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  • Sussex: Teenagers captured dangerously lying on 85mph train track close to Horsham

    Around five teenagers have been captured dangerously, and illegally trespassing on an 85mph train track, close to #Horsham, West #Sussex. Network Rail have captured an image of two teenage girls dangerously laying down on the train tracks. Network Rail have warned the public that 'trespassing can have serious consequence', both legally, and medically. Network Rail head of route quality health safety & environment, Vincent van der Hoeven, said: “We really must get the message across to children, and their parents the dangers of trespassing on the track. We are putting efforts into getting the message across in schools, and on social media through our ‘Parallel Lines’ film, and ‘You vs #Train’ campaign.” Nicola Dooris, community safety manager on the South East Route, added: “Unfortunately, during lockdown, we have seen an increase in the numbers of young people messing about on the railway. On that section of track trains often travel at 85 mph, and at that speed, unlike cars, trains can take hundreds of metres to stop, a fact many young people don’t realise. Using CCTV like this, I’m often able to track down young people and talk to them and I’d much rather do that than help our staff cope with the aftermath of young people being killed.” A Network Rail spokesman said: “Network Rail has also worked with British Transport Police on the uncompromising You vs Train campaign for three years, aiming to educate young people on the devastating, and wide-reaching consequences of trespass, but the message to adults is the same - don’t risk your lives, or others by trespassing on the railway when a red light is displayed.” The teenagers have been spoken to by by British #Transport #Police in relation to their risky, and dangerous behaviour. #NetworkRail have released this video (above) which shows the dangers of playing 'chicken' on the railways/tracks.

  • W-Sussex: Wick young people design stunning artwork, and cover a shipping container with spray paint

    Young people in #Wick, West #Sussex have designed some stunning artwork, using spray paint. Arun Youth Projects have joined forces with the young people (who are not in education) of West Sussex to allow these stunning young artists to design their artwork. The event took place at The Keystone Centre in Eldon Way, Wick. #TheKeystoneCentre Arun Youth Projects youth services manager Emma Biffi said: “We worked together with U Can Spray, because they had some funding for a mental health project. We worked with children who are 14, most of whom are not in education, or training, to give them the opportunity to work towards an award.” “Getting the accreditation is a great way for them to have something to put on their CV, to help with getting jobs, which is particularly important if they haven’t, or won’t be sitting exams.” Emma added: “They were asked to choose one word to use, and they thought of breathe....” “It was a really positive experience. The parents of the young people involved said it had had a positive impact. We’d definitely like to do something like this again.” Emma said this event was one of the best things which her organisation could have done, and will lead to future get togethers. The young people in partnership with #ArunYouthProjects have received an art award for their stunning masterpieces. Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder/#Leader) said: "I am incredibly impressed, and stunned with these young people's artwork. These young people have some amazing talents, potential, and intelligence, as well as having some stunning art skills!" "Well done (young people), you should be proud of yourselves."

  • Some dust around your home may actually come from outer space!

    When you get the hoover, or the dust pan, and brush out to clean the dust around your home/house, did you know that some of the dust may actually be from outer #space! Because 40, 000 tons of dust from outer space arrives on our planet (#Earth) every year, and some of that space dust makes it's way into our homes like any other form of dust does.

  • Dangerous Durrington driver leads police pursuit with no regard for 'life, or limb'

    A shocking video released by #Sussex #Police shows police pursuing a dangerous #Durrington driver. The driver was disqualified, and dangerous. Officers on patrol from the West Sussex Tactical Enforcement Unit were on a proactive patrol on 25, July, 25. 2020, the officers then spotted a vehicle of curiosity in the #Tarring area. The police vehicle turned around in an attempt to pull the vehicle over, but the #BMW driver had already made off at high, and dangerous speeds. The Silver BMW was pursued along #Gaisford #Road, and through Tarring onto #Terringes Avenue. The driver was driving dangerously, and at high speed in a 30 MPH zone whilst also overtaking numerous vehicles, and reached speeds of up to 80 MPH. The dangerous driver then turned left into the #Boulevard where he undertook another #car, and knocked a mirror off a parked car. He also attempted to cut across a grass verge onto the northbound carriageway. The vehicle then got lodged between a tree, and the pursuing police vehicle. Other police units swiftly arrived at the scene, officers used batons to strike the BMW's windows. The officers used captor spray, and a #taser on the driver. He had by then been identified as 'Alan Gale'. He was a landscape gardener, with no fixed address, aged 38. He miraculously managed to continue his erratic journey after being sprayed, and tasered. He continued along north on the southbound carriageway along a #pavement, then he turned left into #Palatine #Road, then, he swerved into a wall. A pursuing police car arrived beside the BMW seconds later, then Gale jumped across the police car's bonnet, and ran into a neighbour's driveway. After a short foot chase, he was safely arrested by police. Sergeant Chris Bryant, of the Tactical Enforcement Unit, who led the pursuit, said: “In my 13 years as a police officer, I have experienced numerous vehicles failing to stop, and attempting to flee. However, I have never seen anyone with the same level of intent, and extreme desperation to get away as Gale. His driving was reckless, and dangerous, with no regard for life, or limb.” Alan Gale was then arrested, and taken to #custody where he was charged with #driving whilst disqualified, no insurance, and four counts off assaulting an emergency worker in relation to injures caused by Gale after fleeing from police as they attempted to stop him from driving off, when the BMW was stuck in the boulevard, Sussex Police have said. Alan Gale was remanded in custody awaiting sentencing at Lewes #Crown #Court on #April, 23rd, after he had pleaded 'guilty' to all of the offenses. Alan Gale was sentenced to 7 months imprisonment in court, and was disqualified from driving for 18 months, and if Gale wishes to drive again in the future, he must take an extended re-test. Investigating officer, #Detective Constable Lynette Atkins, of #Worthing Investigations, added: “Gale was clearly intent on evading police, carrying out a number of outrageous manoeuvres and driving at grossly excessive speeds through residential areas. This case demonstrates that we will continue to take action against those who misuse the roads, and in particular those who commit the ‘fatal five’ offences – speeding, drink/drug-driving, mobile phone use, not wearing a seatbelt and careless driving – as we strive to reduce the number of fatal and serious injury collisions.” The footage of Gale's dangerous driving has been released as Sussex Police vows to crack down on motorists whom endanger themselves, and others on our roads.

