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1576 items found for ""

  • Who has right of way on the Littlehampton seafront, cyclists, or pedestrians?

    There are many cyclists whom use the seafront to cycle along, however, who actually has right of way on the coast? Pedestrians. Pedestrians always have right of way on the seafront, as this sign (photo above) clearly states "Please cycle with care. Pedestrians have priority". Are cyclists allowed to use the seafront? Yes, cyclists are allowed to use the seafront because according to Arun District #Council "Littlehampton seafront is cycling friendly from the swimming centre, to the coastguard tower, where the cyclists are directed to re-join the roadway at Arun Parade, cycling is not permitted along the riverside walkway which runs from the seafront, to 150 metres north of the Look, & Sea Centre".

  • 'Edge By The Sea Café' mildly populated today

    The 'Edge By The Sea Café' was mildly populated today, both this morning, and this afternoon. The café has had some families, and individuals ordering some food, and drink this morning, and afternoon. This café was less populated than usual during most summer days.

  • How busy is/was Littlehampton today?

    This morning, many visitors, and residents took to the coast of #Littlehampton for a day out. This morning, the beach was mildly populated, with fewer visitors than there usually is on the coast. The Littlehampton Town was densely populated this morning. This afternoon, the town was still densely populated. This afternoon, the coast/beach was still mildly populated.

  • Butlin's, in Bognor Regis, vows to re-welcome day visitors

    Butlin's, in #Bognor Regis, have vowed to re-welcome their day visitors, according to Butlin's plans. The resort have promised to re-welcome day visitors from July 31st, 2021, according to Butlin's plans. #Butlins

  • 13 Year-old boy violently assaulted in West Sussex, UK

    A 13 year-old boy has been violently assaulted by two teenagers in The West Park Recreation Ground, in Worthing. The teenager was confronted by two teenagers whom were familiar to him in Robson Road, according to Sussex #Police. Good Samaritans had to stop the teenagers assaulting the boy until police arrived. The boy was also hospitalised for facial injuries, according to #Sussex Police.

  • Woman brutally beaten in Hyde Park, London, for criticising Islam

    A woman in Hyde Park, #London, has been brutally beaten, and stabbed for criticising Islam in a protest. The lady was expressing her views on the religion, but was prevented from doing so by being stabbed, and beaten in public, during the day. The mainstream media have underreported on the incident, there is also no hashtag trending in relation to the assault amid the media's underreporting. Very few, if any, politicians have expressed their concerns of #Britain becoming a country of restricted political expression, and speech. A man in a black hood went for the lady, he repeatedly slashed her with a blade due to 'taking offense' to her comments. The lady was hit in the face last year, in 2020, for showing an animation of 'Muhammad' at Speakers Corner, London, #UK. #Littlehampton #Community #News has not published the video, as the content shows graphic material. Miss Tash is an ex-Muslim, but is now a Christian, and expresses her views against the religion, Islam. Miss Tash gets into extreme arguments with Muslim preachers in Speakers Corner.

  • Rain hits the UK after '13 days' of sunny weather

    Rain has hit the whole of the United Kingdom after '13 days' of extreme heat, and sunny weather. '13 Days' data source: Today, the weather has consistently, and constantly, poured it down with rain. Tomorrow, thunderstorms are expected throughout the entire country, #UK. For the next five days, until the 31st of #July, rain is expected throughout the whole of the United Kingdom. On the first of #August, 2021, the weather is expected to be 'partly cloudy', according to

  • 40 Year-old man assaulted by two males, 20, in Bognor Regis

    A man has been assaulted by two males, aged 20, in #Bognor Regis, West #Sussex, #UK. Sussex #Police were alerted to attend to a serious assault in #Chichester Road, Bognor Regis. The two males drove off in their car by the time police had arrived on scene, said Sussex Police. A 40 year-old male has been taken to hospital in an ambulance, and has suffered serious injuries amid the assault. The two suspects, aged 20, were locked up/taken to custody, suspected of causing grievous bodily harm to the 40 year-old male, said the police. The suspects are currently being questioned. A Sussex Police spokesperson said: "The assault is being treated as isolated, and enquiries continue to establish the circumstances of the incident." "Anyone who witnessed what happened, or who has information that may assist with enquiries, is urged to report online, or call 101, quoting 992 of 20/07."

