt out now and there is barely anything insight except for a small amount of charcoal. Littlehampton's bonfire went from completely flooding out our town with smoke and fire to barely anything being leftover. The bonfire from last night was flooding the town full of smoke and could be seen from miles away. Residents had to close their windows to avoid their houses from becoming full of smoke and setting their fire alarms off.

  • Deafening sneeze inside noisy train station makes train passengers 'gasp'

    A deafening sneeze inside of #Portsmouth Harbour's noisy train station made train travellers 'gasp'. Train travellers at Portsmouth Harbour station took their attention away from the boomingly loud trains and diverted their attention to an incredibly loud sneeze. The sneeze was surprisingly noisier than the trains at Portsmouth Harbour station and made some customers 'gasp' in shock. The trains at Portsmouth Harbour station are incredibly loud and makes it difficult to have a phone call or a conversation. When people have a conversation at this station they usually need to shout.

  • Video of Littlehampton's Bonfire Night

    Thousands of residents and visitors have flocked to #Littlehampton's Bonfire Night. Many families and individuals have enjoyed the activities, people wandering around our town with huge fire sticks, the show, and funfairs. Huge crowds formed around Littlehampton and hardly anyone could move amidst the number of people present at the event. People dressed up were wandering around our town with huge sticks set on fire. Fireworks were being set off and made many people surprised at their unwarned presence. Littlehampton's bonfire was releasing tons of smoke to the point where people had to close their windows and doors.

  • Enormous crowds form on Littlehampton seafront amidst Bonfire Night

    Enormous crowds have formed and are growing on #Littlehampton seafront amidst Bonfire Night. Crowds are getting bigger and busier by the minute amidst the activities which have opened up at two o'clock earlier this afternoon. Littlehampton seafront is full of activities, rides, fun fairs, food and drink stalls, and crowds. The seafront's popularity has been growing since late this morning. Many people have flocked to the coast of Littlehampton to enjoy the activities which have opened.

  • History: Who is 'Guy Fawkes' and some interesting facts about Bonfire Night

    Bonfire Night has been celebrated in Great #Britain for a stunning 414 years. Bonfire Night was celebrated since 1605. Members of the public lit humungous bonfires across Great Britain to celebrate the authorities preventing the would be treasonous killing of King James I. The refusal to celebrate Bonfire Night was a criminal offense until 1959, however, it was prohibited to set off fireworks or light bonfires during that time so was celebrated behind closed doors to stop any enemies from knowing where celebrators were. Guy Fawkes is well known for his attempted sinister acts to blow up parliament with King James I inside. He was also known as 'Guido Fawkes'. Guy Fawkes is mostly known for his attempt to carry out the prevented Gunpowder Plot of 1605, however, luckily, the act was stopped and that's why we celebrate Bonfire Night. Guy Fawkes was born in 1570, educated in #York, and died on #January 31st, 1606, aged 36. King Henry VII was the world's first person to launch a fireworks display. People take part in the tradition, primarily in the #UK, by making a Guy Fawkes shaped object or drawing and burn it on a bonfire. Guy Fawkes was sentenced to quartering, hanging, and drawn after he confessed to his attempted treason. However, he somehow managed to leap from the gallows to attempt to prevent his death sentence, but unfortunately for him, he fell and broke his neck, dying instantly. If the treasonous killing had have taken place, it would have been the most serious terrorist act ever carried out in the United Kingdom. Guy Fawkes was a Catholic conspirator. The commonly sung Bonfire Night term, "remember, remember, the 5th of #November, was a quote from Alan Moore.

  • Littlehampton Bonfire Society in need of donations

    The #Littlehampton Bonfire Society have asked that people donate a pound or more to help ensure that the bonfire can still go ahead for next year. Littlehampton's Bonfire Society have launched a donation campaign called "in for a pound". The Littlehampton Bonfire Society is run entirely by volunteers and is in need of crucial donations to help them carry out their 'selfless and amazing' work. In Littlehampton, it is estimated that Bonfire Night attracts a shocking 15,000 - 20,000 viewers. A majority of the funds raised goes to charities and good causes so only a small amount of the money raised is put towards the estimated £25,000 that the event costs. Memberships for the Littlehampton Bonfire Society can also be purchased on their website, the price for a child membership is £2 and an adult membership costs £5. The memberships mean you will be the first alerted when there is news about the bonfire, may receive invitations to social events, and means you can volunteer your time for the bonfire society.