  • The West Sussex Community Change Campaign | TWSCCC

    My Name is Dwayne Hards, and I have decided to start The West Sussex Community Change Campaign (#TWSCCC). I have started this campaign to help protect the West Sussex Local Communities affected by local issues, ie, parking on the pavement, pay rise, council tax, littering, and more. I have also started this campaign because I can run votes for local by-laws in affected West Sussex areas, and then forward the votes to West Sussex County Council(s), and then it is up to #WSCC to either ignore/create the by-law after my request. I believe that with lots of effort, I can help change West Sussex, and make it a nicer, and more welcoming place to live by communicating with West Sussex County Council/Arun District Council about local issues, whilst also requesting local by-laws to protect either the environment, or the local community. I believe that West Sussex is a surprisingly pleasant place to live especially near the coast because there is more to do at the West #Sussex #Seaside, in #Littlehampton (my hometown). I have noticed since I have moved down on the 3rd of #December, 2020 there is lots to do, ie, the promenade, harbour park, and seaside. This #Campaign is up to change the negatives in West #Sussex, and improve the County, and Communities, and I will do this by running polls, votes, campaigns, articles, and communicating, starting with the small councils, ie, Littlehampton #Town #Council, and if I do not get a response within a reasonable amount of time, I will contact Arun District Council, and if I do not get a response from them, then I will contact West Sussex County Council, by communicating with the local councils, and the community, and by running street campaigns, I can change West Sussex into an even better place. Change Enforce Protect Dwayne Hards LCN

  • Increase fines in West Sussex by 50% for littering any plastic material(s)

    Campaign This is a Petition to West Sussex County Council to increase fines by 50% for littering any plastic material(s). My name is Dwayne Hards, and I run a campaign on my site called The West Sussex Community Change Campaign, the purpose of this petition is to increase fines by 50% for littering any plastic material in West Sussex because plastic isn`t bio gradable, therefor fines should be increased by 50% for littering any #plastic material(s). Sign this petition. To help me achieve my goal for a cleaner West #Sussex, please sign this petition by clicking here, the more signatures, the more chance there is of change. It is vital that we get the message spread that West #Sussex is no place for #litterbugs, and that littering in West #Sussex will not be tolerated, and will be enforced by #Councils #Wardens, #Police, Wardens, #PCSOs, ext. Dwayne Hards LCN

  • NASA is investigating UFO sightings, chief lead declares

    #NASA's Chief, Bill Nelson, has requested #space researchers investigate #UFO sightings reported by #US military pilots over the past twenty years. "Now that I'm here at NASA, I've turned to our scientists, and I've said, Would you, looking at it from a scientific standpoint, see if you can determine what these objects are, so that we can have a better idea?," Bill Nelson told #CNN reporter, Rachel Krane, in an online interview. "The bottom line is, we want to know. And that's what we're trying to do." The New York Times, and Politico have reported US military pilots had been repeatedly seeing 'strange objects'. "I want us to take it seriously, and have a process to take it seriously," said Rubio in an interview with #CBS reporter, Bill Whitaker. Rubio added: "I want us to have a process to analyse the data every time it comes in, that there be a place where this is catalogued, and constantly analysed until we get some answers. Maybe it has a very simple answer. Maybe it doesn't." According to a #NewYorkTimes article headline: "U.S. finds no evidence of #alien technology in flying objects, but can't rule it out, either."

  • Does anyone 'own' the Moon?

    No, because there are international treaties in place which would make trying to claim the #Moon unlawful. There is no way anyone/nations could claim ownership to the moon, or space. It does not matter how many flags nations/individuals place onto the Moon's surface, no one can/may 'own' the Moon.

  • Littlehampton: Leo Ozawa, 15, FOUND after being missing for a month

    Leo Ozawa is a #Littlehampton teenager whom went missing for one whole month. Before Leo was found, he was last seen on Belloc Road, Littlehampton, on #May, 11th, 2021. Today, #Sussex #Police have announced that #LeoOzawa has been found safe, and sound. When Leo went missing, Sussex Police had began an appeal to find him. Leo has links with #Bognor Regis, and #Worthing, Sussex Police said.

