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  • UK: This is "why seatbelt stops are illegal"

    According to You must wear a seat belt if one is fitted in the seat you're using - there are only a few exceptions. You can be fined up to £500 if you don't wear a seat belt when you're supposed to. The issue with seatbelt stops is that some people whom do not buckle up fail to do so because they have a hidden disability, and they find the seatbelt either unsafe, or incredibly tight. Some people may feel as if they cannot breath by wearing a seatbelt, seatbelts should also be personal choice because 'fining' someone for not buckling up only gives the state revenue, fining someone whom has failed to wear his/her seatbelt will not save any lives. Seatbelt stops are illegal because you cannot pull someone over simply just to ask them what their disability is, and you especially cannot pull someone over to demand proof of the driver/passengers disability (seatbelt exemption) as this amounts to discrimination. Failure to wear a seatbelt is also quite hard to prove unless you confess (remain silent), and stay calm, then you may have grounds later on to sue the police/enforcement official. According to It is entirely up to you whether you choose to pay the fine, or whether you take it to court, however the likelihood of the police being able to prove that you weren't strapped in is incredibly low, the chances of them being able to prove this are even lower if you were a back-seat passenger with tinted windows, the chances of admissible evidence is far lower if you put the seatbelt on straight away when you saw the police before they had noticed you. The police will likely need a 'confession' to prosecute you with valid evidence, you are under no legal obligation to disclose the offense because you have the 'right to remain silent'. You should decide to take the matter to court if there is a lack of evidence, or you believe that the police acted unlawfully whilst stopping you/your passenger(s), however you should be aware that if you opt to go to court and there does happen to be valid evidence held against you then you may receive an even higher sanction. According to You have the 'right to remain silent', note: anything you do say may be used against you. LCN

  • Noticed signs of a stroke? Act F.A.S.T!

    Knowing the signs of a stroke is crucial, as is knowing which steps to take in the unfortunate scenario that someone has a stroke approaching. Face, Arms, Speech, Time. According to Every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke. About 610,000 of these are first or new strokes. About 185,000 strokes—nearly 1 of 4—are in people who have had a previous stroke. The following symptoms may be signs of a stroke approaching: the patient's Face has dropped on one side, the patient may not be able to perform basic facial expressions for example smiling, their mouth, or eye may have drooped, the patient may not be able to keep both Arms in the air because of weakness, or numbness in one arm, the patient's Speech may be slurred/not making sense, or the patient may not be able to talk at-all whilst appearing to be awake, they may also have trouble understanding what you are saying to them. If the patient does have any of these symptoms then it is Time to call 999 for an ambulance as this is a medical emergency. Act F.A.S.T (Face, Arms, Speech, and Time). Acting F.A.S.T is the key between life, and death because by phoning 999 for an ambulance you can help someone reach hospital quickly, and receive the treatment as early as possible. Acting F.A.S.T can help to prevent any further damage from taking place in the patient's brain, and help the patient reach a full recovery. Failing to act F.A.S.T may result in the patient dying, or suffering from life-long disabilities such as memory loss, paralysis, and/or communication difficulties #ActFAST #FaceArmsSpeechTime #FAST. DH

  • This is why we MUST re-join the European Union, NOW!

    According to Brexit was the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, and the European Atomic Energy Community at 23:00 31 January 2020 GMT. The UK is the only #country to formally leave the EU, after 47 years of having been a member state of the EU, and its predecessor, the European Communities, since 1 January, 1973. Brexit was a bad move for our nation(s), and the EU because Brexit has costed the UK £32.9 billion, gave the #government new and excessive powers, and has damaged #trading between Europe, and the UK, as well as disrupting peace in Northern #Ireland. We MUST re-join the #EU ASAP. #RejoinEU #Brexit is cutting off the 5th largest economy from it's commercial companions which hurts both the #UK, and the #EU. Leaving the European Union also affects the UK in relation to human rights because leaving the EU means that we are no longer required to follow laws passed by the #European #Parliament which as a result leaves our human rights more vulnerable, and means that we can now only rely on either international law, treaties, or domestic UK legislation to protect our rights. We also can no longer prosecute for European Offenses anymore because we are no longer a member of the EU. Leaving the European Union has also potentially given the UK, and it's waste treatment facilities more power to dispose of waste into the ocean without being held accountable/responsible. Brexit has cost the United Kingdom 32.9 billion pounds which is a complete waste of money, and negatively affects the #British #economy. Being in the European Union was good for the following reasons: strict standards, and regulations stable prices increased economical benefits including: stability, and growth stronger environmental protection strict human rights laws strict European standards regarding the oceans, and environment strict European standards in relation to taxes and many other reasons It is time to re-join the European Union. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • UK: This is why seatbelt stops are NOT illegal

    You should always wear your seatbelt whilst in a vehicle because according to Being buckled up during a crash helps keep you safe and secure inside your vehicle; being completely ejected from a vehicle is almost always deadly. If you don't wear your seat belt, you could be thrown into a rapidly opening frontal air bag. Such force could injure or even kill you. #Seatbelt stops are NOT unlawful because by law you MUST (if #exempt) show your certificate to a police officer in #England. Seatbelts save lives, so use them! If you do not wear your seatbelt in a vehicle which slams its breaks, or crashes, then you may be ejected from your seat to out of the window. In the unfortunate scenario that an accident takes place you are twice as likely to die in a collision compared with someone whom was wearing their seatbelt. People are less likely to wear a seatbelt if they are a young passenger/driver, or are travelling short, or familiar journeys. However, according to Surveys reveal that the most car accidents happen within five minutes or less of a driver's home. Approximately one-third of all car crashes occur between one and five miles of where the driver lives. Buckle up, it only takes seconds, and may save your life. Ensure that your passengers are strapped in. And do not travel (if possible) by car if you are exempt until it is safe to return to the roads buckled up. Do not wear a seatbelt because of the law, instead wear one because it can save your life, and is the right thing to do. Wearing a seatbelt is far better than losing your life, or becoming seriously injured by the incident. It is always a good idea to ensure that your passengers are strapped in regardless of the legal age of #seatbelt responsibility (14) because ensuring that your passengers are buckled in may save someone's life. You must still wear your seatbelt if you are disabled, or pregnant, unless you have an exemption certificate. Our advice to anyone with/seeking a seatbelt exemption certificate is to not travel by car if possible until you no longer require an exemption, and is safe for you to return to the roads again because whether you have an exemption or not there is still a high risk of being ejected from the vehicle in which you are travelling. Buckle Up, Encourage Others, Save Lives. In order to help save lives, please do share this article with people you know. and want to keep safe.