  • Eric Clapton refuses to perform in concerts if 'vaccine passports are to be made compulsory'

    Eric Clapton, a musician, has vowed that he will refuse to perform in concerts if 'vaccine passports are to be made compulsory'. Eric Clapton said: “I wish to say that I will not perform on any stage where there is a discriminated audience present." Mr Clapton has said he will only refuse to perform in concerts which require 'proof' of both #Covid-19 vaccinations. The leader/founder of The Reclaim Party, Laurence Fox, has congratulated the guitarist for "taking a stand against discrimination".

  • Brexiter sends 'vile' email to the founder of 'SODEM', Steve Bray

    Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, has commented on an email sent to the founder of '#SODEM', he called it "vile". The email reads: "Hi. First, and foremost, a referendum is a democratic procedure, where the nation votes, and the majority wins. That's it, so fxck off with your megaphone, and accept the result." "If you can't except the result, fxck off to #Russia, where you may well be accepted." "We don't need the likes of commie bastards like you here in the #UK, so go back to selling your stamps, and quieten down, as nobody's interested in you." "Democracy, it's a great thing that makes sure everyone has a voice, and your megaphone will never drown everyone else's voice out, you bastard." "Kind regards." The sender remains anonymous, and cannot be identified by #Littlehampton #Community #News, as the email address was hidden in the image. Steve Bray said on #Twitter: "Good morning, #BrexitDayDiary+38, How would a #Brexiter find the time to write to us in the middle of all that freedom, & sovereignty? You'd've thought he'd be too busy enjoying his wonderful new #Brexit lifestyle. Hmmm, perhaps it's not so great after all. #BrexitStinks." Steve Bray is a #British Activist. He is commonly known as "The Stop Brexit Man". He is from Port Talbot, in South #Wales, United Kingdom. Steve is the founder of 'SODEM', an independent anti-Brexit organisation.

  • Littlehampton's coast flocked upon amid the scorching summer weather

    #Littlehampton's coast has been flocked upon amid the scorching hot summer #weather. This video (above) shows the coast/beach of Littlehampton being flocked upon by hundreds/thousands of people, and families amid the scorching hot summer weather. This beach is at it's busiest in around a year. The temperature today in Littlehampton was '28°C', according to Not only was the beach flooded with visitors, but the sea was also packed with swimmers, and paddlers as well. Many boats had taken to the sea of Littlehampton, from the River Arun.

  • Littlehampton's coastal car park full amid the scorching weather

    The coast's car park, in #Littlehampton, is full, and most, if not all, spaces have been taken. The car park is at it's busiest this year, 2021, amid the scorching summer #weather. Many families have driven to the coast of Littlehampton, and therefor, have taken the available spaces.

  • Arun District Council allows tree to tower over two Littlehampton phone boxes, and beach road shops

    A photo has been captured of a tree in #Littlehampton having been left to tower over a Littlehampton bus stop, and many shops in #Beach Roads's stores. Arun District #Council have "planned to cut this tree down, to wait for it", said Mel Saunders, the viewer who sent the photo in. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, commented on the image, he said: "I think that this is a disgrace, and the council must, and should, look after their environment, and should serve their #community with pride!"

  • This morning's sunset in Littlehampton is looking 'stunning'

    The sunset in #Littlehampton this morning is looking 'stunning' amid the 'phenomenon' called "Rayleigh scattering". Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, said: "The sunset is looking stunning this morning, and Littlehampton has some of the #UK's nicest ones."

  • Are temporary '20 MPH speed limits' with flashing amber lights mandatory?

    During certain times of the day, there are often temporary flashing amber '20 MPH speed limits', are these the law, and can they be enforced? No, these flashing amber '20 MPH speed signs' are not legally enforceable, they are there to alert drivers that children are out of school. Drivers may lawfully go beyond these 'limits' because they are advisory, not the law. However, driving above these limits is not usually a wise decision because when these 'limits' are posted, they are often done so to decrease the likelihood of an accident, or a collision, as there are more hazards when the lights flash.