  • Littlehampton seafront full of temporary funfairs for Bonfire Night

    #Littlehampton seafront is constantly filling up with temporary funfairs in preparation for Bonfire Night this Saturday. (Cc) Dwayne Hards. The coast of Littlehampton is constantly filling up with temporary funfairs in preparation for 'the big day', Bonfire Night, on Saturday. The Littlehampton Bonfire Society's volunteers are carrying out some incredible work to ensure that the fire, funfairs, food and drink stalls, safety precautions, and activities are all ready for Bonfire Night and to make sure the 'big day' can go ahead safely. Bonfire Night will take place on #Saturday, 30th #October, 2021.

  • East Green Car Park temporarily closed amidst the bonfire

    #Littlehampton's East Green Car Park has temporarily closed to the general public amidst the bonfire being built and for safety reasons. (Cc) Dwayne Hards. East Green Car Park has been temporarily closed since #October 26th, 2021. For more information about the closure, contact the Littlehampton Bonfire Society, this can be done either through their #Facebook page ( or by emailing: Alternatively, you can contact either Arun District #Council or Littlehampton Town Council.

  • Littlehampton's mayor and Cllr Billy 'feeling sad' amidst the damage caused by floods

    #Littlehampton's town mayor and councillor Billy Blanchard Cooper are 'feeling sad' amidst the flooding damage caused to our 'amazing' town. Littlehampton's town mayor, Michelle Molloy, has said she "felt extremely sad watching the damage of last night’s weather unfold". Michelle Molloy congratulated and thanked the emergency services and carers for 'continuing to provide their services during such bad conditions'. Michelle has said her thoughts are with our businesses and families which have been impacted by the flooding. Miss Molloy also urged residents to 'take extra precautions on the roads'. Councillor Billy Blanchard Cooper also urged residents and visitors to 'avoid travelling if possible' and said he "hopes everyone and all businesses are ok". #Council

  • Michelle Molloy, Littlehampton's mayor, urges residents to report crime or anti-social behaviour

    Littlehampton's Town Mayor has urged the residents of #Littlehampton to report any crime or anti-social behaviour so that the #police can take action against the local offenders. Littlehampton's mayor, Michelle Molloy, said: "I cannot stress enough how important it is for people who have witnessed a criminal act, had possessions stolen, or seen antisocial behaviour to report it." "Whilst liaising with the police about incidents like this in the past, it’s been brought to my attention that whilst there were many complaints online, there were no actual reports filed with the police which, in turn, makes it difficult for action to be taken."

  • Littlehampton Statement by Site Leader: Dwayne Hards

    I have moved from Milton Keynes to #Littlehampton and along with my move I have changed LCN's name from MK Local News And Awareness UK 3 to WCN, Worthing County News because I was originally going to move to Worthing, however, plans changed and Littlehampton was decided so I changed WCN's Name to LCN, Littlehampton Community News. LCN is a private news, social website for everyone to access trustworthy news & connect with friends/family about news, politics, general events/ideas. LCN is more for the Littlehampton Local Community, the Sussex Population, and the Milton Keynes Community, however, anyone, anywhere can still view/interact on LCN it just means that LCN reports topics specifically trending in #Littlehampton, #Sussex. During these stressful times for all of us, LCN has multiple online activities/news topics/categories to pick from to keep you updated and entertained. Leader: Dwayne Hards LCN

  • Littlehampton bonfire preparation begins

    #Littlehampton's bonfire is being prepared and constructed ready for Bonfire Night. Littlehampton's bonfire has started being built to be ready for the 'big day', Bonfire Night. There are temporary funfairs which 'will be open from 02:00 PM' according to the Littlehampton Bonfire Society. In Littlehampton, Bonfire Night will start on #Saturday, 30th #October, 2021, and the fire should be lit from '9:00 PM' according to a writer for the Littlehampton Bonfire Society's website and news leaflet.

  • Brighton & Hove Albion encourages it's young players to 'help fight racism'

    The #Brighton & #Hove Albion have encouraged it's younger players to 'help fight racism or discrimination'. The Albion has asked that it's youth players 'defend their friends who may be experiencing either racism or discrimination'. Some students, attending nearby schools, were offered the opportunity to ask players from the Albion's 'Under 23's Squad' about how racism affects them and how it can be 'stamped out', according to the Albion. Albion Football Player, Williams, informed the students that "she had to transfer schools at seven years of age because she was the only dark-coloured student at her school in #Yorkshire and diversity didn't really exist there". Albion Football Player, Antef Tsoungui, urged the elementary school students "to tell their teachers if someone is being bullied, racially attacked, or discriminated against so that something could be done about the issue". The Albion has joined forces with 'Show Racism The Red Card' and other local schools according to the #football team.