  • MK: Why Nikki's Childcare is a good place for your children to attend (Nikki's House Childcare) NHC

    NCC, Nikki's Childcare is a small business that operates from Monday-Saturday from 8AM to 6PM. Nikki's home is a semi-detached house in a quite street in Bradwell Common Boulevard, Nikki also has a driveway which is ideal for parking in a convenient manner for both pedestrians, and other road users, without having to worry about blocking other road users, or feeling pressurised to illegally park on the kerb. Nikki mainly uses the downstairs-area of her home for babysitting. Nikki uses her conservatory as a play room, and has a large garden for the children to enjoy. According to Children are encouraged to use our house as if it were their own, and they quite often find new and different play spaces (edited by LCN). According to I used to work in various hotels in the UK, and abroad within the entertainment industry. I have worked in care homes, hospitality, sales, and management. Childminding is my ideal job, and I love it! (edited). Many of the children attending NCC have been with Nikki since they were babies, some of the children have even started senior school, and according to are all very keen to keep in touch. Nikki's current fee is £5 an hour, as stated on Nikki has the following qualifications: Certificate in Early Years Practice Level 4 Paediatric First Aid Diploma in Home Based Childcare Developing and Extending The Early Years Foundation Stage NSPCC Preventing Bullying Behaviour Inclusion Development Programme - Speech, Language and Communication Needs Child Initiated Learning Workshop NHS Smile Award Plus Training Behaviour Management for over 5s Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene Basic Single Agency Safeguarding Course Safe Guarding children for designated Leads Supporting Young People in Work Experience PACEY An Introduction to Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder PACEY Delivering EYFS PACEY Raising Developmental Concerns PACEY Supporting Children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs PACEY Supporting Children's Emotional Needs MKSB Safeguarding for Designated Leads. Nikki's contact information is in the website-box down below. According to a review on "When I told my son that he was going to Nikki's, he got very excited. He loved his time there and really enjoyed playing with her boys. Now, aged 11, he still speaks fondly of his time there. Nikki herself is such a lovely lady, I felt comfortable leaving my child with her. She is lots of fun, very kind, and considerate. She regularly takes the younger children to various places, including messy play sessions at the local children's centres. She does lots of arts and crafts, and supports the children with their learning. I would have no hesitation in recommending Nikki's Childcare to anyone." (edited). Nikki provides drop-offs, and pickups from Summerfield School. Nikki is a registered childminder with #Ofsted (since 2009), and currently has a level 4 qualification. Review by Dwayne Hards: "Nikki's Childcare is good because there is plenty to do here, there is art, playtime, walks/trips to the park (ext), and plenty of other fun activities, along with a really kind, welcoming, and caring family. If you have any worries then please do talk to Nikki, and she will listen, and try to solve them. I would highly recommend attending Nikki's Childcare because I can guarantee that you/your child will have an outstanding, and fun experience there. The price is also in my opinion reasonable. Safety is a priority at Nikki's Childcare, Nikki will do her upmost to ensure that the safety of the children attending NCC is above and beyond, in other words there is absolutely nothing to be worried about. I hope that my review has helped you to decide to send your child to Nikki's Childcare, and that your child has a great time!" According to I have been an Ofsted Registered Childminder since 2009. I decided to set up a flexible childcare setting in Bradwell Common. We offer care for children from Birth to 8 years. We can accept Two, Three and Four year old funding. We currently take children and collect from Bradwell Common Preschool and Summerfield School. We offer a large range of educational activities and outings. According to I am 40 years old and live with my husband Richard and we have three boys, Callum (15), Tommy (9) and Jake aged (5). We have a pet free setting. Nikki's home is a safe, and nurturing environment, which offers fun, education, and kindness. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • Police officer calls selfish mobile phone driver's excuse "unbelievable"

    A driver whom was stopped by police on the A27 saw 'no issue with using his phone, as long as it's only google maps you are using'. According to Sussex Roads Police officer Tom Van Der Wee said this evening (Tuesday, April 13) that a van drove past him on the A27 in Arundel, 'with the driver tapping away at a phone mounted in the windscreen'. "I proceeded to pull him over, in my bright big police car," PC Van Der Wee wrote on Twitter. "He genuinely saw no issue as 'it’s fine as long as it’s just Google maps you’re using'. Unbelievable. Ticket issued." Speaking to the Observer, the police officer added: "Using a mobile phone is one of the top causation factors in collisions resulting death or serious injury. "It only takes a momentary lapse of concentration for potentially devastating consequences." Driving whilst using a phone is distracting, so therefor may cause an accident because according to,leading%20to%20more%20car%20crashes. Cell phone use while driving has become a leading cause of vehicle crashes over the last two decades. Using a cell phone while driving increases the driver's risk of causing a crash. Drivers are distracted, decreasing the driver's awareness on the road, leading to more car crashes. Using a phone behind the wheel is unacceptable, dangerous, and illegal, those caught doing so MUST lose their license, and receive a fine (minimum amount £500), and possibly a jail term (not exceeding 3 months). There is no excuse, HEADS UP, PHONES DOWN. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • THUGS attack man in his own house for fighting off intruders after trying to steal his dogs