  • Sussex Police promise a crackdown on anti-social driving

    #Sussex #Police have registered almost 500 road traffic offenses since they began the 'Bank Holiday Road Safety operation'. Sussex Police officers have teamed up to provide law-breaking drivers with education, engagement, and enforcement since #Saturday. #May, 2021, to #Monday, 31st, May 2021. Sussex Police aim to actualise a safer environment where drivers will think twice before breaking the law, or endangering themselves, others road users, and/or pedestrians. Sussex Police have said this operation will reduce poor/antisocial driving, casualties, and injuries. Chief Inspector Michael Hodder, of the #Surrey, and Sussex Roads Policing Unit, said: “As ever, our activity was generally well-received by the vast majority of the public who are safe, and responsible motorists, and who could appreciate that our priority is to keep everyone safe on our roads through education, and engagement. However, there is always a small minority of people who believe the rules don’t apply to them, and in turn, they risk the lives of themselves, and others. This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated, and we will continue to take robust action against anyone who misuses our roads through dangerous, or antisocial driving.” Chief Inspector Hodder added: “The public can expect to see a heightened policing presence every weekend throughout the summer, as we strive to reduce the number of people killed, or seriously injured on our roads.” 485 drivers were pulled over by Sussex Police officers/staff for road traffic offenses, including drink driving, drug driving, speeding, careless driving, driving with no insurance, and false/illegal number plates.

  • Dwayne Hards: "I am very honoured, and grateful to be awarded the conversation starter badge"

    The #Facebook group '#Littlehampton Today & Tomorrow' have awarded #LCN's Founder (Dwayne Hards) the 'conversation starter' badge. Dwayne Hards has said: "I am incredibly shocked, grateful, and honoured to receive the conversation starter badge." The Littlehampton group had this to say about Dwayne's badge: "You, and 17 others created some of the most engaging posts in Littlehampton - Today & Tomorrow in the past month. This badge is displayed for one month, and only group members can see it." DH added: "The group is a very calm, respectful, and honest community, and I am finding this group really useful, and positive because people in the group engage with my posts, talk about them, and enjoy them. I like to flood my community with as much positive news as is doable." "I am amazed/honoured to be awarded with this community badge, thank you Littlehampton Today & Tomorrow." "This badge makes me feel like part of the community."

  • How long is one day on planet Venus?

    One day on #Venus is the equivalent to 243 days on our planet, #Earth.

  • Planet Venus looked like earth two billion years ago

    If you were to visit planet #Venus now, you would get burned, or melted on the spot. But did you know that Venus was once habitable, and looked much like #Earth? Venus is said to have once been potentially habitable, however, due to climate change, Venus became the ball of fire which it is today. Fewer than one billion years ago, Venus's climate drastically changed due to a runaway greenhouse effect. Venus's oceans/water sources were all evaporated. This greenhouse effect had been caused by #CO2 (Carbon Dioxide).

  • How much does a NASA space suit cost?

    If you were thinking of buying a #space suit, it is not possible, unless you are a millionaire because a full #NASA space suit costs $12,000,000.

  • Releasing Potential School teacher 'Harry Stansfield' uses phone whilst driving, and fails to signal

    Disclaimer: All mentioned in this article is 100% true, when speech marks are used, these are indicating that a statement is an opinion only, and not necessarily factual. Non-speech marked paragraphs are the 100% truth. Releasing Potential may request an input in this article by emailing their views to Releasing Potential School are being criticised within the West #Sussex community after teacher 'Harry Stansfield' uses his mobile phone in his vehicle, and fails to signal his intentions. Harry was driving Dwayne home from school, however, Dwayne noticed Harry opening a map on his mobile hand-held electronic device (phone). Dwayne said: "I felt/still feel angry, disgusted, and appalled, as well as stressed because no justice has been served, nor has any action been taken against him. Harry could be sued for emotional distress, and dangerous driving, but it feels like everyone keeps justifying him." "I have #Autism, #ADHD, and a few other conditions which makes me feel even more stressed/anxious. I also have a strong belief in revenge, and justice, so I find it unfair that Harry has gotten away with his criminal behaviour. It is not only illegal, but is morally wrong because he endangered me, and other road users, (I couldn't care about himself because it's his own stupid fault), he also broke the law!" Dwayne Hards was going to school with his former tutor, when on the way back one time from Releasing Potential School, Dwayne noticed Harry using his mobile phone to open a map. He admitted wrongdoing immediately, and "apologised". According to It is an offence to use hand held mobile phones whilst driving, or whilst the engine is turned on. ... When the phone needs to be operated to make, or deal with a call, before doing so the driver must stop, and park the vehicle where it is safe, and lawful to do so, and with the engine switched off. Dwayne had forgiven his tutor until he entered Harry's vehicle again, the last time he entered Harry's vehicle, Harry failed to signal when turning left at a major two-way junction, when taking the 1st exit on a roundabout, when turning left into Norfolk Road, #Littlehampton, and when taking the second exit (multiple times) at a big enough roundabout, and when pulling into the parking lane outside Dwayne's house. Dwayne refused to forgive Harry, and is now refusing to attend Releasing Potential. Dwayne said: "I regret forgiving a corrupt civil servant for driving dangerously on Great Britain's roads. Forgiving him was a big mistake that will never be made by me again." Releasing Potential is an 'education charity' based in #Chichester, West #Sussex. Releasing Potential School is an education charity, and 'private school' for #SEN students. Therefor, incidents like using a phone while driving should be taken seriously, not forgotten. Dwayne added: "Harry could have lost his job, but no, #ReleasingPotentialSchool could not afford to sack their criminal teachers. Using a phone whilst driving is a criminal offense, therefor he should be sacked, as well as his duty of care towards an SEN pupil. But no, he is still working for that 'Corrupt Business'." "I try not to think about this incident to much because it makes me feel incredibly angry, and upset." "I expect people to use their indicators, and to keep their phone away from them whilst the engine is running, and the vehicle is stationary. Seriously, I`m not asking for much. I have enough stress as it is because of my #Autism, and #ADHD, I don't need this as well." "I never forgave Harry after he failed to signal on roundabouts, and at junctions because this made my blood boil. Breaking the law is always unacceptable, especially when you have a duty of care towards a pupil with Special Needs." Releasing Potential said: "Input will be put here if Releasing Potential email us."