  • Pets: Dwayne's Giant African Land Snails have bred, and laid eggs!

    Dwayne Hards's Giant African Land Snails have now bred, and laid a clutch of eggs. Dwayne's snails are just over 1 year of age. Dwayne said he "never thought his snails would breed", but they did, it just took a little while. Dwayne has four Giant African Land Snails, which have bred already, and one Garden Snail.

  • Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder, is 'super impressed' with the 700's bus services

    #LCN's founder, Dwayne Hards, is feeling 'super impressed' with the 700's bus services. Dwayne said: "I personally feel that the drivers are incredibly safe, polite, respectful, and careful. These services are amazing, better than a lot of other companies in the #UK, I am super impressed with the service!" Dwayne added: The drivers drive incredibly well, as well as very, very safely. I have no issue so far with their drivers, and all is going well." "I would recommend '#Stagecoach' to anyone else looking for a reliable, and trustworthy bus company to use because the drivers are very, very polite, and safe." "I have issues with taxi firms, and companies, but no issues with the 700, run by Stagecoach." Stagecoach is the United Kingdom's most popular bus, and coach company, according to

  • UK: Do cyclists have to stop at a red light?

    Many cyclists believe they can run red lights, and most do so regardless of the risks, and danger they are causing to both themselves, and other road users. But, is it against the law, or not? Yes, running a red light is against the law, this law applies to ALL road users, these include cyclists, as well as motorists. Cyclists caught running red lights may be offered on the spot advice, or a £30 fine.

  • Driver waiting at Rustington traffic lights exposed for parking in a 'KEEP CLEAR' box

    A driver waiting at a set of traffic lights in #Rustington has waited in a 'KEEP CLEAR' box. Dwayne Hards said he "was not impressed with the driver". This driver has been uploaded onto #LCN's website for their act on the Rustington #Town Road. If anyone who would like to give an opinion on this, please do not hesitate to email us, or comment on our #Facebook page's post regarding this article. (The dates are inaccurate, this was taken recently).

  • UK: Do you legally have to stop before a cycle box line at a traffic light?

    At a good percentage of traffic lights, especially in towns, and cities, you will see a cycle box, with a line, separated from the normal traffic light line. Is it against the law for a cyclist, biker, or motorist to bypass the 'first white line'? Yes, drivers, motorists, and cyclists MUST stop at the 'first white line', however, if the light changes, and is about to turn red, but it is to unsafe to brake before the cycle box line, then it is safer/better to stop in the cycle box than to brake to quickly, or harshly, according to 'The Highway Code'.

  • UK: Is driving over a mini roundabout against the law?

    Many, if not all, drivers have driven over a mini roundabout at some point, most do so regularly, or even all the time, but is this legal to do in the United Kingdom, or is it a criminal offense? Yes, driving over a mini roundabout is a criminal offense, most vehicles must drive around the mini roundabout, unless they are to large to perform the turn safely, and have no other choice because, according to 'The Highway Code', "All vehicles MUST pass round the central markings, except large vehicles which are physically incapable of doing so." A mini roundabout MUST be treated as if it were an island in the road, according to #British road traffic laws.

  • Littlehampton's weather has been 'amazing', and scorching today

    The #weather in #Littlehampton today has been 'amazing', and scorching today, there has also been some intense temperatures, the average temperature is/was '22°C', according to The scorching summer weather has clearly returned to our beaches, towns, country land(s), and the neighbourhoods of Littlehampton. The return of this 'amazing' weather means more families can enjoy the beaches in West #Sussex, #UK. Dwayne Hards, founder of #LCN, said: "This weather is amazing, and is scorching. Now that the weather has improved, hopefully more families will take to the coast's of West Sussex, and will have an outstanding time." Currently, the weather may be taking a turn for the worse, as the clouds are appearing, and they have appeared are grey. It is possible it may rain later on, now, or this evening, as well as tonight.