    The thieves had pretended to have a parcel for the man before barging their way into his home in an attempt to steal his dogs. South Yorkshire Police have launched an investigation after the three thugs had attempted to barge their way into his home in a desperate attempt to steal his dogs. Homeowner: Ryan Hesford, 33, had only sustained minor injuries after he had dared to defend himself & his dogs against the thugs. South Yorkshire Police have said in a statement that nothing was stolen from the property and they are appealing for information about the incident. Mr Hesford was home alone just before 9PM with his three dogs on Wednesday night when he had felt spooked to hear someone continuously ringing his doorbell non-stop and banging on his door. Ryan had attempted to speak to the intruders from inside his house from his smart-doorbell, which captures video, and allows you to speak to someone on the opposite side of the door through a built-in microphone. However, unfortunately Ryan could not connect the door bell through his phone, so he made a decision that could have ended with his dogs taken, and/or Ryan dead, he opened the door. Deeply-disturbing and appalling footage was captured by the doorbell's camera which shows the three men, two of the thugs whom were wearing masks, attempt to shove past Ryan in a desperate attempt to barge their way into his home in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. During the robbery - one of the masked men can be seen wielding a metal bar. Unfortunately, one man manages to force entry into Ryan's home, and is seen looking around, trying to find the 3 barking dogs. Fortunately, just a few seconds later, one of Ryan's neighbours had came to assist him as he wrestled the two men (whom did not manage to force entry into Ryan's home) away from his front door, the three thugs could then be seen vanishing off down the road. Homeowner Ryan said: "The whole thing happened in literally 16 seconds from when I opened my front door. But I just feel so lucky that the guy who got into my house didn't open the door to the room where the dogs were. The good thing is that the dogs are safe. I have two Shih tzus and a Pomeranian, which I believe are massive on the hit list of dogs going missing at the moment." Ryan added that he didn't realise until he later replayed the doorbell footage that one of the men had actually got into his house during the attack. Ryan said: "That was scary to watch back. But it looks like he panicked after a few seconds of getting in, and then he just left again." The doorbell footage shows one of the men, with a distinctive tattoo on his neck, firmly knock on Ryan's front door twice, appearing quite impatient as he waited for an answer. As soon as the dogs started barking from inside Ryan's home, the man whom managed to force entry then moved to the front window and tried to peer in through the blinds, before knocking twice on the front room's window. Ryan said: "I was actually doing some work on my laptop and I had my headphones in, so I didn't hear the knocking. I got a notification through the Ring app on my phone saying there was motion in my front yard, but I looked at the camera and couldn't see anything - so I assumed maybe an animal had wandered through. Then I noticed the dogs jumping up at the window, which they only do when somebody is at the door." The doorbell's footage shows Ryan answering the door, the man with the neck tattoo can be heard saying, "Parcel for Gary?". When Ryan had made an attempt to tell the man that there is no "Gary" at that address, the thug then lunged at him in his own home, with one of the man's masked accomplices also piling into the attack. Ryan said: "I could tell as soon as I opened the door that something wasn't right. He seemed really agitated on his feet, he was shifting from left to right. I attempted to slam the door on him as he came for me, but he and the other two pushed back and I've been left with a big black eye. Two of them did also have metal bars, which I think is how I've got the big cut and bruise that have been left on my right arm. All I could think was that I needed to get them away from my house. I managed to wrestle two of them out the front, and then I jumped over the wall and knocked on my neighbour's window, and they came out to help me. "That's when all three of them ran off down the road." Ryan has now shared the appalling footage with South Yorkshire Police, who are investigating it in a desperate attempt to track down the three thugs. Ryan said: "The police got here within five minutes of the men running off - it was a really good response, I can't fault them. They were here with crime scene officers and forensics until about 2am." Ryan also added: "I just want to get the footage out there to warn others to be aware of people like this. Not everybody would be able to fight back like I did. It's harrowing to think what might have happened next if it was an old lady that they targeted." South Yorkshire Police have confirmed to NationalWorld that they are investigating the incident, which took place on Wednesday evening in Thorne, South Yorkshire. SYP said: "Police were called at around 9pm on Wednesday 7 April 2021 to reports of an attempted burglary at an address in the Thorne area of Doncaster. It is reported that three men attempted to gain entry to an address in Kirton Lane. The occupant, a 33-year-old man, defended himself and prevented the men from entering the property. He suffered minor injuries in the process. Nothing was stolen and the men fled the scene. An investigation has been launched to find those responsible. If you have any information that might help our officers in their enquiries, please call 101 quoting incident number 953 of 7 April. Alternatively, you can stay completely anonymous by contacting the independent charity Crimestoppers via their website, or by calling their UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111." This must had have been an incredibly scary/panicking incident for Ryan to have had to have dealt with, especially being home alone. This was an appalling, and incredibly disturbing incident, it is vital that these thugs are brought to justice and held accountable/responsible for their actions. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • Prince Philip DIES aged 99😥🌅⭐

    Prince Philip was Queen Elizabeth II's beloved husband since November 20th 1947, and the longest-serving royal consort in #British #history. However, sadly the consort has now passed away aged 99. According to It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen has announced the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle. Prince Philip's death is incredibly sad, unfortunate, and upsetting to both countries/public citizens, and the #Royal #Family. #PrincePhilip will always be remembered, and never forgotten. #RIP #Prince #Philip. Prince Philip has extraordinary history, duke of Edinburgh, the longest reigning royal consort, and a husband of the queen of Great Britain, along with a deeply-historic upbringing. #RIP #RIPPrincePhilip #UK #RoyalFamily #Royals #Royal #Edingburgh