  • Littlehampton Compass bus driver clears traffic obstruction

    A #Littlehampton Compass bus driver has cleared a traffic obstruction involving cones spread out all around Sea Road. An "amazing" Littlehampton Compass bus driver stopped his bus and got out to remove traffic cones that were obstructing Sea Road. The traffic cones that were supposed to be in a straight line were knocked out of the way by something so the Compass bus driver cleared the obstruction. "The Compass bus driver is an amazing, polite, and funny driver," said Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder.

  • Free CPR course scheduled in Littlehampton

    A free CPR first aid course is scheduled in #Littlehampton for anyone in the #community who would benefit from some training. The free course is scheduled on #Friday, 12th #November, 2021, at Southfields Jubilee Centre, Littlehampton. The course will start at 9:00 AM until 10 o'clock or 10:30 AM. To participate in the course, you will need to book by contacting Sally by either telephoning her on 07752 755599 or emailing her email address: "The session will explain the importance of doing something and show people how to give CPR and how to use a defibrillator. Everyone will have a chance to practice. Depending on how much people want to practice, the session may last between 60 and 90 minutes," according to Sally. The course will be run by Sally Holmes, a community first responder for South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb). Sally said she is "passionate about first aid". Sally added: "If more people were able and willing to give CPR, then more lives would be saved."

  • Littlehampton sports centre full of visitors

    The #Littlehampton sports centre was jammed full of visitors earlier this morning and afternoon amidst the pleasant #weather. Littlehampton's Wave had a que for swimmers and some people had to wait for over an hour to swim in the pool. The que was unusual because people weren't queuing up, they were seated in the sports centre's café waiting to be called when the pool was empty.

  • Littlehampton road users at risk of a collision amidst temporary red light runners

    #Littlehampton road users are at risk of a collision or crash amidst 'reckless' drivers and riders running Sea Road's temporary red light system. Some drivers and other road users are running Sea Road's temporary red traffic light despite the danger it poses to other drivers, riders, and pedestrians. According to Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, 'many drivers, cyclists, and motorbikes/mopeds were running the temporary red traffic light'. Passing the white stop line at a red light is illegal and the penalty for doing so is usually a £100 fine with 3 penalty points or prosecution. Running a red light can also be, in some cases, considered as driving without due care and attention or dangerous driving. Running a red traffic light poses a high risk of a collision with other vehicles, cyclists, or people because according to, in 2019, 846 people were killed in crashes that involved red light running.

  • Talented skaters take to Littlehampton's skate park

    Talented skaters have headed down to #Littlehampton's skate park to perform some 'amazing' tricks and stunts. (Cc) Dwayne Hards. Some surprisingly talented skaters have flocked down to Littlehampton's newly opened skate park next to Mewsbrook Park. Littlehampton's skate park was officially opened on #Wednesday, 24th #August, 2021, by Littlehampton's Town Mayor, Michelle Molloy, Littlehampton Town Council, and #Arun District #Council. Littlehampton's Mayor, Michelle Molloy, said: "We really do have some talented people in our #community." #DwayneHards

  • Learner sea surfers take to Littlehampton's ocean

    Learner sea surfers have headed down to the ocean of #Littlehampton with their instructors for their lesson. Many surfers were out at sea to take part in their surfing lesson with their instructors. 'Loop Watersports', a water equipment rental service and sea surfing club in Littlehampton, were out with their beachgoers to teach them about surfing out in the big wide ocean. 'Loop Watersports' have got some positive #Google reviews (view by clicking here).

  • (Updated article) Zoom taxi driver allegedly uses a mobile phone with SEN pupils in car