  • Corruption: Southern Water intentionally discharge billions of litres of raw sewage into many oceans

    Southern Water have intentionally discharged billions of litres of raw sewage into the oceans of #Hampshire, and #Kent. The private water treatment firm were fined a whopping 90 million pounds amid their corrupted actions. The company did this to suit their own financial needs, and profits to reduce their costs. They covered up their actions by under reporting their spills. These actions were unlawfully carried out by the company for many years to suit their own financial interests, and profits. Between 16, and 21 billion litres of raw, untreated sewage were discharged into many oceans. The judge of #Canterbury Crown #Court said: “These offences show a shocking, and wholesale disregard for the environment, for precious, and delicate ecosystems, and coastlines, for human health, and for fisheries, and other legitimate businesses that operate in the coastal waters.” The company were illegally discharging raw sewage into both oceans since 2010, and 2015, for seven years. These offenses were the most serious the #Environment Agency has ever dealt with in their 25 years of existence. #Corruption

  • Over 50% of motorists break the 30 MPH speed limits, according to The DfT's data

    Over 50 percent of #UK drivers regularly speed in 30 MPH zones, according to The Department for #Transport's data. According to The Department for Transport's data, over 56 percent of cars illegally bypassed the 30 MPH restrictions, 67 percent of motor bikers went beyond the 30 limits, and 58 percent of van drivers forwent the legal limit. Many drivers also went beyond the twenty mile per hour limits, according to the data from #DfT.

  • Drivers speeding, even by 1 MPH, may/can be dealt with by Sussex Police

    Speeding in West #Sussex is relatively common, but however, when someone is caught beyond the speed limit, they may be issued with a Fixed #Penalty Notice (#FPN), and points on their license. Speeding by any amount is a crime, whether you are going one mile over the limit, or 30 over, speeding is #speeding. There are rumours circulating on social media that you are "allowed 10% leeway", however, this is false because the speed limit is an absolute maximum, and exceeding it by any amount is still a crime, and can have you charged. Many drivers commonly speed in #Littlehampton, #Rustington, #Worthing, #Brighton, and many other areas in #Sussex, but if they are caught by #police staff, they may be issued with points, and a fine, or even a court summons.

  • Civil Liberties: What to do, and how to react if someone challenges you for failing to wear a mask

    Challenging someone without a face covering is illegal, and discriminatory, as well as being distinctive treatment, which is illegal under the United Nations human rights law. Here's how to react if challenged. React calmly. Ideally, you should stay calm because if you don't, then if you were to try, and sue/or prosecute them, you would have less luck if you were to have reacted aggressively, or angrily. Show these 'nosy' people a copy of our article, because this will help them to understand how this makes you, and others feel. You can print this article by downloading, and printing this article. Alternatively, you may download this image, and show the offender. You can also provide the offender with a copy of the article (paper). Print the above article, and show this to the 'nosy' people who ask about your face covering.

  • DH explains: "Why you should not ask a customer 'why' they are not wearing a face covering"