  • Littlehampton road sign error: Sign says 'Rushington' instead of Rustington

    A road sign in #Littlehampton read '#Rushington' instead of #Rustington. West #Sussex County #Council have said this happened due to "human error", and have assured the citizens of West Sussex it will cost them no money to change. Many drivers, and passengers whom had noticed the 'error' had a laugh on social media about it. A #WSCC council spokesman said: “The sign was commissioned by the developer working on the nearby road scheme, and it will be removed, corrected, and reinstated as soon as possible." “The error will cost neither the county council, nor the developer, anything, and was clearly a case of human error. We would like to thank people for highlighting the mistake so it can be put right.” The sign was mistakenly labelled 'Rushington' instead of Rustington.

  • Littlehampton beach flocked upon amid summer weather

    The #Littlehampton #coast has been flocked upon amid the scorching summer weather. Hundreds, and thousands of families have took to Littlehampton beach for a nice walk along the beach, or day out. Littlehampton was busy today because of the summer weather. Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder/#Leader) said: "I am impressed to see that my, and our community is taking to Littlehampton's coast." "It is an exciting time to see people having fun every summer at the same time. Family, in my opinion, is key, and it is crucial that families get out, and have the best time as is possible." Today, Littlehampton's coast has been flooded amid the rise is nice weather.

  • How many stars are in our universe?

    It is currently unknown how many stars are in our universe, however, there are certainly more stars than grains of sand on #Earth.

  • Have all known planets been visited by spacecraft?

    Yes, every known planet has been visited by #spacecraft, scientists say.

  • What is the International Space Station?

    The International #Space Station is the largest object, used by humans, in space.

  • The sunset on Mars appears blue

    The sunset on planet #Mars appears blue because according to Just as colors are made more dramatic in sunsets on #Earth, Martian sunsets would appear bluish to human observers watching from the red planet. ... "When the blue light scatters off the dust, it stays closer to the direction of the #Sun than light of other colors does.”

  • An asteroid the size of a car approaches Earth about once a year!

    An #asteroid, usually the size of a car, enters Earth’s atmosphere around once a year, but thankfully, it burns out before it reaches us.

  • How long would a flight to Pluto take?

    If it were possible to take a general flight to planet #Pluto, the trip would take over 800 years.

  • Four planets you could not possibly walk on

    You could not possibly walk on #Uranus, #June, #Saturn, or #Neptune because these four planets have no solid surface.

  • What are comets?

    Comets are debris leftover from the creation of the Solar System, around 4.5 billion years ago. They are made of ice, carbon dioxide, and sand.

  • Is there any water on Mars?

    At one time, Earth was believed to be the only planet that had running water, however, #NASA has released some strong evidence suggesting otherwise.

  • How many Earths could fit inside the Sun?

    If you were able to insert earth-sized objects into the #Sun, you could fit one million Earths into the Sun.

  • There is no sound in space

    There is no sound in #space because sound is effectively an air vibration, and as there is no air in space, there is therefor no air for the sound waves to spread. Space is a vacuum. Space simply has no atmosphere for sound to travel. You also cannot hear an explosion in outer space.

  • Heroic former US Army Vet delivers well-deserved justice to sick paedophile

    Cassady Campbell, an #American #Hero, has trapped a paedophile, and delivered #karma to him. The Offender has admitted to molesting more than 10 boys. Former #USA #Veteran has bravely put himself in harms way to protect #America's Children, and by doing so, he has also got one more paedophile behind bars, which has served well-deserved justice, and has potentially saved multiple more children that were being preyed upon. Cassady was having none of this sex-offender's nonsense. Cassady Campbell also shouted in the offenders face multiple times, and lost his cool with the offender. Multiple Comments on Cassady Campbell's #YouTube Channel were praising Cassady. Redux: "He isn’t sorry, he’s sorry he got caught." Zammy gogo: "Don't feel bad for these guys, they literally have ruined children's lives." Armando V69: "I hate how this dude acts like he's the victim." Angelic LIKE: "I have children here in Texas. Thank you for what you are doing to make these sick people feel less safe." Anthony Molettieri: "This YouTube channel is the best I’ve seen, and I’m glad they are doing because it just shows how many bad people are in then world. Keep it up!" Dwayne Hards LCN

  • Student tells shoppers "No need to be greedy, and take all the necessities"

    A student has stated "No need to be greedy, and take all the necessities." In some shops across the #UK, there is very little to no hand sanitizer, toilet rolls, milk, soap, food, toiletries, basic necessities because people fear not being allowed to #shop for a reasonable amount of necessities during #lockdown, however during most lockdowns, and restrictions imposed, a majority of these are only guidelines so you are within your rights to shop during lockdown, so there is no excuse because panic shopping means that the nurses, brave workers, and other people will not be able to access necessities because of your selfishness. WCN