  • UK: Why a zero-tolerance anti-litter approach is urgently required

    Litter, it is all around us, in our parks, streets, and even our ocean. According to Most councils issue less than one fine a week to litterers, according to data obtained via freedom of information rules, with one in six issuing no fines at all across a year. The consequences for our wildlife, the environment, and the economy have already hit the UK because of a lack-of action, and enforcement pursued against those whom deliberately choose to destroy our innocent planet. Littering is already a crime in the whole of the United Kingdom with a maximum fine (if prosecuted) of up to £2, 500, and a criminal record. However littering is most commonly dealt with with an on the spot fine of £80, without prosecution. Simply just 'fining' people is not enough because when a fine is issued for littering the person(s) who were issued the £80 fine will potentially be more cautious in future regarding their careless disposal of litter. They may not drop litter in crowded/densely populated areas in future, however they may instead only drop litter if either they believe that no-one will report them/is around to do so, or in smaller, less populated areas/streets, and/or at night. A more ideal procedure would be either community service (litter picking), and/or imprisonment, along with the current £2, 500 fine. This would mean we will start prosecuting all of those whom endanger our wildlife, and our environment with the sanctions being community service to clear up any litter, and/or up to 2 weeks imprisonment, along with the current fine. Our planet can not take much more of this, it is all of our duties to play our part by recycling recyclable waste, and disposing of our trash legally, and responsibly in order to protect our wildlife, environment, and our planet. Simply fining people in itself will not protect our environment, what will help to do so however is community service, and reforming those whom currently believe that littering is acceptable because by reforming people, we are effectively making them realise the affect that their actions have on the environment, and the reasons that these rules are in place. Community service will also aid in protecting our environment because the offender will be picking up plenty of trash that could/has harmed the environment, and doing so will both hopefully change the persons habits, and possibly even views regarding littering, and help the environment stay protected, whilst also serving as a consequence, rather than earning the government revenue whilst leaving litter to only pile up whilst the government fill their pockets. Every day in the whole of the United Kingdom an estimate of over 2 million pieces of litter are illegally disposed of into the environment, harming the environment, and killing both wild, and domestic animals. The taxpayers are forking out over £1 billion each year for litter picking. Littering can include but is not limited to dropping anything from the smallest piece of plastic, a cigarette butt, a water bottle, or a trampoline. Litter is litter, and must not go unpunished. There should be harsher sanctions imposed by the court for the deposition of any materials that are not biodegradable in the environment. #SaveOurPlanet #LitterbugsMustBeCharged #UK Littering is seen as a 'minor crime' by a high majority of people, however the effects that it has on the environment are not 'minor' because the catastrophic impact litter causes when released into our environment includes trapping, or poisoning animals, killing natural aquatic life through choking and pollution, and indirectly through its impact on water quality (water contamination). Littering can pose as a fire hazard, and attracts pests, and rodents. Those whom VOLUNTARILY choose to go litter picking (especially during this difficult time) are heroic, selfless, and incredibly caring because people who pick litter are doing so voluntarily, picking up others rubbish because they care about their community, and the environment, putting themselves at risk for becoming ill with viruses/bacteria. I thank each, and every one of you whom care about our environment, and who chooses to dispose of their rubbish responsibly, especially those go litter-picking. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • Survival: How to make your own water filter!

    Whether you wish to create a water filter in the wilderness, or whether you intend to make one as a science experiment/project, this is how to make a water filter. To perform this science experiment/water filter, you will need 1 500ml-2L empty plastic bottle, cotton (anything breathable which will allow water to flow, not dirt), sand (do not used coloured sand), gravel/pebbles, (optional) charcoal. Firstly, you will need to cut your plastic bottle in half, and use the bottom half of the bottle to capture the filtered water. You now need to insert (breathable) cotton in to the neck of the bottle, to secure the contents. You now need to insert some crushed charcoal in to the bottom of the bottle, on top of the cotton. Now you need to insert sand into the bottle, on top of the crushed charcoal. Now you will need to insert gravel/pebbles into your plastic bottle, on top of the sand. Place your filter on top of the bottom-half of the plastic bottle (bottle neck facing inwards). Screw the cap on to the bottle, insert a hole into the cap, small enough for the filtered water to drip through from the filter, insert your water, done! If you do not have charcoal, this is ok because you do not need charcoal (usually) because just using sand, baking soda (charcoal substitute), and gravel will typically work fine. It is best however to use charcoal because according to With a highly porous surface, ...Charcoal is amazing at absorbing and removing harmful particles and bacteria from your body, skin, hair and even drinking water and the air. You should always boil any water that you have filtered for around four minutes, if you intend to drink the filtered water. To ensure that any contaminants, viruses, or bacteria are removed from your filtered water. Always have an adult supervise if you are under 16 years of age, and/or are vulnerable in any way that will potentially affect your ability to safely perform the experiment.

  • UK: Can you get away without wearing your seatbelt? | Your Rights Explained

    According to The British Safety Council campaigned tirelessly for over twenty years until wearing a car seatbelt while driving become a legal requirement in 1983. When it comes to death by driving, titles are no protection from harm and the law applies to everyone. Although in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland it is a (summary) criminal offense not to wear a seatbelt, if you were injured in a car accident you may still however be entitled to file a lawsuit/claim, or be entitled to compensation, because according to The simple answer is yes you can still make a personal injury claim for an injury you sustained in a road accident without a seatbelt but the case will be more complicated and the amount of compensation you may receive will be reduced. What are the current exemptions to the seatbelt law? You MUST wear a seatbelt by law in England, except where the following exemptions apply. You are not by law required to wear a seatbelt if you are, a driver whom is reversing, or who is supervising a learner driver whom is reversing, if you are in a vehicle used for fire, police, ambulance, or rescue services, if you are a passenger in a trade vehicle and are investigating a fault, if you are driving a goods vehicle that is travelling no-more than fifty metres, or if you are a licensed taxi driver whom is plying for hire, or carrying passengers, you also do not need to wear a seatbelt if you have a 'medical exemption certificate'. It is also an offense to have more than one person in each fitted seat. You do not need to wear a seatbelt if your car is old, and was not by law supposed to have them fitted at the time that the car was made. What is the penalty for failing to comply with the seatbelt legislation? If you/your passengers under 14 years of age are caught without wearing your seatbelt, you may be issued with a £500 Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN), if you are over 14 years of age then you are responsible for your own seat-belt. You may however opt to take the matter to magistrates court, to challenge the fine, and the evidence held against you. Do I have to pull aside if the police catch me with no belt? Yes! the police may stop you for whatever reason they wish, and you MUST stop when instructed to do so, failure to do so will likely result in dangerous/other driving charges, including failing to stop for police being bought against you. Should I opt to go to court? It is entirely up to you whether you choose to pay the fine, or whether you take it to court, however the likelihood of the police being able to prove that you weren't strapped in is incredibly low, the chances of them being able to prove this are even lower if you were a back-seat passenger with tinted windows, the chances of admissible evidence is far lower if you put the seatbelt on straight away when you saw the police before they had noticed you. The police will likely need a 'confession' to prosecute you with valid evidence, you are under no legal obligation to disclose the offense because you have the 'right to remain silent'. You should decide to take the matter to court if there is a lack of evidence, or you believe that the police acted unlawfully whilst stopping you/your passenger(s), however you should be aware that if you opt to go to court and there does happen to be valid evidence held against you then you may receive an even higher sanction. What MUST I/my passengers do if the police stop me, or my passengers? Your passengers are under no legal obligation to disclose any information about themselves/anything, however if the officer(s) have 'reasonable suspicion' that you have committed a criminal offense then you MUST disclose your personal information to them. The driver MUST always provide any information about themselves, their car, and their details, however the driver is 'usually' under no obligation to disclose their passengers details, except in exceptional circumstances. Should I wear a seatbelt morally? According to Seat belts dramatically reduce risk of death and serious injury. Among drivers and front-seat passengers, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45%, and cut the risk of serious injury by 50%. ... People not wearing a seat belt are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a vehicle during a crash. You have the 'right to remain silent', note: anything you do say may be used against you.