    2020 has without a doubt been one of the most stressful times in #British #history, from the #Coronavirus #pandemic, to the government's handling of the situation, along with the rising mental health crisis. Our heroic/brave, and hard-working shop staff (essential workers) are putting their lives on the line by helping to feed people, and are helping to keep our country going whilst risking their own lives in doing so. Disclaimer: This article is not blaming/damaging the reputation of essential workers, it is an advisory guide as to how asking someone about their mask may make them feel, and how to ask in a way without asking about their disability, or upsetting the person. A mistake that most, if not all stores have made is asking people "why aren't you wearing a mask", and there have even been cases where people haven't been let in to a store unless they disclosed their disability. However, this mistake asking as to 'why' someone is not wearing a mask could make the person feel anxious, embarrassed, and even angry, as well as feeling challenged. I do not feel that people should feel challenged for daring to enter a shop without a mask because people whom choose not to wear a face covering are obviously anxious about wearing a mask, and anxiety is an "exemption", so there is your answer, no need to ask because it's obvious. It is morally wrong to ask someone "why aren't you wearing a mask" because asking someone regarding as to why they are not wearing a mask is challenging their anxiety, and their potential medical/mental health condition. This is also illegal because challenging someone because of their state of health is a criminal offense, however it is not a crime to offer someone a mask for example, "would you like to wear a mask", or "would you like to wear one of our face coverings because I am worried about your health". If you do still insist on asking someone as to why they are not wearing a mask please do not ask "why", only ask "would you like to wear a mask", or "would you like to wear one of our face coverings because I am worried about your health", if you do ask someone "why" they are not wearing a face covering please do be aware that you may be sued, fined, and/or prosecuted. By asking someone "why aren't you wearing a mask" not only are you committing an offense, you may also upset the person, and cause them to have a meltdown, or by asking 'why' this could make the person feel emotional, embarrassed, and/or discriminated against/bullied. In the past I have been asked "why aren't you wearing a mask", and this made me feel quite upset, and angry, and also discriminated against. No person should have to feel this way because it is not acceptable despite the situation for anyone to be discriminated against, or feel discriminated against/bullied. There was also an incident in #Butlins, #Bognor #Regis when I went to the shop by the go-karts, I was blocked from going into the Co-Op until I disclosed my medical condition, at that time I was not aware as much as I am now regarding the law on discrimination so I just let it go, however if this had have happened now I would start recording, defending my rights, and be considering legal action. I had also said that I was "exempt", however they still asked (in fact told me) to disclose my condition. I felt overwhelmed, stressed, confused, anxious, and annoyed. No-one should be treated in this manor. If you ask the wrong person they may act in a way which they may not be able to help/control and may get shaken, shouty, or they may even go into a full-on meltdown, as well as causing a possible mental health crisis. It is obviously better not to ask at all, however if you really insist on asking do not ask "why aren't you wearing a mask", "will, can, must, or you have to wear a mask" because this is discriminatory illegal wrong nosy challenging potentially bullying pointless the same applies to police, the NHS, private citizens, and any other person/authority. The government says "members of the public should not challenge people for not wearing a face covering, but people who work in premises where face coverings are required can. They should be “mindful, and respectful” of those who are exempt". However, this is not correct because this would still be discrimination whether you work in a store/indoor space, or not, and challenging someone regarding a disability is illegal, and wrong. Regardless of the law, you should never challenge someone. Remember, stay #positive, and do not mention #Coronavirus where possible, or Boris Johnson/Tories. Most importantly, do not force #Coronavirus on to other people. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • UK: Giving way at a roundabout, how to proceed legally, and safely

    All drivers know that it is a legal requirement to give way at a roundabout, but however, some drivers break the law without even knowing it (sometimes). Here is how you should, and MUST give way at a roundabout to remain within the law, and to keep both yourself, and others safe. Turning right: When approaching the roundabout, you MUST wait for all traffic on the right to clear before you proceed (wait for a safe gap), you should be signalling right on your approach. When you have passed the exit before the one you intend to take, you should signal left until you have left the roundabout. Usually, all cars will have to wait for you, if you are already on the roundabout. Turning left: When taking the first exit onto a roundabout, you MUST give way to all traffic on your right. A left signal should be used on approach to the roundabout. Going straight ahead: When going straight ahead at a roundabout, you MUST give way to all traffic on your right, then you should proceed with caution. A signal is unnecessary until you have passed (usually) the first exit, then, you should signal left, cancel your signal when you have quit the roundabout. What about when a roundabout is busy, or during rush hour? During rush hour, the exact same rules apply, you must wait for all traffic to clear, unless a polite driver decides to let you go. Failing to give way can result in legal consequences, and is illegal. Mini roundabouts: The give way rules are the exact same, the only difference is that you should only signal left as you are leaving the roundabout 'if you can', because it is not always possible to safely signal left as you are leaving amid the shortage of time. Of course, you must still signal right, or left, however, signalling for the 2nd exit, or left for the right turn should only be done if it is safe, and practical to do so. At a roundabout, some some drivers may be tempted to use the wrong lane to get through faster, especially at traffic lights, however, this is against the law, and can land these drivers with criminal charges. Driving over a mini roundabout: () These brackets will be filled if #Sussex #Police respond. We asked 'if driving over a mini roundabout is illegal', and are awaiting a response from Sussex Police.