  • Here's why getting a German Shepherd companion may be a good idea

    German Shepherds are a medium-large sized #dog that had started to be bred in #Germany. German Shepherds can be a good family companion because these dogs are very lively, energetic, intelligent, and playful, as well as being an incredibly loyal breed. If German Shepherds are raised in the right conditions, and are trained properly, then they can be an incredibly fun pet to have around, and should be gentle. German Shepherds do not get exhausted very easily because the breed is instinctively a very energetic, and playful one. #GermanShepherds are also used as #police #dogs because they can easily sniff out a smell, and are great at finding criminals. They are also used in the police because they are easy to train, and cooperate surprisingly well with their handlers. Training a German Shepherd for police only usually takes around 4-6 months, and will be ready to start aiding their community, and handlers. However, some German Shepherds will take a little longer to train. A high majority of these dogs would undoubtedly attack an intruder/robber, and would go to extreme lengths to protect their family, home, and owners.

  • Littlehampton children 'dangerously' walk along the river breakwaters

    Lisha Dolly said: "After letting these kids know how dangerous it was to walk along the River breakwaters. They said they don't care do they belong to anyone on here?"

  • Rider injured in a crash with two cars on the A27

    Yesterday, a motorbike rider was involved in an accident. The rider was transported to the hospital to be treated for 'minor injuries'. #Traffic on the #A27 was halted after the collision between two cars, and the motorcycle at around 5.00 : PM. A #Sussex #Police spokesman said: "Police responded to a road traffic collision involving a motorcycle, and two cars on the A27 near #Shoreham at 5.30pm on Sunday (30 May). The motorcyclist suffered minor injuries, and was taken to hospital for treatment. Road closures were in place, and were subsequently lifted."

  • All about Mars! Here are some fascinating facts about planet Mars

    #Mars is an incredibly fascinating planet because Mars has a wide variety of ginormous volcanoes, mysterious clouds, potential aliens, and canyons, as well as being most commonly known for the 'Roman God Of War'. There is a possibility of tourists being able to visit planet Mars in the unforeseeable future because #NASA is working on sending humans to Mars by 2030, however, there must be safety measures in place to ensure the safety, and comfort of the people on their mission. There are some safety hazards which will need to be addressed, including: radiation, noxious soil, a lack of water, lower gravity, and new/unknown diseases, parasites, and microbes that could make us sick, and other people/animals/environment if we bring those back to Earth. There is a helicopter which flies on Mars called 'The Mars Exploration Rover'. The aircraft satisfyingly managed to hover over planet Mars for an astonishing forty seconds. The #MER managed to take-off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, #Florida on #July, 30th, 2020, and landed on Mars on #February, 18, 2021. There are most likely microscopic aliens on planet Mars because bacteria, parasites, and microbes are everywhere in space. However, it would be a huge, and dangerous risk to bring these microbes back from Mars to #Earth because these would be an invasive/new species which could do people, animals, and the environment, as well as the planet some serious danger, and could cause an outbreak, or pandemic. Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder/#Leader) said: "I do believe in aliens because there must be life on every planet of some form. I love space, nature, and planets. I hope we can meet new aliens soon!" On most planets, there is life of some form, therefor, aliens may exist.

  • NASA captures image from their 'Curiosity Rover' of colourful clouds

    The images captured by NASA's 'Curiosity Rover' may be higher in the atmosphere than most clouds, they may also be carbon dioxide gas that has evaporated, and frozen, or may possibly be 'dried up ice'. All of these possibilities were reported by NASA. A #NASA statement stated: "I always marvel at the colours that show up: reds, and greens, and blues, and purples." "It's really cool to see something shining with lots of colour on Mars." The images captured by NASA's device were at a greater height than 'normal' because the clouds are usually loaded with water (#H20) ice, and normally hover at around 37 miles (or 60 kilometres) atop of the Martian Surface, according to NASA's explanation. The scientists are not yet fully sure regarding the clouds explanation in these circumstances, the scientists said. The clouds had began to appear in late #January. NASA's 'Curiosity Rover' had been waiting to record the early clouds, and had perfectly-succeeded. Two earth-years ago, astrologists had concluded that the clouds would appear earlier in the Martian Year than was expected. The clouds did indeed start to show up in late January.

  • Littlehampton school pupil left 'fuming' after Zoom taxi driver uses his mobile phone