  • How to make an underwater tornado in a jar!

    According to Fill the jar 3/4 full of water. Put in one teaspoon of vinegar and one teaspoon of dish soap. Sprinkle in a small amount of glitter. Close the lid and twist the jar to swirl the water and see a vortex like a tornado form in the center of the jar. To make an underwater-tornado in a jar you will need 1 jar, water, vinegar dish soap, and glitter. You will now need to fill the jar with 3 quarters of water, add one tablespoon of vinegar, add 1 teaspoon of dish soap, now you need to add a small-amount of glitter. Now seal the lid, and spin the jar, now you will see a tornado in the jar.

  • Could a new blood test predict when menopause will start?

    "New blood test can predict when women will hit the menopause two years in advance, scientists claim," reports The Sun. Researchers in the US tested the ability of a blood test for anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) to predict when a woman would have her final period. AMH is released from a woman's ovaries. When levels drop very low, it suggests her ovaries have almost run out of functional eggs and her periods will soon stop. Older tests were not accurate enough to detect very low levels of AMH, so they could not be used to accurately predict when a woman's periods would stop. The researchers tried a new type of AMH test to see if it was better. Researchers tested 1,537 women aged 42 to 52 who had not gone through the menopause. They were tested until after their last period. The new AMH test was used, as well as the more commonly used follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) test. Testing FSH levels has been used to roughly predict menopause, but as it varies a lot through the menstrual cycle the results have been harder to interpret. The AMH test was more accurate than FSH and was most accurate for estimating if menopause would happen in the next 2 to 3 years in women aged 52 and older. Being able to predict menopause can be helpful. For example, it can help women with heavy periods decide if they should have surgery to treat them. Find out more about the menopause. The researchers who carried out the study were from several US institutions including University of Michigan, Rush University, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of California, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New Jersey Medical School and University of Pittsburgh. The study was funded by the US National Institutes of Health and published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM). It's available on an open-access basis and is free to view online. You can read the study on the JCEM website. The UK media coverage said that the test could predict the menopause 2 years in advance, which could be misunderstood. While the test can predict the likelihood for women of different ages going through menopause in the next 1 to 3 years, it cannot say exactly when it will happen. What kind of research was this? This was a cohort study. Cohort studies are a good way to look at patterns of data, to spot how factors, such as AMH levels, are linked to outcomes, such as menopause. What did the research involve? Researchers recruited 1,537 women aged 42 to 52 (average age 47.5) between 1996 and 1998. All the women were pre-menopausal or early perimenopausal. Women gave information about their health, menstrual patterns, had their weight and height measured, and gave blood samples. The researchers continued to take blood samples until the women had reached 12 months since their last period (the usual point at which a woman is presumed to be post-menopausal and to have had her final period). The researchers do not report how frequently blood samples were taken but said annual tests were done when possible. They analysed 7,407 blood samples from women who had experienced their final period but had given at least 1 sample before going through the menopause. They looked at levels of FSH and AMH. They wanted to see if AMH levels of less than 10pg/ml would predict that a woman was about to go through the menopause, and if AMH levels of more than 100pg/ml would predict that a woman was not about to go through the menopause. They checked whether factors such as smoking and body mass index (BMI) were linked to AMH levels and menopause, but found only age made a difference in predicting menopause. They therefore reported their results by age ranges: under 48 48 to under 52 52 and over What were the basic results? As expected, AMH levels got lower and FSH levels got higher as the participants got closer to their final period. Statistical tests showed that AMH was more accurate than FSH at predicting a final period, although the difference was small. Low AMH levels (less than 10pg/ml) predicted the approach of the final period. Women with this level of AMH had: a 51% chance of having their final period in the next year, for women under 48 a 63% chance of having their final period in the next year, for women 48 to 51 a 79% chance of having their final period in the next year, for women 52 and over By contrast, a high AMH (more than 100pg/ml) predicted that a woman would not have her final period in the next year. Women who had a test showing this level of AMH had: A 97% chance of not having their last period in the next year, if they were under 48 A 96% chance of not having their last period in the next year, if they were 48 to 51 A 90% chance of not having their last period in the next year, if they were 52 and over The results were more accurate when assessing if a woman would have her last period in the next 3 years. How did the researchers interpret the results? The researchers said: "it is now possible to predict the FMP [final menstrual period] within a window of 12 to 24 months in late-reproductive aged women, a marked improvement compared with less sensitive AMH assays [tests], serum FSH levels, or menstrual bleeding patterns." They added: "AMH measurements may help women predict when vasomotor symptoms [such as hot flushes] are likely to begin, or when heavy menstrual bleeding is likely to end." They suggest this "may help women to decide whether to undergo a hysterectomy". Conclusion It is not easy to predict when a woman will go through the menopause. Menstrual periods can be irregular, especially as menopause approaches. Previous measures, such as FSH, must be taken at the same time in each menstrual cycle, which makes them hard to interpret, especially when menstrual cycles are irregular. This new test gives a more accurate prediction of menopause, within 1 to 3 years, although it still cannot say exactly when it will happen. For some women, the timing of menopause is not particularly important. However, for women trying to decide, for example, whether to have surgery to treat heavy periods, knowing that their periods are likely to stop within a year could be helpful. They might decide to delay surgery if the chances of periods stopping are high, or go ahead if the chances are low. There are some limitations to the study which mean we need to be cautious about the results. We do not know how frequently women were tested for AMH, or how many tests each woman took. The tables which report the AMH levels and chances of menopause for different age groups use slightly different levels of AMH, so it's difficult to make direct comparisons between age groups. We should also remember that the results do not apply to women who are younger than 42, as the women in the study were all 42 or older. We therefore do not know if AMH levels is a useful way to predict the onset of early menopause.