  • Sussex man prosecuted after being said to have driven up to 200 MPH on the M23

    A #Sussex man, driver, is suspected to have driven dangerously, by speeding up to 200 MPH on the #M23, said Sussex Police. The driver, James Hollett, aged 39, will be required to attend a hearing in relation to the alleged offense at #Crawley Magistrates Court. James has been charged with speeding, dangerous driving, aggravated vehicle taking, and driving without due care, and attention. The court will decide as to whether James is innocent, or guilty. A Sussex Police spokesman said: “The summons, authorised by the Crown Prosecution Service, follows an extensive investigation by Sussex #Police.” This happened in #Horsham, West Sussex, #UK.

  • Boy with Autism creates stunning artwork when he was challenged to draw a robotic copy of himself

    A boy, called James, with #Autistic Spectrum Disorder has designed one stunning, and unique piece of artwork after he was challenged in his class to draw a robotic copy of himself. The mum of James, Niki Duvall-Hawley, said: This is my favourite piece he has done this year, so far. Just love how his mind works."

  • Community event due in West Sussex on July 15th, 2021, and six other dates

    A community event is due to take place in Meaden Way, #Bognor, West #Sussex, on #July 15th, 2021, along with six other scheduled dates. The event will be hosted by 'Together Arun'. This event is called 'Crafternoon', and will take place in Felpham #Community Hall, in Bognor. This event is planned to give neighbours a chance to meet, and socialise. The event 'will get the community chatting'. At this event, visitors can enjoy a coffee, do some DIY crafts, and meet/others. Together Arun have said that this event will have '#Covid-19 safety measures' in place, these are said to include, social distancing, limited numbers of guests, and any other #Coronavirus guidelines which are in place. More information can be found in relation to this event, here: https://www.facebook....

  • Elderly male assaulted in an ASDA car park

    An eighty year-old male has been assaulted in an #ASDA car park, and has been seriously injured amid the attack. A 29 year-old male has been taken to custody under suspicion of assault, and GBH. The parking lot 'was crowded' during the incident, according to #Sussex #Police. Anyone with any information regarding the incident is asked to contact either police, or #Crimestoppers, using reference 493 of 10/07. The arrested male is from #Crawley, West Sussex, #England. The elderly man has been taken to hospital for treatment for his severe injuries from the attack. Police would appreciate any witnesses to come forwards, and tell them what has happened, or what they have seen/heard.

  • Missing 13 year-old girl, Ellie-Louise, found by Sussex Police

    Ellie-Louise has been missing for one afternoon, since #July 9th, and was found later on in the same day (evening). Ellie lives in #Worthing, West #Sussex. Sussex #Police previously urged members of the public to dial 999 if they spotted her. Ellie was seen last in Castle Road, until she went missing. Ellie was found by police later that evening, a spokesperson said.

  • Coast's car park, in Littlehampton, almost full amid the summer weather's return

    The coastal car park, in #Littlehampton, has regained it's popularity amid the summer #weather's return. If the not so nice weather returns, then the car park will lose a majority of it's visitors, as well as the beach, and the rest of Littlehampton.

  • Cuttlefish bones wash up to Littlehampton's beach

    Cuttlefish bones have been washing up onto #Littlehampton's beach. #Cuttlefish bones can be collected for a wide variety of different purposes, including, to feed reptiles, many exotic pets, and birds, as well for plenty of other uses. Cuttlebones can also be composted, or added to plants as a calcium supplement/source.

  • Summer weather returns to Littlehampton today

    The appreciable summer has returned to #Littlehampton today, and the temperature is reasonable. Many families have taken to Littlehampton's seafront for an amazing family outing amid the pleasant #weather today, this afternoon.

  • Littlehampton car park less busy amid the 'bad' weather

    The coast's car park, in #Littlehampton, is far less busy than usual amid the 'bad' weather again. This car park is mostly busy during the nicer summer days, when the weather is decent.

  • Littlehampton's beach mildly populated today

    The beach of #Littlehampton is mildly populated today amid the constantly changing #weather. Very few people have visited the coast today, along with most other beaches in West #Sussex.

  • Littlehampton: Norfolk Gardens bus stop damaged by the rough wind

    A #Littlehampton bus stop, in #Norfolk Gardens, has been damaged by the rough wind/#weather. The bus stop's white sign was moved by the wind, and the window was dislodged from it's place.