    A school student currently attending 'Releasing Potential School' has been left raging after his taxi driver had used his mobile phone. Student Dwayne Hards was travelling with his taxi driver on his way home from his "school". When he heard the taxi driver's phone ringing on the passenger front seat, then the taxi driver picked up his mobile phone, and answered it. Dwayne Hards has been left fuming at his "school", and the taxi firm 'Zoom' because Dwayne is very strict when it comes to safety, especially road safety, and Dwayne knows that using a mobile phone behind the wheel is against the law, and highly dangerous/irresponsible, un-professional. Dwayne H has said: "It is highly disturbing that in two of the many taxis in which I have travelled, both of them have used their phones. The taxi driver needs a minimum sanction of 6 points, and a £200 fine (at least), as well as being struck off from his job for endangering other road users, and his passengers, he should also lose his job for gross-misconduct. I never thought I would enter a car with a driver whom would use their hand-held mobile phone, however, I have been very unlucky to have been in a car with two dangerous drivers, it is disgusting quite frankly. He needs the sack. Drivers think driving whilst on their phones is #safe because they are selfish, and feel in control, however, the fact is, accidents can, and do happen, and they kill, especially whilst they are distracted." Zoom has currently taken no action against the taxi driver, and is still transporting children to, and from school. Zoom has failed to take the necessary steps to keep their passengers, and other road users safe, as well as failing to serve justice for his criminal actions. Zoom in Dwayne's experience is "a bad #taxi company". Releasing Potential has a duty to ensure that their students are safe travelling to, and from school. Releasing Potential, and #Zoom have failed to take the necessary steps to ensure that the students in school-funded transport were with a new, and safe taxi driver because the driver ILLEGALY used his mobile phone, even worse with school pupils on board. Dwayne has Autism, ADHD, and Aggression and Mood Fluctuation Disorder which was on the taxi company's records, and the driver knew #Dwayne had a previous taxi driver in Milton Keynes whom used his phone, and is anxious which makes the situation even worse because the taxi used his phone regardless of Dwayne's worries, road safety, #school children's safety/passengers, and the #law/decent moral decency. He needs, points, a fine, and being struck-off from his position as a "safe taxi driver". Dwayne Hards is advising all residents of West Sussex, and any other areas in which Zoom runs taxis to not use Zoom as their taxi company because they are unsafe, dangerous, and irresponsible, as well being unwilling to punish wrongdoing from their drivers. Zoom is not an #Autism friendly taxi company at all, as well as being unsafe. dangerous, and ignorant because they were aware of Dwayne's worries, and the risk to his passengers from an SEN school, and other road users, ignorance is bliss. Do not choose Zoom, instead, choose another taxi company. If you have any issues in your area, especially community news like this (for example a taxi driver using their phone) then please email, and we will get in touch with you to discuss, and hopefully publish your news report, ideally we would prefer proof, however, this is not a standard LCN requirement, it is instead is an advisory preferred guideline. #Zoom taxi driver's name: Phil. UPDATE: As far as we know, West Sussex County Council have not been notified about this incident. Littlehampton Community News

  • Hundreds of Littlehampton drivers illegally park on grass-verges whilst destroying them #ParkSmart

    Hundreds of #Littlehampon drivers have illegally driven onto grass verges despite the action being a criminal offense in all four #UK nations. Parking on any council-owned grass verge, or any private grass without the landowners permission is an act of criminal damage because section 1 of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 states: 'A person who without lawful excuse destroys, or damages any property belonging to another intending to destroy, or damage any such property, or being reckless as to whether any such property would be destroyed, or damaged shall be guilty of an offence.' #Worthing Borough #Council said: "You should not park, or drive over, a grass verge. We realise that in some areas finding a place to park can be difficult, but parking, or causing damage to grass verges is an offence. The damage caused by vehicles to grass verges, and pavements is expensive to repair. Parking on verges can also be hazardous to pedestrians, and other road users, especially when vehicles obstruct a footpath, or entrance, or park close to a bend, or junction." The council work on grass verges desperately trying to keep them looking as nice as possible, therefor, it is unfair on the council(s) responsible for keeping them looking decent to have a careless driver wreck all of their hard-work. #STOP Drivers are recklessly destroying grass verges, and are running the risk of being criminally prosecuted for multiple driving offenses, and criminal damage to the verges. Parking on a grass verge is also bad for the environment because it wrecks the grass (which is home to many wildlife species), and may release oils into the soil from your car. #ParkSmart Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder/#Leader) said: "Who do these people think they are, the king or something?! Like the gypsies, they just dump their car(s) on a "nice" grass patch, and expect the council to fix the mess that they make, but people complain when the council are one hour late fixing/replanting the grass that they damage. Duh, if you didn't park there, it wouldn't be damaged in the first place, then the council(s) wouldn't need to fix you guys mess. Think morons, think!"

  • Boris Johnson admits to breaking international law

    Boris Johnson called his law-breaking "absolutely vital to prevent the 'break up' of our country". Mr McAllister said: "The British bill was a serious, and unacceptable breach of international law.” This video (shown above) shows a minister admitting that #Boris's #Brexit plans break international #law.

  • Dwayne Hards: 'How to get revenge on a school bully'