    A #Zoom taxi driver has been accused of using a hand-held mobile phone to answer a phone call whilst he was driving with #SEN students in his car earlier this year. A Zoom taxi driver, Phil, was driving special needs students from their school to their homes and allegedly answered his mobile phone whilst he was driving. Student and founder of #LCN, Dwayne Hards, has said he feels 'very angry, upset, and ignored that the taxi driver would use his phone whilst he was driving'. The taxi firm were aware of Dwayne's #Autism, #ADHD, and his road safety anxieties of 'bad driving' but still still decided to use his phone while he was driving. Dwayne also had a previous bad experience with a taxi driver in his previous home town, Milton Keynes. When Zoom were informed about Phil's wrongdoing, they apologised and said "it wouldn't happen again", but Dwayne said "sorry doesn't cut it - using a phone while driving is distracting and can kill. I also have a fear of cars now and won't use them, I will only use public transport like buses, trains, and trams, as well as aeroplanes". Zoom refused to sack Phil despite his duty of care towards school students. Zoom and the taxi driver knew that Dwayne had a taxi driver in Milton Keynes who used his phone while driving and the amount of distress and anger it caused him. Because of Dwayne's bad experiences with car drivers, including taxis, he is refusing to get in cars and says he "hates them and wants them banned". Releasing Potential, Dwayne's former school in #Chichester, said "if the taxi driver lost his job it would be a shame", Dwayne said in response: "you can justify his corrupted and wrongful actions until it's you or someone in your family that's killed or injured by a distracted driver". Dwayne accused the school and the taxi company of 'corruption' and said they are both "non-compliant with the safety or special needs of the children they are meant to help". This incident happened around the end of #April, 2021. Dwayne called for the taxi driver to be sacked from his job and receive a £200 fine and 6 penalty points or be prosecuted, however, his request was rejected. Dwayne said: "I never thought I would enter a car with a driver whom would use their hand-held mobile phone, however, I have been very unlucky to have been in a car with two dangerous drivers, it is disgusting to be honest. He needs the sack." One of Dwayne's parents said: "Why do taxi drivers insist on using their phones whilst driving, this is the second time this has happened on Dwayne's transport to and from school, so now there is no way we can get him to school. So f#ck#ng angry." Dwayne has refused to attend Releasing Potential School since around six months ago after his form tutor, Harry Stansfield, allegedly used a map on his phone whilst he was driving him back to his home, he also failed to indicate multiple times. Harry apologised, but Dwayne 'wasn't having it'. Dwayne only uses public transportation now, not including taxis, minibuses, or cars. Dwayne also refuses to go in cars because he says he 'feel safe on buses because they drive amazingly'. As far as we know, West Sussex County Council have not been notified about this incident. Dwayne said: "Where's the justice? He wasn't fired, prosecuted, or even slapped with penalty points and a fine, In fact, he is still taking students to and from school. It's a disgrace." Dwayne is advising locals in the area and visitors 'not to use the corrupted taxi company or attend Releasing Potential School'.

  • Google Maps claims Bognor Regis promenade is "closed"

    #Google Maps has claimed that the #Bognor Regis promenade is "temporarily closed" despite the esplanade having no closure signs shown and had many people visiting. Google Maps has claimed the promenade is "closed" despite there being no information online about the alleged "closure". There was also many people and cyclists on the esplanade. There were also no signs signalling a "closure". Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, said: "Since I last looked at the promenade on Google Maps on October 21st, it has been claimed to have been temporarily closed by Google, but when I went down the promenade to check it out for this article, the promenade was open and there were no signs of the closure or recent previous shutdowns to it." #Littlehampton #Community #News could not find any online information regarding any recent closures to the promenade.

  • Statistics show an alarming percentage of adults who have experienced sexual assault

    The statistics in relation to the percentage of adults aged 16 to 74 who have fallen victim to both sexual assault and attempts has sparked concern in some of #Britain's citizens. According to ONS statistics, an alarming 1.8% of adults (773,000) aged 16 to 74 have fallen victim to sexual assault and attempts. These statistics were released in #March, 2020. Many men and women for quite some time have reported feeling "unsafe" on Britain's streets amidst the number of sexual assaults. Many of these assaults were not reported to the #police, therefor, cannot be recorded as statistics which means there are many more unreported sexual assaults that have taken place. The most common form of sexual assault was unwanted touching according to the ONS statistics. What is sexual assault? Sexual assault is quite simply defined as any sexual act which another person did not consent to. It is an indictable (serious) criminal offense for any person to commit sexual assault. Sexual assault can be reported to #Sussex Police by clicking this link: If you do not live in West Sussex, you can still report the issue to Sussex Police because the police force will just transfer your report to your local force. In fact, you can report a crime to any #British police force because they will transfer your report to your local force.

  • 'Disgusting' fare-dodging thug videoed damaging bus and assaulting staff

    A 'disgusting' fare-dodging thug (man) has been videoed damaging a bus and assaulting the staff. The video shows the man calling the bus's staff "cxnts" and "illegal immigrants", he was also telling the driver "to go back to his own country". Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, said: "This is absolutely disgraceful, and if I were on that bus, I would not have had it. I would have called the emergency services, got him locked the hell up, and probably would have have reacted very firmly." "I would have probably booted that racist thug off of the bus myself!"