  • What happens when you mix mentos and coca cola?

    According to When mint or fruit Mentos are dropped into a fresh bottle of Diet Coke, a jet of Coke whooshes out of the bottle's mouth and can reach a height of 10 metres. Theories abound as to why this happens, with some bloggers speculating that it is an acid-base reaction because Coke is acidic. To perform the experiment you will need: 1x 500ml bottle of coca cola, and 5-7 mint mentos. You will now need to open the bottle of coca cola and put it on a flat surface (preferably outdoors), now you will need to add your mentos to the bottle (all at once). Now watch what happens. Safety tips: If you are under 8 years of age, or are considered vulnerable in any way which may affect the experiment, then please ensure that you are supervised by a trusted adult/older friend. You may wear science safety goggles if you wish, along with any other safety gear (these are optional).

  • This is why smoking should be banned

    According to Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis. Smokers are at an increased risk of developing lung cancer, and diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels. Smoking causes strokes, and coronary heart disease. Heart Disease, and Cancer were the two leading causes of deaths in the United States in 2019, according to CDC statistics. Banning cigarettes would not only prevent a majority of current smokers, it would also prevent potential future smokers, and teenagers from experimenting with cigarettes which as a result would save more lives. Smoking would also reduce a majority of hospitalities and deaths caused by smoking. Banning cigarettes would reduce medical costs, and expenses by a large percentage. If cigarettes were banned this would also prevent a large number of home fires, and outdoor fires because according to Smoking materials caused 5% of reported home fires, 21% of home fire deaths, 10% of home fire injuries, and 6% of the direct property damage from home fires. A blanket ban on smoking would also aid in protecting the environment because according to 39% of smokers, equivalent to 3.6million in the UK, admitted to throwing a cigarette butt down a drain within the past month. 11% of smokers do not consider cigarette butts to be litter. Although the smoking ban would be a great idea, some people have still argued with the smoking ban (often smokers themselves). According to Without the cultivation of tobacco, manufacture of tobacco products, and distribution and sale of products, a country's economy will suffer devastating economic consequences. Jobs will be lost, incomes will fall, tax revenues will plummet, and trade surpluses will veer dangerously in the direction of deficits. If tobacco were to vanish tomorrow, as a result there would be many positive impacts on the environment. There would be a 5% reduction in global deforestation, because almost 500,000 acres a year are destroyed due to tobacco farming. There would be fewer pesticides and chemicals causing soil, environmental, and water pollution, and fewer fires in general. The reason that the #UK #Government will not introduce a blanket ban on smoking is simple, 'REVENUE' because according to In 2019/20, tobacco duty tax receipts in the United Kingdom amounted to approximately 8.8 billion British pounds, compared with 9.29 billion pounds in the previous financial year. A new report shows that the six trillion cigarettes are produced yearly contaminating the environment through climate change, water, and land use, and toxicity. The devastating impact of the tobacco industry on human health is well known. According to People who smoke generally have an increased risk of contracting respiratory infection and of more severe symptoms once infected. Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms may therefore be more severe for smokers. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • UK | Covid has Brits sleepwalking into a totalitarian state

    Former Supreme Court Judge: Jonathan Sumption has warned of creeping totalitarianism in the British government’s actions dealing with the coronavirus "pandemic", which he says threaten the constitutional system and its freedoms. It seems quite disturbing that a majority Brits are willing to surrender their civil rights at a whim whenever #Boris demands them to. The lockdown restrictions break international law because all individuals have the right to 'freedom of movement' as stated in article 13 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. According to Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person, Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state, Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. The government have without a doubt broken national UK law, international law whilst imposing the void "restrictions". A high majority of the fines imposed on individuals were not relevant in any shape or form in relation to saving lives because there is very little risk if any at all walking your dog up a country footpath with very few people present for example, even where the fines are issued where there is a greater risk of infecting others, these are still illegal and can have the police who issued you with the fine sued under civil rights laws. If Brits continue to follow the "restrictions" whenever Boris slams them down, this may have them sleepwalking their way into a totalitarian government state which they will likely regret in the foreseeable future. It is vital that people stand up to the government and refuse to pay their void fines, people should also refuse to follow police's void order(s) to "leave the area and go home" or to "keep a 2m social distance" or to tell them what exempts you from wearing a face covering. Police have no right to ask you why you are not wearing a face covering because this is a hate crime, they may not ask you for your exemption, proof of exemption either. You have the 'right to remain silent', police cannot use your silence as a way to reasonably suspect that you have committed a criminal offense. It is never a symptom of a healthy democracy when the government demands that citizens stay confined in their homes and parliament rubber-stamps it into law, then disbands for weeks. But as the government say to attempt to justify themselves "these are not normal times". The extreme measures used to illegally contain the spread of coronavirus suspends many liberties of a free society, including the right to move around the country and assemble. The political shift looks wildly authoritarian. I have commented the following on Sussex Police's Facebook Post. "@Sussex Police I am appalled by Sarah's death, I also understand that not every police officer is a murderer/criminal, in fact only one officer out of every 7 major forces at very worst, it is a very rare occurrence. I just have one worry so I am going to explain and hope that my views will be heard and appreciated. I get very anxious when I think about the way that the virus is being handled by govt, I also have #ASD which makes me quite angry when I hear that people are being fined, and whilst I understand and appreciate that this is not the police's fault entirely, I do however believe that the police need to be more mindful and aware when issuing FPN's. I do not believe that fines save lives, I believe that they are a way of making revenue for the Tories (govt). I believe that the police need to be more aware on the laws that limit their powers for example the United Nations: Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the UK laws that govern the public's human rights. Fines should only be issued when absolutely necessary for example spitting, or intentionally endangering others for example leaving your home with symptoms, which is utterly disgraceful and highly selfish. I am not putting the blame on the police, in fact I get worried that the government's failings and unlawful orders will have the blame unfairly pinpointed on the police. The police or anyone else MUST not ask "WHY", when asking if you are required to wear a mask, they can however ask "would you like to wear a mask sir/madam/mx?", or "are you willing to wear a mask ...?", after this their part is done, no further action should be taken. The equality act 2010 defines discrimination on disabilities, I have seen clips on YouTube of police breaking the law by forcing entry without warrants, following people around, breaking civil law, asking WHY in relation to masks, illegally detaining people, this worries me a lot, because this is wrong and illegal. The police cannot lawfully stop a peaceful protest. Please take this on board Sussex Police. I would really like for your officers to be made more aware on the use of fines/enforcement, not just for our benefit but for your reputation as well. Thank You for taking the time to consider and acknowledge my thoughts. Yours Sincerely: Dwayne Hards." Stay Out, Know Your Rights, Save Rights. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • Science: What happens when you mix baking soda & vinegar?