    #Bullying comes in many different forms, these may include, but are not limited to: physical/mental, or emotional abuse, or suffering, unprovoked humiliation, making false accusations in a plea to destroy your reputation, blackmailing you, threatening you, stealing from you, or treating you badly, as well as other things. But, did you know that you can actually get some great, simple, and easy revenge on your attacker/bully? Here's how! Take civil, or criminal legal action against your bully, has your bully physically, or emotionally harmed you in any way (e.g. hit/shoved you, or made false accusations against you) if so, you may file a lawsuit against them, however, you may lose the lawsuit, so always ask a trustworthy solicitor before you proceed a legal challenge against them. Grass on them, does your bully do things wrong, if so, then record/collect any evidence of their wrongdoing (including the damages you suffered from them), and write a blog/book, or article with all of the evidence which you have collected to use against them. Even better, you can also advertise the evidence (public humiliation). Ignore them, 99.7% of the time, all bullies want is a reaction from you, if you don't give them the attention they are desperate for, this will annoy them more. Report them, if your bully does something against the 'school rules', report them to the principle, if they do not take action, post the incident online (ideally with proof), depending on your school, they may possibly resolve the issue if their reputation is at stake. Publicly shame them, if you can, schedule them to meet you in ANY crowded public place, and name what they did (even your school's cafeteria), you could film the situation, and post it online if you wish in order to shame the bully. Do not let it effect you, if you are bullied, the bullies bullying you often want you to feel like them (low/down), whereas, if you don't give in, and refuse to feel like them, then they may realise that your no easy target, and may leave you alone. Call the police, if your bully has broken a criminal law, and you cannot afford/are not capable of filing a civil/criminal lawsuit yourself, the police should act on your behalf, and deal with your bully as a criminal, however, quite often, not much actually happens, so be prepared for them just to be 'ticked off'. Be sure to check your countries rules, laws, and legislation, and if you think your bully has broken the law, do not hesitate to report them to the #police in your country. Refuse to help them if they ask, if the bully(s) criticise you for "not helping properly", just walk off, and leave them to do it, they will soon regret it. Do not break the law when dishing out your revenge, if you break the law, you may find yourself in civil, or criminal court because your bully may take action against you regardless of whether you are right, or wrong. Point the facts/truth out, 'always stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone', if you speak the truth, you may become that one person that no-one wants to mess with in fear of being 'outsmarted/roasted', and as a result, you could defend others as well. Respond with humour, if your bully insults you, use a smart comeback, for example, if a bully says "screw you, you are a loner!", say in response, "I know you are", or "don't talk about yourself like that, it's not kind". Stay #positive! Note: This is a guide only, every situation is different, always think carefully about your revenge as if you get it wrong, it could backfire, and make the situation even worse for you. Use common sense, and personal discretion before striking back. Because for example, calling the police may only aggravate the situation, and subject you to even more bullying. Whereas publicly shaming them, or suing them may have a greater impact. Note: You can also email us, and get your story published on our exposed page, and on the front page, have a story? Then email

  • Worthing man assaults police officers after refusing to stop drinking alcohol in a no-alcohol zone

    Paul Hickey had refused to hand-over his alcohol when instructed to do so by enforcement agents, under the 'Public Spaces Protection Order'. When officers from #Sussex #Police had arrived on scene to arrest the man for breaching public order offenses, he then attacked them, said Sussex Police. When the man was being searched, he was also found to be in possession of cannabis, which is a 'class B drug'. Enforcement officers in #Worthing are carrying out high-visibility patrols looking for those whom choose to break the #PSPO, they will also be seizing alcohol from those in breach of the PSPO. PC Shane Meech said; “We continue to patrol the town centre to address any issues of ASB, or disorder. As we know, a small minority of people can cause concern within the local community, which is unacceptable. We ask members of the public to keep reporting any ASB, and disorder within the town to us, either online, or by calling 101.” The arrest took place during 'Operation Mantle', this operation intends to crackdown on those whom drink alcohol, and commit public/antisocial breaches in the Worthing #Town Centre. #OperationMantle Paul Hickey has been sent to prison for 24 weeks. Paul also attempted to make off from police officers.

  • Investigation proceeds after Littlehampton man injured

    An investigation is being carried out by #Sussex #Police after a man had been airlifted to hospital on #May, 23rd, 2021, in the afternoon. Police, and an air ambulance had attended Linden Road, #Littlehampton after a man had suffered injuries to both his head, and shoulders. Sussex Police said the man is currently being treated in hospital. His injuries were reported as non-life changing, and not life-threatening. Currently, no arrests have been made, however, police said that an investigation is proceeding in order to establish the full-circumstances of this incident. A number of police, ambulance, and armed response units were in attendance to the incident.

  • Dwayne Hards calls Derbyshire Police totalitarian, thieves, and petty after 7 e-scooters 'stolen'

    #Derbyshire #Police have been criticised by Dwayne Hards after "stealing" 7 e-scooters off of #Derby's streets. Dwayne Hards said: "Derby Police have acted in an authoritarian, and totalitarian manor. Stealing e-scooters off of our streets is petty, and unjustified, as well as being unacceptable. If it were me, I would wear a crash helmet, and a coloured jacket (so I am untraceable), then I would carry one, and ignore the 'feds'. This is turning into a '#Nazi Police State'. Enforcing void "laws"/"rules", and enforcing whatever tory-laws are thrown at them. The police must refuse to enforce them, unless they have a genuine purpose (e.g.) assault. This is theft under international law." Derbyshire Police said: "While you can use an e-scooter that is provided by the local authority as part of a government backed pilot, one of which is currently running in Derby, but any other user is running the risk of having their scooter seized."

  • UK: Can a minor legally view a 12, 15, or 18 rated movie?

    In the United Kingdom (#UK), there is no specific #law that states that "it is illegal to 'view' a movie underage", cinemas however under civil contracts/licencing laws CANNOT allow a minor to view a movie underage. In a private setting (e.g. any home) movie ratings are 'advisory', however, some believe that allowing a minor to view an 'underage movie' in some circumstances could be seen as "unfit, or irresponsible parenting". In a cinema, a minor, or the parents are in no breach of the law viewing a movie 'underage'. It is the cinema whom would be in breach of licensing laws, and civil contacts, and as a result, they may get sued. At most, this would be a civil case, not a criminal prosecution against the cinema. Organisations could sanction a cinema for showing minors 'underage films', providing that the sanctions were legal, and met international/domestic law/legislation. Personal discretion should be used. Morality is different from the law. If you are unsure about a certain situation, please contact a solicitor, as #LCN are not legal advisors. This is a guide only, as laws change all the time.