  • Dwayne Hards: "Why you should visit Toast, an amazing café in Littlehampton"

    Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, has praised Toast for their "outstanding" customer services. Dwayne said: "I have been to #Littlehampton's Toast, an amazing, small, community café and have found their staff to have been incredibly friendly, polite, kind, reliable, and passionate about serving their community." "I would rate Toast's Café a 10/10 amid their amazing customer services and recommend this restaurant to anyone in Littlehampton or who is visiting the area."

  • Retired Police Superintendent slams police for 'ridiculous' "rainbow pride police cars"

    A retired Police Superintendent, Kevin Moore, has slammed the #British #Police for their 'ridiculous' "rainbow pride police cars". Kevin Moore said: "Why do the police feel it is necessary to project this type of virtue signalling?" 'Firstly, the nonsense with the rainbow “Pride” police cars.' "Policing should be about equality for all by providing a first class service, whatever the background, sexuality, gender, race, etc of those with whom they come into contact."

  • Dwayne Hards congratulates "amazing singers" at Haven, Pagham, UK | Holiday Review

    Dwayne Hards has praised some "amazing" singers and actors at Church Farm Holiday Village In Bognor Regis. Dwayne Hards said: "This is some stunning, amazing, and unique singing. I am incredibly impressed." "These are some truly amazing singers and I am glad I went into the concert because I was quite anxious, but I pushed passed it with the help from my family on holiday at Church Farm." "These singers should be incredibly proud of themselves and I hope to see their acting or singing again soon." Dwayne also said his holiday "was difficult for the first three days, but on the last day, I settled in and didn't want to leave". "There was a very nice member of staff at Church Farm's arcades. The member of staff let me have a free stress ball and a glider airplane when I only had enough tickets for one stress ball, but I ended up with two stress balls and one glider, he also understood my #Autism." Dwayne said he is rating the holiday a "4 out of 5".

  • YouTube slammed for assisting the UK's government during Covid-19

    Many #YouTube users have slammed the site for assisting the #British Government during the Tories attempts to control the public and society. YouTube have been called "biased" by dishing out "health advice" and government propaganda without reporting a balanced view of the situation, instead, they are reporting only government "information" (opinions). YouTube's "Let's Not Go Back Campaign" costed millions of pounds and has been heavily criticised by it's users. YouTube have been accused of "threatening their viewers and trying to coerce them into getting vaccinated by the threat of the government introducing more unlawful and illiberal restrictions if they do not comply or cooperate".

  • BREAKING NEWS: Individual struck by a Southern Train

    An individual was struck by a #Southern Train last night according to The #British Transport #Police. All of Southern's Rail Services were temporarily halted amid the accident. The Emergency Services were on scene, inspecting the area the individual was hit by the train. This incident happened between #Worthing and #Brighton. All lines have now resumed.

  • Gardening tools gifted to The White Meadows Primary Academy by Littlehampton District Lions FC

    Gardening tools have been gifted to The White Meadows Primary Academy by the #Littlehampton District Lions #Football Club. The tools were gifted to the school because The Lions FC had seen a post by the school, appealing for funds to assist their gardening project, then they gave the school some free tools. A spokesperson for White Meadows said: “We were incredibly grateful as a school to receive such a generous donation from the Lion’s club." “All of the equipment will be put to great use throughout the school year. We are looking forward to growing lots of fruit, flowers, and vegetables with our children.” John Taylor, from the Littlehampton District Lions Club, said: “The last eighteen months has been a very difficult time for us all and it is very satisfying to know that the provision of the equipment would help the academy’s children to rejuvenate their garden area and at the same time teach them to be responsible, patient, and giving them time out of the classroom, providing positive experiences."

  • Talented Skaters flock to Littlehampton's Skate Park

    Talented Skaters have flocked to The Skate Park in #Littlehampton to perform some "amazing" tricks, stunts, and talents. Michelle Molloy, Littlehampton's Mayor, opened the skate park and said "the day was amazing because we have some talented people in our #community". On #YouTube, Arun District #Council have also uploaded a compilation video of the talented skaters, as has Littlehampton Community #News. #LCN's founder, Dwayne Hards, said: "The skaters are some extremely talented, experienced, and amazing people." An anonymous resident of Littlehampton said: "I have just watched the video and it was great." "You are so right, we do have many talented young people in our community, you never know, maybe even future Olympians." Littlehampton's Mayor has clearly stated that 'all are welcome to head on down to the skate park regardless of their experience'.