    According to baking soda is sodium bicarbonate (a base) and vinegar is diluted acetic acid. When they react to release the OH and H to become water, they also release carbon dioxide. This makes the reaction bubble and expand, just like when you shake up a can of soda and open it! This is an easy experiment that is safe to perform at home. To perform this awesome experiment you will need 1 inflatable balloon, malt vinegar, baking soda, test tubes or a flask, and safety goggles, (optional) gloves/mask. To carry out the experiment you will need to put your test tube/flask on a large, clear and tidy table, next you will need to add (advised) 2 teaspoons of baking soda to your balloon, next you will need to add 10-15 mills of vinegar to your flask, now you just need to seal the end of the balloon (tube) around the mouth of your flask, last but not least, now tip the baking soda from the balloon into your flask and watch what will happen. Safety guidance: Please ensure that the experiment is either performed in an outdoor space, or in a room that you are willing to clean afterwards, if you are under 16 or on someone else's land always ask permission first, if you are under 8 years of age or are considered vulnerable you should be supervised by a trusted adult. Always wear safety goggles. Optional, you may choose to wear a face shield, covering or gloves, note this is not an experiment that requires gloves, shields, masks however if you choose to wear any of this equipment this is fine. Allergies: If you have allergies please read the ingredients on the product label, if you are allergic please do not carry out the experiment. According to When baking soda is mixed with vinegar, something new is formed. The mixture quickly foams up with carbon dioxide gas. If enough vinegar is used, all of the baking soda can be made to react and disappear into the vinegar solution. ... Sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid reacts to carbon dioxide, water and sodium acetate.

  • Pollution: What will earth look like in 2050 if people continue to litter our beautiful planet?

    Plastic Pollution is on the rise, polluting our oceans, killing our wildlife, and making our beautiful planet a dumpster. The amount of plastic currently in the environment is bound to have an impact on ocean ecosystems. In fact, plastic production is predicted to double over the next 10 years. This means that if we do not not act NOW, we could be facing 250 million metric tons of plastic in the ocean in far less than 10 years. There is currently an estimated 5.25 trillion macro and micro pieces of plastic in our ocean & 46,000 pieces in every square mile of ocean, weighing up to 269,000 tonnes. Every day around 8 million pieces of plastic makes their way into earths oceans. It is fair to say that if we do not act soon then earth will suffer the catastrophic consequences. According to By 2050, plastic in the oceans will outweigh fish, predicts a report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in partnership with the World Economic Forum. The report projects the oceans will contain at least 937 million tons of plastic and 895 million tons of fish by 2050. This is an undoubtedly disturbing fact that in under 10 years the already gigantic number of plastic will likely double, however this is the reality and seriousness of the situation, I hate to say this but I am unfortunately having to say that if people keep on littering then worryingly #earth will likely never be the same again, the damage will be irreversible. In 2018 the United Kingdom's former Prime Minister Theresa May from Her Majesty's Government released a Press Release promising for Commonwealth unites to end scourges of plastic in our oceans. Anyone can make a promise or issue a press release however when promises are made to reclaim our environment it is therefor highly important that they are followed through with, if they can't keep to their promises then they should not make them. #RECLAIM We all need to agree as sane citizens not to litter non-biodegradable items/materials and dish out community service & an unlimited fine, and possibly imprisonment to those who do choose to litter. We cannot lose our wonderful planet because of selfish & cruel individuals. Watching this video may help you understand the point I am making. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • Covid Restrictions are unlawful, we pay the government to protect our rights, not remove them all!

