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Oct 9, 20211 min read
Mini roundabout called for by Littlehampton drivers amidst 'confusion'
Some of Littlehampton's drivers have called for a mini roundabout amidst 'confusion' when people exit South Terrace onto Norfolk Road....

Oct 5, 20211 min read
Distrustful piece of equipment sparks emergency response
A distrustful piece of equipment has sparked an emergency response after police found a suspected bomb in #Bognor Regis on October 5th....

Oct 3, 20211 min read
Man in Littlehampton allegedly 'attacks' young girl
A man in #Littlehampton has allegedly 'assaulted a girl on her way to work' and is attempting to 'abuse school children' in our town. The...

Oct 2, 20211 min read
How bad is bullying, and how can we help prevent it?
Bullying has affected almost everyone, s we need to stand up to bullies so that they don't take the absolute piss out of us. Bullying has...

Sep 26, 20211 min read
Chaos at Littlehampton Petrol Station, Cuff Miller, amid petrol panic buyers (yesterday)
Many people were panic buying petrol at a #Littlehampton Petrol Station amid the fear of chemical shortages due to #Brexit. Hundreds of...

Sep 19, 20211 min read
Waterworks next to Littlehampton's Skate Park is causing a 'big stink', says residents
Waterworks are taking place next to #Littlehampton's Skate Park and are causing a 'big stink'. Some of Littlehampton's locals/residents...

Dwayne Hards✅
Sep 16, 20211 min read
Here's a way the UK public have the power to get what they need/want
The #UK public can get what they want/need by striking their target with enough people, for example, a price for a microwave was £405,...

Sep 8, 20211 min read
BREAKING NEWS: Individual struck by a Southern Train
An individual was struck by a #Southern Train last night according to The #British Transport #Police. All of Southern's Rail Services...

Sep 6, 20211 min read
Retired Police Superintendent slams police for 'ridiculous' "rainbow pride police cars"
A retired Police Superintendent, Kevin Moore, has slammed the #British #Police for their 'ridiculous' "rainbow pride police cars". Kevin...

Sep 6, 20211 min read
The UK is brainwashed into 'accepting' the totalitarian 'restrictions', and why they must end
Citizens of the United Kingdom have accepted the totalitarian 'restrictions' for almost two years now despite them being considered...

Sep 5, 20211 min read
Elderly female, 87, beaten in West Sussex
An elderly woman, aged 87, has been beaten up outside #Tesco, in #Crawley, West #Sussex, #UK. The lady was 'punched in the face, and...

Sep 2, 20211 min read
'Disgusting' fare-dodging thug videoed damaging bus and assaulting staff
A 'disgusting' fare-dodging thug (man) has been videoed damaging a bus and assaulting the staff. The video shows the man calling the...

Sep 2, 20211 min read
County Councils 'under fire' for housing Afghan refugees over homeless veterans
Many County Councils, in the United Kingdom, have been 'under fire' by the #British public amid their 'favouritism' housing of Afghan...

Aug 31, 20211 min read
Top Brighton Lawyer, Anna De Buisseret, slams police, and NHS over jabbing kids against their will
A video has been circulating on social media of a top #Brighton Lawyer, Anna De Buisseret, having a go at the #police, and the #NHS amid...

Aug 31, 20211 min read
Autistic Son's Family left livid amid care home's closing
An Autistic Families Son, Daniel, aged 45, no longer has Hollyrood Care Home to help him because they have closed amid 'financial...

Aug 30, 20211 min read
Littlehampton Beach Huts suffer from graffiti (graffiti, and the law)
Three #Littlehampton Beach Huts, in East Beach, have suffered from #graffiti. Graffiti is a criminal offense throughout the United...

Aug 30, 20211 min read
Bognor Regis man 'desperate for Hormone Therapy to become a happy woman'
A #Bognor Regis man is 'desperate for Hormone Therapy to become a happy woman'. Stefanie Nancy "is struggling to live in a man's body"....

Aug 29, 20211 min read
Confusions rise in Littlehampton drivers amid 'poor signage' at a High Street Junction
Confusions are rising in many #Littlehampton drivers amid 'poor signage', many drivers have called the junction "confusing, and poorly...

Aug 27, 20211 min read
Youngsters shot in West Sussex for no reason
Two boys, 11, and 12, were shot by an air gun whilst they were playing #football, said #Sussex #Police. One of the two boys was shot in...

Aug 26, 20211 min read
Facebook users are attempting to deprive other members of free speech - here's why
On #Facebook, many people post their opinions onto the site, but are users free-speech friendly, or not? There are some Facebook users...
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