  • Worthing's Food Festival jammed full of visitors

    In #Worthing, there has been a Food Festival, a 'Morris Dance', and some other activities/events. The festival was jammed/packed full of visitors, shoppers, families, individuals, and locals. Many people were enjoying themselves amid the activities, events, and food, as well as many other things. The #weather also helped the festival with it's level of visitors and customers. There was free food samples, including multiple chocolate flavours at the event. There were also some children getting upset at the festival, especially when they couldn't get something they wanted, but it's normal for children to get agitated, it's part of their development and learning process. The staff at the event were 'very friendly, respectful, and polite' according to many of their visitors. There is a festival every year in Worthing.

  • Here's a way the UK public have the power to get what they need/want

    The #UK public can get what they want/need by striking their target with enough people, for example, a price for a microwave was £405, then if enough people struck the store, they will most likely lower the price if enough people didn't buy it. Another good way to lower the price of an item, ticket, or any other item is to set up a 'discounts group' on #Facebook where millions of people refuse to buy certain items of their choice until they reduce the price to their wishes, this is called striking, and if enough people do it, the store or other organisation will most probably cooperate because if they don't, they will lose a high majority of their customers.

  • Ambulances in attendance at the Littlehampton Sports Centre, Wave

    Two ambulances were in attendance to an incident at the #Littlehampton Sports Centre earlier this afternoon. The reason for the ambulances attendance is currently not known by Littlehampton #Community #News, and if #LCN is notified with any more information, then it shall be published on this article. One person was being wheeled out of the Sports Centre in an ambulance bed and a few but not many people were watching the incident. Several people were stood with the paramedics, transferring information. The patient was taken to hospital and that is all LCN knows at this point. The incident took place at around 4:00-5:00 PM earlier this afternoon. Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder, said: "I do wish all of my luck and the best outcomes to both the patient and their family." "I hope the patient gets well soon."

  • Waterworks next to Littlehampton's Skate Park is causing a 'big stink', says residents

    Waterworks are taking place next to #Littlehampton's Skate Park and are causing a 'big stink'. Some of Littlehampton's locals/residents and visitors have complained about the waterworks, saying that Southern Water's Pumping Station is causing a "big stink" to passers-by and families. One resident of Rustington, who chose to remain anonymous, said: "With the waterworks causing such a smell, it is causing visitors and locals quite some discomfort, and to people visiting, it will give our town a bad look and they may not return." One Littlehampton local, who remained anonymous, said: "I hate it when I walk down the seafront and smell people's do-do, it needs to be kept under control to keep both the public and environment satisfied." Southern Water have received many complaints over time for discharging untreated sewage into the environment, causing unsavoury smells and 'messing around' with drinking water. Many residents have called for the company to be 'closed completely', saying "they aren't fit to be running". A new 'Pumping Station' is being built by Southern Water next to Mewsbrook Park, Littlehampton, West #Sussex, #UK.

  • Chaos at Littlehampton Petrol Station, Cuff Miller, amid petrol panic buyers (yesterday)

    Many people were panic buying petrol at a #Littlehampton Petrol Station amid the fear of chemical shortages due to #Brexit. Hundreds of cars were queuing up outside the petrol station, causing buses to be late amid the ques and many cars were parking on the pavement despite driving on a pavement being a criminal offense under Section 72 of The Highways Act, 1985, this includes parking because to park there you need to drive onto the footpath. Outside Cuff Miller, there was an employee directing traffic amid the high demand of customers (panic buyers) and one bus was directed to drive down the wrong side of a mini roundabout. Enormous ques have formed over the past few days at (and outside of) Cuff Miller on #Horsham Road. Secretary of #Transport, Grant Shapps, has said "people should be sensible and only purchase petrol when they need it because there will be no petrol shortages", but it isn't unheard of for the government to tell lies or spread inaccurate "information". All over the country, there is petrol panic buyers, not just in Littlehampton, this is a national petrol crisis. The reason for the panic buying is because people fear a petrol shortage, after all, there is a shortage of Co2 and many other chemicals so people will fear a shortage of petrol because they don't know what will happen next amidst Brexit's consequences. Some petrol stations across the United Kingdom have closed to prevent petrol panic buying. The European Union has said that "they will refuse to help the #UK with their lorry drivers out of the shxt they created themselves".

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