    Boris Johnson has by far introduced the most rights claiming restrictions in living memory. Your questions answered, Are lockdown rules unlawful and if so under which laws? Yes, the lockdown restrictions are unlawful (ultra vires) because the coronavirus regulations limit individuals international fundamental human right to 'freedom of movement', these regulations also violate national UK civil rights laws. The regulations may also be called totalitarian because 'Totalitarianism is a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens, it is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression, it does not permit individual freedom, traditional social institutions and organizations are discouraged and suppressed, making people more willing to be merged into a single unified movement, totalitarian states typically pursue a special goal to the exclusion of all others, with all resources directed toward its attainment, regardless of the cost.' The definition of totalitarian describes HM Government perfectly. Lockdown must be individuals free choice as to whether he/she chooses to follow Johnson's unlawful restrictions, we pay for a government to protect our civil rights, not to remove them all at Johnson's demand. The Government are not asking the constituents to do anything. They have never asked; they have coerced us. They have coerced us through criminal and civil law. Lets not use the word ‘ask’, because it is not an accurate description of what the useless government have done. They have criminalised freedom of association, the freedom to go about one’s business, the freedom to travel – and the freedom to protest. It is time to stop the restrictions now. The Covid death figures have been bolstered because the NHS have been told to register as many deaths as possible, if the patient had tested positive for Covid. For example, if a patient was to die of old age or kidney failure and had tested positive for Covid, the death would still be registered as death by Coronavirus. Laurence Fox is rightfully against lockdown(s)/Covid restrictions whilst encouraging others to feel the same way, to stop following Johnson's lawless demands. Laurence fox's LCN account⬇ Feel free to check out Laurence's twitter feed down below⬇ There is just simply no need for all of these lawless restrictions, it's black and white, at the end of the day you do not remove people's civil rights and you do not mess the economy up, it's that simple. Dwayne Hards Littlehampton Community News

  • #ToryMemes

    #ToryCorruption #ToryMemes #Memes #Totalitarian #UK

  • #ToryLies


  • Metal Detecting Official LCN Guidelines

    Written By: Dwayne Hards LCN

  • All Lives Matter Internationally

    Stop Discrimination against race! People are people, we are all people no matter our race, disabilities or capabilities, we cannot use disability, race or capability as an excuse to discriminate! #AllLivesMatter #UK #USA #BLM #StopRacism | Note: A RELIGION is not a RACE. RIP George Floyd!

  • #Justice4Kids, #ProtectTheVulnerable, #EndChildAbuse

    #Justice4Kids #ProtectTheVulnerable #EndChildAbuse

  • Join the Legal Challenge to the UK Govt Lockdown

  • Dwayne Hards caught Cat 'Ruggles' using dad's laptop!

    Cats must be techy! Dwayne Hards catches his cat 'Ruggles' turning dad's laptop on and quite happily sitting on the sofa watching tv! #Littlehampton #clevercat #technology

  • #MakeTheRightCall


  • If you see Zak Marsden call 999 immediately | Sussex Police

    #Police #Sussex #SussexPolice #UK #FindZakMarsden #Justice

  • USA | Capitol Riots were Unreasonable and Intolerable

    A mob of President. Trump's supporters raided the US Capitol on Wednesday, Jan 6 in a bid to overrule November's election result. At least 60 people have been arrested during the unjustified riots. The Trump rioters may face up to 10 years imprisonment because President. Trump signed an executive order during the anti-racism protests. President. Trump has signed the executive order stating: "Long prison terms for these lawless acts against our Great Country!" President. Trump is effectively jailing his own supporters. Sadly 5 lives have been claimed during the capitol riot, these rioters have claimed multiple lives including the heart-breaking loss of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. These riots kill, it is vital that the rioters be severely punished for there actions, actions have consequences. The consequences have been 5 deaths and up to 10 years imprisonment. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was a hero and we must never forget that, he had always wanted to be a police officer and help others. As rioters overpowered Capitol police, Sicknick was pepper-sprayed and hit in the head, his father has said. EMS teams resuscitated him twice as he was rushed to a nearby Washington hospital. Officer Sicknick sadly died the following day. According to Twitter: Donald Trump has been "permanently" banned from twitter's platform. Dwayne Hards #LCN

  • NHS

  • Leader: Dwayne Hards slams Twitter Account for wining about being caught speeding

    #selfish_k This is a Selfish attitude! You could have potentially killed someone. If your going to hurt yourself on the roads that's one thing and your own problem but we will not tolerate you deliberately and selfishly hurting others. It is not just your problem driving dangerously it is everyone else's problem around you, drive safe. And all your worried about is a small fine, not the lives you risked that is a pure selfish personality/attitude to have. To appeal this article please email Leader: Dwayne Hards LCN

  • UK | Should litterbugs be behind bars?

    Littering is already a crime in #England and can lead to a maximum #fine of up to £2,500. On average the #RSPCA receive 14 calls a day regarding animals affected by litter and these calls drastically increase in the summer months. The true figure of animals injured by litter is exceedingly higher than we currently know. Littering also reduces or even destroys pride towards the effected area because when an area has a litter problem it's residents will not want to visit the area(s) affected by litter. Should Litterbugs be behind bars and why? If litterbugs were given a prison sentence of up to 9 weeks imprisonment in England then this would hopefully change the habits of the offender and potentially make any future/current litterbugs think twice before they aim there litter on the floor. This would certainly change the habits of people who litter on a daily basis. Prison sentences would not be a bad idea and would potentially change our environment and get the message out loud and clear that England is no place for littering and such behaviour will not be tolerated. This would also give offenders strict justice and potentially change there views on littering. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • KS3 Student 'Ruby' cyber-bullied by evil MK Instagrammer (@st0n3r.aimiele)

    The Instagrammer claiming to be based in #Northampton has targeted a girl in KS3 'Ruby Kilduff'. Instagrammer 'st0n3r.aimiele' has targeted Ruby Kilduf by sending her the following messages "Ruby no one f🧨🧨🧨ing likes u just do us all a favour and leave", "Like no one wants you alive". Dwayne Hards the Leader of Littlehampton Community News has stated: "In todays day and age bullying will not be tolerated and if it means that I have to expose people as cyber-bullies on the front page of LCN then I will, if this had of been on my #Newsagram then the account would have received an instant ban however as I have no legal say over how #Instagram chooses to run it's site I do not hold the power to enforce the rules of my site on Instagram." Dwayne Hards has also attempted to make a #Report to Instagram however Dwayne Hards has stated "When I went to make a TOS Report to Instagram there was no way to report an account on it's platform for abusive messages on someone else's account, stupid for a so-called social network and they don`t even have a way to report abusive messages on behalf of another". This is absolutely unacceptable and can be dealt with by Police. Bully Exposed! LCN UPDATE: The Instagram User st0n3r.aimiele has not apologised to Ruby Kilduf.

  • LCN | Covid-19 Leader's Statement

    Coronavirus Guidance LCN

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