  • What to do if a parent hits you

    A form of punishment used by a few parents is "corporal punishment". What is corporal punishment? Corporal punishment is when someone inflicts pain upon another person/living thing as a way of punishing them, or "keeping their behaviour in check". Corporal punishment is a form of domestic abuse, and is assault, common assault, child abuse, domestic assault/abuse, (potentially) battery, and also illegal, as well as being morally wrong. If a parent/anyone 'assaults' you, then the first priority is your safety. You should keep calm, lock yourself in a room, and hide if you cannot escape, then, you should call 999/112, and ask for the #police. It is vital that your abuser does not know that you are going to/have called the police because safety comes first. When reporting assault, you should be in a safe place, and be hidden from your #abuser, here are some examples: a neighbours house, locked in a secured room, in a hedge (quite, and hidden), in a busy/crowded public place, or around other people. Anywhere that is deemed as 'safe'. No-one has the right to put their hands on your body in an abusive way, and it is crucial to phone the police, and report the incident (each one separately) because domestic abuse is a crime. You should: Phone 999/112 Talk to someone Sue the abuser Press charges Stay safe If the incident is not an emergency, please call your non-emergency police number so that you do not hold up an emergency line, however, if you feel at risk it is crucial to trust your instinct. After all, it is better safe than sorry. If you do not report the abuse, then your abuser will be let off the hook for causing you to suffer from totally unacceptable abuse. "No abuser should be allowed to walk free, they should be locked up", said Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder). If your parent "does not intend to injure you", and causes "accidental injuries", then what should you do? The exact same! #Abuse is abuse.

  • Strong wind attacks Littlehampton

    Robust winds have wrecked #Littlehampton, and have damaged gardens, blown trees over, and caused street lights to move viciously. The #B2036 has been temporarily closed both sides amid such strong wind, the #A281, #Woodmancote is also blocked, according to road traffic reports. Other roads have also been closed temporarily closed until the weather calms down, and is safer. Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder) had reported that his "hard-work" garden/plants had been 'wrecked' amid the strong winds/weather. Dwayne Hards said: "My mini greenhouse has been battered, and had went flying across my garden, causing most of my plants to die, and fall out of their pots. I work very hard in my garden, and it makes me angry to see all my hard work being destroyed." Trees have blown over, and street lamps have blown viciously side to side. DH added: "When I was walking to #Lidl, Littlehampton, I actually felt as if there were a hurricane approaching amid the strong-whistling winds. If anyone has any more information, or has had anything of theirs damaged, please do not hesitate to contact Littlehampton #Community #News. Please email

  • A27 lane shut after lorry breaks down

    One lane on the #A27 has been temporarily closed by #Sussex #Police after a lorry had broken down. Sussex Police had attended the incident on the westbound carriageway, near #Crossbush. Police said: "One lane was closed, and traffic was queuing as a result." Sussex Police wanted the lane opened as soon as was possible.

  • Dwayne Hards slams Piers Corbyn after hateful royal family comment 'it is pure evil, and disgusting'

    Dwayne Hards is feeling 'disgusted' after Piers Corbyn made a comment stating "F&!# the Royal Family I Hate them!". Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder) said "I am absolutely appalled, disgusted, disappointed, and angry after Piers Corbyn made such a disrespectful, and hateful comment against the Great #Royal Family. I believe that Piers needs to grow up, and pay the price for making this pure disgusting comment in his #Twitter bio. It is absolutely disgusting, GROW UP PIERS!". Dwayne Hards called Piers an 'idiot' after making the comment against the entire #Royal Family. DH added: "Piers Corbyn is just another stupid conspiracy theorist, and believes that people should be left to die with #Covid19, and whilst I may be against the current totalitarianism, I do not believe that people should not be vaccinated, safe, or made to quarantine when travelling to, and from Great #Britain. I am against human rights violations, not vaccinations, and quarantining after travel, however, selfish Piers is against safety, and only cares about himself. Piers is a selfish criminal whom offers "anti-Covid vaccines"".

  • Stephenson Academy SEN students design ravishing paintings

    #SEN pupils from both Bridge Academies, and Stephenson Academy have created ravishing paintings. Stephenson, and Bridge Academy(s) pupils have created ravishing artwork, both academies wanted to thank the #NHS. A majority of Stephenson students have coloured in a heart, and chose the colour(s) to create a ravishing rainbow for the NHS. The ravishing work has been directed by two #GCSE students, and three teachers Megan Miles, Dawn Jeyright, and Kelly Blyth, all are from #StephensonAcademy. The art work can be viewed from behind Stephenson Academy's one-way entry gate at 80 Crosslands, #Stantonbury, Milton Keynes. #MK #MiltonKeynes #UK #BridgeAcademy #School Stephenson/Bridge Academy(s) have been open fully amid the #Coronavirus #pandemic. Dwayne Hards said: "As a former Stephenson student, I am proud of the progress that my 'school' is/has made, and I wish all the best to my friends, and teachers at Stephenson #Academy." Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder) added: "SEN pupils at Stephenson Academy have designed absolutely wonderful paintings! People with autism are intelligent, unique, and artistic in their own ways." LCN

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