  • Vandals force entry in to a garage

    Vandals have forced entry into a property in West #Sussex. The vandals also demolished property in the garage. This happened in #Horsham. The vandals broke in to the garage by destroying the padlock on it's door. This took place in #April Close. The burglary was reported to Sussex #Police on #July 1st, 2021. People who know anything about the incident are urged to call the police by phoning 101.

  • The Oyster Pond is mildly populated amid today's 'terrible' weather

    The Oyster Pond, in #Littlehampton, is mildly, and far less populated than usual amid today's 'terrible' #weather. The attraction will most likely regain it's popularity when the 'nice' weather returns. Some families have been surprisingly enjoying the pond, and many have been enjoying crabbing with their children despite the poor weather.

  • Littlehampton: Norfolk Gardens grass patch 'looks like a flower border'

    A #Littlehampton grass patch, in #Norfolk Gardens, 'looks like a flower border'. The grass patch looks "amazing", and 'looks like a flower border', says (#LCN's founder/#Leader), Dwayne Hards.

  • Worthing's sea was as rough as ever today

    The sea has been as rough as ever today amid the rough, wet, and incredibly breezy #weather. The coast of #Worthing has hammered down with rain, and has also suffered from intense breezes.

  • Littlehampton's coast almost empty amid the rough, and breezy weather

    #Littlehampton's coast/beach is almost empty amid this afternoon's poor, and wet weather. Many families, residents, and visitors have avoided many beaches of West #Sussex amid the wet, and miserable weather.

  • Trophies awarded to Littlehampton competition members, mayor attended

    Trophies have been awarded to members of a #Littlehampton #Christmas competition, show. These have been awarded at Mewsbrook Park, Littlehampton. The mayor of Littlehampton, Councillor Michelle Molloy, was in attendance to the event. 'Littlehampton Town Show' are looking forward to new members joining on 11th #September, 2021. Here are the winners: Christmas Wreath Winner: Jackie Wright. Christmas Decoration Winner: Eva Petuhova. Knitted, or Crocheted Christmas Gift Winner: Michelle Harris. Children’s Card, or Bauble Winner: Eliza-Rose Mayhead.

  • Worthing's coast almost empty amid today's rough weather

    #Worthing's coast was almost empty, and far less populated than usual amid today's rough #weather. The coast will most likely regain it's popularity when the weather improves.

  • Dwayne Hards considers launching his own political 'freedom party'

    Dwayne Hards has said if freedom continues to remain a threat to humanity, then he'll "have to step in". Dwayne's aim is to educate the uneducated, give children the right to 'roam', to hold bad drivers to account, to give children more liberal freedom, hold the #Conservatives to account for the unlawful Covid-19 regulations, to hold overzealous parents to account for privacy intrusion, and to make it a specific crime to ground children, as well as giving children the right to vote. Dwayne said: "I feel I may have to step in soon if freedom continues to threaten the #British public, especially children." "I wish for teenagers, and children to enjoy more liberal freedom, except in mitigating circumstances." "I believe parents are to trigger-happy with authority, control, and suppression. I do not believe parents have the right to force their children to do ANYTHING, so I vow to take action on behalf of their freedoms." "Parents are making things that their children clearly don't want to do 'mandatory', and this has to stop because this can cause an imbalance of trust between parents, and their children, which will cause more problems later on, as well as mandates threatening their liberal freedoms." "I wish to educate over-authoritative parents on how to become more liberal, freedom-friendly, and fair." "I believe confiscating a child's phone is a violation of their right to privacy, unless they have reasonable suspicion that their child is in danger, however, this should only be done as a last resort, as this can cause an imbalance of trust." Dwayne vows to expose overzealous parents through #LCN's newspaper, and website. Dwayne also vows to petition for children to receive more liberal freedoms than ever before, especially teenagers. "If I start my political party to protect teenagers right to roam freely without being monitored by their parents, I will need any freedom-wanting teens to sign my petitions on" "I vow to reform parents whom are controlling, and to educate them to become better parents, and if necessary, hold them to account in the UK's courts, or international/European courts." "Freedom is a fundamental human right, and my 'Freedom Party' will make grounding a child a crime, as well as 'snooping' on your teen(s)." "Your childhood, your freedom. TAKE IT BACK!"

  • The face mask "rule" is totalitarian, unlawful, and does not work. Here's why. #MasksOff

    The #UK's #government has unlawfully coerced people to wear a face covering, this has been done through the threat of law, enforcement, #police, and fines. Despite the fact that enforcing the regulation would be unlawful, and discriminatory. The public, police, or other officials would be in breach of international anti-discrimination law because under international law, discrimination includes distinction, treating people differently amid their opinion, belief, or state of health, and differential treatment. Depending in which country/state you live, your own country may also have laws against this. The #European Union's laws also make this illegal within #Europe. This applies to #EU members. Every fine issued in relation to the #Coronavirus outbreak is illegal, discriminatory, and totalitarian, as well as authoritarian. People equally reserve the right to wear masks without being challenged by people without face masks. However, people should only do so if they truly wish to amid liberal human rights law. Here's an example where wearing a mask would be 'pointless'; A parent, and their child enter a shop, the child is anti-lockdown, but the parent wishes to wear a face covering. If #Covid-19 were to infect your child, the child would obviously be interacting with the parent, therefor, the child would spread Covid-19 to the parent, and so on. Face masks also reduce your oxygen intake, which is bad for your physical health. Face coverings also only reduce the amount of droplets travelling in the air, and slows them down ever so slightly. If someone walked into a shop with a mask, and had Covid-19, the result would likely be the same as someone entering without a mask. People would still be infected because air will still travel. The most important things to do to prevent germs is wash our hands regularly, stay home when we are sick, and clean items/surfaces, as well as to wear medical gloves if you wish to do so. More litter is also ending up in our environments, oceans, and even our gardens, because face masks fall out of bins/pockets, end up chocking animals, and result in injured animals, as well as killing wildlife/domestic pets. In theory, masks are required under the #Coronavirus regulations, however, this law violates European, international, and domestic human rights laws, so the enforcement of this "rule" would be unlawful. People, the public, police, or other officials are also not allowed to ask "why" someone is not wearing a face covering because the asking of someone's state of health would be discriminatory, as the asking would be distinctive. The government is scaring people into wearing masks because most people do not 'want' to wear a mask, they only do so because they fear enforcement, or would feel 'bad' for wearing a sunflower lanyard. Anyone can exempt themselves from this "rule, or law" because there is no set condition you must have to be exempt. Having a different political view is also an exemption because wearing a mask would make anti-maskers 'anxious' to do so, and anxiety is a face mask "exemption". Dwayne Hards (#LCN's founder/#Leader) refuses to wear a mask, and wears a sunflower lanyard "to avoid nosy people". Dwayne "would also stick up for someone else" if they were unlawfully challenged in relation to their refusal to wear a mask, or for their choice to wear a mask. #MasksOff #law #facemask

  • Cats can spread, and catch Covid-19

    Cats can catch #Covid-19, as well as ferrets, and dogs, along with many other animals. No scientific evidence supports the need to wash your pets with soap, or water during the #Coronavirus outbreak. In 2021, and 2020, some cats have been reported to have had Coronavirus symptoms, says CDC. If you need to self-isolate from everyone else in your household amid an infection, you should also isolate from pets, and animals as well because scientific studies have proven animals can spread, and catch Covid-19. You should not interact with your pet if you need to self-isolate amid an infection. #CDC

  • Are "No Ball Games" signs enforceable by law in Littlehampton?

    Playing any ball game in a public place is lawful, except when the game is 'reasonably' deemed to be distracting to other motorists, for example, playing a game in the middle of a busy road. A "No Ball Games" signs is advisory only, and is a request. These signs have no force of law in the United Kingdom. Most commonly, elderly people, 'busybodies', and 'Karens' put these signs up, because they want to make other people believe they are not legally allowed to play ball games near them. These people often try to enforce the sign, however, they do not have any legal right in doing so, this includes the #police, security guards, and wardens, as well as any other officials.

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